app = require 'core/application' AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal' RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/clans/clans' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' Clan = require 'models/Clan' # TODO: Waiting for async messages # TODO: Invalid clan name message # TODO: Refresh data instead of page module.exports = class MainAdminView extends RootView id: 'clans-view' template: template events: 'click .create-clan-btn': 'onClickCreateClan' 'click .join-clan-btn': 'onJoinClan' 'click .leave-clan-btn': 'onLeaveClan' constructor: (options) -> super options @initData() destroy: -> @stopListening?() getRenderData: -> context = super() context.idNameMap = @idNameMap context.publicClans = @publicClans.models context.myClans = @myClans.models context.myClanIDs = me.get('clans') ? [] context initData: -> @idNameMap = {} sortClanList = (a, b) -> if a.get('members').length isnt b.get('members').length if a.get('members').length < b.get('members').length then 1 else -1 else @publicClans = new CocoCollection([], { url: '/db/clan/-/public', model: Clan, comparator: sortClanList }) @listenTo @publicClans, 'sync', => @refreshNames @publicClans.models @render?() @supermodel.loadCollection(@publicClans, 'public_clans', {cache: false}) @myClans = new CocoCollection([], { url: '/db/user/-/clans', model: Clan, comparator: sortClanList }) @listenTo @myClans, 'sync', => @refreshNames @myClans.models @render?() @supermodel.loadCollection(@myClans, 'my_clans', {cache: false}) @listenTo me, 'sync', => @render?() refreshNames: (clans) -> options = url: '/db/user/-/names' method: 'POST' data: {ids:, (clan) -> clan.get('ownerID'))} success: (models, response, options) => @idNameMap[userID] = models[userID].name for userID of models @render?() @supermodel.addRequestResource('user_names', options, 0).load() onClickCreateClan: (e) -> return @openModalView(new AuthModal()) if me.isAnonymous() if name = $('.create-clan-name').val() clan = new Clan() clan.set 'type', 'public' clan.set 'name', name clan.set 'description', description if description = $('.create-clan-description').val() {}, error: (model, response, options) => console.error 'Error saving clan', response.status success: (model, response, options) => app.router.navigate "/clans/#{}" window.location.reload() else console.log 'Invalid name' onJoinClan: (e) -> return @openModalView(new AuthModal()) if me.isAnonymous() if clanID = $('id') options = url: "/db/clan/#{clanID}/join" method: 'PUT' error: (model, response, options) => console.error 'Error joining clan', response success: (model, response, options) => app.router.navigate "/clans/#{clanID}" window.location.reload() @supermodel.addRequestResource( 'join_clan', options).load() else console.error "No clan ID attached to join button." onLeaveClan: (e) -> if clanID = $('id') options = url: "/db/clan/#{clanID}/leave" method: 'PUT' error: (model, response, options) => console.error 'Error leaving clan', response success: (model, response, options) => me.fetch cache: false @publicClans.fetch cache: false @myClans.fetch cache: false @supermodel.addRequestResource( 'leave_clan', options).load() else console.error "No clan ID attached to leave button."