Course = require 'models/Course' Level = require 'models/Level' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' CourseVictoryModal = require 'views/play/level/modal/CourseVictoryModal' ProgressView = require 'views/play/level/modal/ProgressView' factories = require 'test/app/factories' describe 'CourseVictoryModal', -> beforeEach -> me.clear() it 'will eventually be the only victory modal' makeViewOptions = -> level = factories.makeLevel() course = factories.makeCourse() courseInstance = factories.makeCourseInstance() { course: factories.makeCourse() level: level session: factories.makeLevelSession({ state: { complete: true } }, { level }) nextLevel: factories.makeLevel() courseInstanceID: courseID: } nextLevelRequest = null handleRequests = (modal) -> requests = jasmine.Ajax.requests.all() modal.levelSessions.fakeRequests[0].respondWith({ status: 200, responseText: '[]' }) modal.classroom.fakeRequests[0].respondWith({ status: 200, responseText: factories.makeClassroom().stringify() }) if me.fakeRequests lastRequest = _.last(me.fakeRequests) if not lastRequest.response lastRequest.respondWith({ status: 200, responseText: factories.makeUser().stringify() }) nextLevelRequest = modal.nextLevel.fakeRequests[0] describe 'given a course level with a next level and no item or hero rewards', -> modal = null beforeEach (done) -> options = makeViewOptions() modal = new CourseVictoryModal(options) handleRequests(modal) nextLevelRequest.respondWith({status: 200, responseText: factories.makeLevel().stringify()}) _.defer done it 'only shows the ProgressView', -> expect(_.size(modal.views)).toBe(1) expect(modal.views[0] instanceof ProgressView).toBe(true) it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoModal(modal) describe 'its ProgressView', -> it 'has a next level button which navigates to the next level on click', -> spyOn(application.router, 'navigate') button = modal.$el.find('#next-level-btn') expect(button.length).toBe(1) expect(application.router.navigate).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'has two columns', -> expect(modal.$('.row:first .col-sm-12').length).toBe(0) expect(modal.$('.row:first .col-sm-5').length).toBe(1) expect(modal.$('.row:first .col-sm-7').length).toBe(1) describe 'given a course level without a next level', -> modal = null beforeEach (done) -> options = makeViewOptions() # make the level not have a next level level = options.level level.unset('nextLevel') delete options.nextLevel modal = new CourseVictoryModal(options) handleRequests(modal) nextLevelRequest.respondWith({status: 404, responseText: '{}'}) _.defer done describe 'its ProgressView', -> it 'has a single large column, since there is no next level to display', -> expect(modal.$('.row:first .col-sm-12').length).toBe(1) expect(modal.$('.row:first .col-sm-5').length).toBe(0) expect(modal.$('.row:first .col-sm-7').length).toBe(0) it 'has a done button which navigates to the CourseDetailsView for the given course instance', -> spyOn(application.router, 'navigate') button = modal.$el.find('#done-btn') expect(button.length).toBe(1) expect(application.router.navigate).toHaveBeenCalled() it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoModal(modal)