ActivateLicensesModal = require 'views/courses/ActivateLicensesModal' Classrooms = require 'collections/Classrooms' Courses = require 'collections/Courses' Levels = require 'collections/Levels' Prepaids = require 'collections/Prepaids' Users = require 'collections/Users' forms = require 'core/forms' factories = require 'test/app/factories' # Needs some fixing describe 'ActivateLicensesModal', -> beforeEach (done) -> @members = new Users(_.times(4, (i) -> factories.makeUser())) @classrooms = new Classrooms([ factories.makeClassroom({}, { @members }) factories.makeClassroom() ]) selectedUsers = new Users(@members.slice(0,3)) options = _.extend({}, { classroom: @classrooms.first(), @classrooms, users: @members, selectedUsers }, options) @modal = new ActivateLicensesModal(options) @prepaidThatExpiresSooner = factories.makePrepaid({maxRedeemers: 1, endDate: moment().add(1, 'month').toISOString()}) @prepaidThatExpiresLater = factories.makePrepaid({maxRedeemers: 1, endDate: moment().add(2, 'months').toISOString()}) prepaids = new Prepaids([ # empty factories.makePrepaid({maxRedeemers: 0, endDate: moment().add(1, 'day').toISOString()}) # expired factories.makePrepaid({maxRedeemers: 10, endDate: moment().subtract(1, 'day').toISOString()}) # pending factories.makePrepaid({ maxRedeemers: 100 startDate: moment().add(1, 'month').toISOString() endDate: moment().add(2, 'months').toISOString() }) # these should be used @prepaidThatExpiresSooner @prepaidThatExpiresLater ]) @modal.prepaids.fakeRequests[0].respondWith({ status: 200, responseText: prepaids.stringify() }) @modal.classrooms.fakeRequests[0].respondWith({ status: 200 responseText: @classrooms.stringify() }) @modal.classrooms.first().users.fakeRequests[0].respondWith({ status: 200 responseText: @members.stringify() }) jasmine.demoModal(@modal) _.defer done describe 'the class dropdown', -> it 'contains an All Students option', -> expect(@modal.$('select option:last-child').data('i18n')).toBe('teacher.all_students') it 'displays the current classname', -> expect(@modal.$('option:selected').html()).toBe(@classrooms.first().get('name')) it 'contains all of the teacher\'s classes', -> expect(@modal.$('select option').length).toBe(3) # including 'All Students' options describe 'the checklist of students', -> it 'should separate the unenrolled from the enrolled students' it 'should have a checkmark by the selected students' it 'should display all the students' describe 'the credits availble count', -> it 'should match the number of unused prepaids', -> expect(@modal.$('#total-available').html()).toBe('2') describe 'the Enroll button', -> it 'should show the number of selected students', -> expect(@modal.$('#total-selected-span').html()).toBe('3') it 'should fire off one request when clicked' describe 'when the teacher has enough licenses', -> beforeEach -> selected = @modal.state.get('selectedUsers') selected.remove(selected.first()) it 'should be enabled', -> expect(@modal.$('#activate-licenses-btn').hasClass('disabled')).toBe(false) describe 'when clicked', -> beforeEach -> @modal.$('form').submit() it 'enrolls the selected students with the soonest-to-expire, available prepaid', -> request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent() if request.url.indexOf( is -1 fail('The first prepaid should be the prepaid that expires sooner') request.respondWith({ status: 200, responseText: '{ "redeemers": [{}] }' }) request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent() if request.url.indexOf( is -1 fail('The second prepaid should be the prepaid that expires later') describe 'when the teacher doesn\'t have enough licenses', -> it 'should be disabled', -> expect(@modal.$('#activate-licenses-btn').hasClass('disabled')).toBe(true) describe 'the Purchase More button', -> it 'should redirect to the license purchasing page' # # describe 'enroll button', -> # beforeEach (done) -> # makeModal.bind(this)(done) # # it 'should display the correct total number of credits', -> # expect(@modal.$('#total-available').html()).toBe('2') # # it 'should be disabled when teacher doesn\'t have enough licenses', -> # expect(@modal.$('#total-available').html()).toBe('2') # # # # describe 'when enrolling only a single student', -> # describe 'the list of students', -> # it 'should only have the one student selected' # # describe 'when bulk-enrolling students', -> # describe 'the list of students', -> # it 'should have the right students selected' # # describe 'selecting more students', -> # it 'should increase the student counter'