require '../common' User = require '../../../server/models/User' Article = require '../../../server/models/Article' Patch = require '../../../server/models/Patch' request = require '../request' utils = require '../utils' co = require 'co' Promise = require 'bluebird' makeArticle = utils.wrap (done) -> @creator = yield utils.initAdmin() yield utils.loginUser(@creator) @article = yield utils.makeArticle() @json = { commitMessage: 'Accept this patch!' delta: { name: ['test'] } target: id: collection: 'article' } @url = utils.getURL('/db/patch') @user = yield utils.initUser() yield utils.loginUser(@user) done() describe 'POST /db/patch', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User, Patch, Article]) done() beforeEach makeArticle it 'allows someone to submit a patch to something they don\'t control', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { @url, @json } expect(res.statusCode).toBe(201) expect('original').toString()) expect( expect( expect(body.status).toBe('pending') expect(body.created).toBeDefined() expect(body.creator).toBe( done() it 'adds a patch to the target document', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { @url, @json } article = yield Article.findById( expect(article.get('patches').length).toBe(1) done() it 'is always based on the latest document', utils.wrap (done) -> = {i18n: [{de: {name:'German translation'}}]} [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { @url, @json } expect(res.statusCode).toBe(201) expect(res.body.status).toBe('accepted') [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { @url, @json } expect(res.statusCode).toBe(422) # should be a no-change done() it 'shows up in patch requests', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { @url, @json } patchID = res.body._id url = utils.getURL("/db/article/#{}/patches") [res, body] = yield request.getAsync { url, json: true } expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.length).toBe(1) expect(body[0]._id).toBe(patchID) done() it 'accepts all patchable collections', utils.wrap (done) -> admin = yield utils.initAdmin() yield utils.loginUser(admin) targets = [ { collection: 'achievement', modelPromise: utils.makeAchievement() } { collection: 'article', modelPromise: utils.makeArticle() } { collection: 'campaign', modelPromise: utils.makeCampaign() } { collection: 'course', modelPromise: utils.makeCourse() } { collection: 'level', modelPromise: utils.makeLevel() } { collection: 'level_component', modelPromise: utils.makeLevelComponent() } { collection: 'level_system', modelPromise: utils.makeLevelSystem() } { collection: 'poll', modelPromise: utils.makePoll() } { collection: 'thang_type', modelPromise: utils.makeThangType() } ] # concisely test everything in parallel promises = => co => model = yield target.modelPromise json = { commitMessage: 'Accept this patch!' delta: { name: ['test'] } target: id: collection: target.collection } [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { @url, json } expect(res.statusCode).toBe(201) ) yield promises count = yield Patch.count() expect(count).toBe(targets.length) # make sure all patches got created done() describe 'PUT /db/:collection/:handle/watch', -> beforeEach makeArticle it 'adds the user to the list of watchers idempotently when body is {on: true}', utils.wrap (done) -> url = getURL("/db/article/#{}/watch") [res, body] = yield request.putAsync({url, json: {on: true}}) expect(body.watchers[1]).toBeDefined() expect(_.last(body.watchers)).toBe( previousWatchers = body.watchers [res, body] = yield request.putAsync({url, json: {on: true}}) expect(_.isEqual(previousWatchers, body.watchers)).toBe(true) done() it 'removes user from the list of watchers when body is {on: false}', utils.wrap (done) -> url = getURL("/db/article/#{}/watch") [res, body] = yield request.putAsync({url, json: {on: true}}) expect(_.contains(body.watchers, [res, body] = yield request.putAsync({url, json: {on: false}}) expect(_.contains(body.watchers, done() describe 'PUT /db/patch/:handle/status', -> beforeEach makeArticle beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync { url: utils.getURL('/db/patch'), @json } @patchID = body._id @url = utils.getURL("/db/patch/#{@patchID}/status") done() it 'withdraws the submitter\'s patch', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'withdrawn'}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.status).toBe('withdrawn') yield new Promise((resolve) -> setTimeout(resolve, 50)) article = yield Article.findById( expect(article.get('patches').length).toBe(0) done() it 'does not allow the submitter to reject or accept the pull request', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'rejected'}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'accepted'}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) patch = yield Patch.findById(@patchID) expect(patch.get('status')).toBe('pending') done() it 'allows the recipient to accept or reject the pull request', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@creator) [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'rejected'}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) patch = yield Patch.findById(@patchID) expect(patch.get('status')).toBe 'rejected' [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'accepted'}} expect(body.status).toBe('accepted') expect(body.acceptor).toBe( done() it 'keeps track of amount of submitted and accepted patches', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@creator) [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'accepted'}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) yield new Promise((resolve) -> setTimeout(resolve, 100)) user = yield User.findById( expect(user.get 'stats.patchesSubmitted').toBe 1 expect(user.get 'stats.patchesContributed').toBe 1 expect(user.get 'stats.totalMiscPatches').toBe 1 expect(user.get 'stats.articleMiscPatches').toBe 1 expect(user.get 'stats.totalTranslationPatches').toBeUndefined() done() it 'does not allow the recipient to withdraw the pull request', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@creator) [res, body] = yield request.putAsync {@url, json: {status: 'withdrawn'}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) done() it 'only allows artisans and admins to set patch status for courses', utils.wrap (done) -> submitter = yield utils.initUser() course = yield utils.makeCourse() patch = new Patch({ delta: { name: 'test' } target: { collection: 'course', id: course._id, original: course._id } creator: submitter._id status: 'pending' commitMessage: '...' }) yield anotherUser = yield utils.initUser() yield utils.loginUser(anotherUser) json = { status: 'rejected' } [res, body] = yield request.putAsync({ url: utils.getURL("/db/patch/#{}/status"), json}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) done()