require '../common' User = require '../../../server/models/User' utils = require '../utils' _ = require 'lodash' Promise = require 'bluebird' nock = require 'nock' request = require '../request' sendwithus = require '../../../server/sendwithus' urlLogin = getURL('/auth/login') urlReset = getURL('/auth/reset') describe 'GET /auth/whoami', -> it 'returns 200', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.getAsync(getURL('/auth/whoami')) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() describe 'POST /auth/login', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) yield utils.becomeAnonymous() done() it 'allows logging in by iosIdentifierForVendor', utils.wrap (done) -> user = yield utils.initUser({ 'iosIdentifierForVendor': '012345678901234567890123456789012345' 'password': '12345' }) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '012345678901234567890123456789012345' password: '12345' }}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() it 'returns 401 when the user does not exist', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '' password: '12345' }}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(401) done() it 'returns 200 when the user does exist', utils.wrap (done) -> user = yield utils.initUser({ 'email': '' 'password': '12345' }) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '' password: '12345' }}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() it 'rejects wrong passwords', utils.wrap (done) -> user = yield utils.initUser({ 'email': '' 'password': '12345' }) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '' password: '12346' }}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(401) done() it 'is completely case insensitive', utils.wrap (done) -> user = yield utils.initUser({ 'email': '' 'password': 'AbCdE' }) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '' password: 'aBcDe' }}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() describe 'POST /auth/reset', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) @user = yield utils.initUser({ 'email': '' 'password': '12345' }) done() it 'returns 422 if no email is included', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync( {uri: urlReset, json: {username: ''}} ) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(422) done() it 'returns 404 if account not found', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync( {uri: urlReset, json: {email: ''}} ) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(404) done() it 'resets the user password', utils.wrap (done) -> spyOn(sendwithus.api, 'send') [res, body] = yield request.postAsync( {uri: urlReset, json: {email: ''}} ) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(sendwithus.api.send).toHaveBeenCalled() user = yield User.findById( passwordReset = user.get('passwordReset') expect(passwordReset).toBeTruthy() [res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '' password: passwordReset }}) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() # TODO: Finish refactoring the rest of these old tests it 'resetting password is not idempotent', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync( {uri: urlReset, json: {email: ''}} ) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) user = yield User.findById( passwordReset = user.get('passwordReset') expect(passwordReset).toBeTruthy() postArgs = {uri: urlLogin, json: { username: '' password: passwordReset }} [res, body] = yield request.postAsync(postArgs) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync(postArgs) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(401) done() describe 'GET /auth/unsubscribe', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) done() it 'removes just recruitment emails if you include ?recruitNotes=1', utils.wrap (done) -> user = yield utils.initUser() url = getURL('/auth/unsubscribe?recruitNotes=1&email='+user.get('email')) [res, body] = yield request.getAsync(url) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) user = yield User.findOne(user._id) expect(user.get('emails').recruitNotes.enabled).toBe(false) expect(user.isEmailSubscriptionEnabled('generalNews')).toBeTruthy() done() describe 'GET /auth/name', -> url = '/auth/name' beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) done() it 'returns 422 if no name is provided', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.getAsync {url: getURL(url + '/'), json: true} expect(res.statusCode).toBe 422 done() it 'returns the name given if there is no conflict', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.getAsync {url: getURL(url + '/Gandalf'), json: {}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe 200 expect( 'Gandalf' done() it 'returns a new name in case of conflict', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.initUser({name: 'joe'}) [res, body] = yield request.getAsync {url: getURL(url + '/joe'), json: {}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe 409 expect( 'joe' expect(/joe[0-9]/.test( done() describe 'POST /auth/login-facebook', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) done() afterEach -> nock.cleanAll() url = getURL('/auth/login-facebook') it 'takes facebookID and facebookAccessToken and logs the user in', utils.wrap (done) -> nock('').get('/me').query({access_token: 'abcd'}).reply(200, { id: '1234' }) yield new User({name: 'someone', facebookID: '1234'}).save() [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url, { json: { facebookID: '1234', facebookAccessToken: 'abcd' }} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() it 'returns 422 if no token or id is provided', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url expect(res.statusCode).toBe(422) done() it 'returns 422 if the token is invalid', utils.wrap (done) -> nock('').get('/me').query({access_token: 'abcd'}).reply(400, {}) yield new User({name: 'someone', facebookID: '1234'}).save() [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url, { json: { facebookID: '1234', facebookAccessToken: 'abcd' }} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(422) done() it 'returns 404 if the user does not already exist', utils.wrap (done) -> nock('').get('/me').query({access_token: 'abcd'}).reply(200, { id: '1234' }) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url, { json: { facebookID: '1234', facebookAccessToken: 'abcd' }} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(404) done() describe 'POST /auth/login-gplus', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) done() afterEach -> nock.cleanAll() url = getURL('/auth/login-gplus') it 'takes gplusID and gplusAccessToken and logs the user in', utils.wrap (done) -> nock('').get('/oauth2/v2/userinfo').query({access_token: 'abcd'}).reply(200, { id: '1234' }) yield new User({name: 'someone', gplusID: '1234'}).save() [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url, { json: { gplusID: '1234', gplusAccessToken: 'abcd' }} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() it 'returns 422 if no token or id is provided', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url expect(res.statusCode).toBe(422) done() it 'returns 422 if the token is invalid', utils.wrap (done) -> nock('').get('/oauth2/v2/userinfo').query({access_token: 'abcd'}).reply(400, {}) yield new User({name: 'someone', gplusID: '1234'}).save() [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url, { json: { gplusID: '1234', gplusAccessToken: 'abcd' }} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(422) done() it 'returns 404 if the user does not already exist', utils.wrap (done) -> nock('').get('/oauth2/v2/userinfo').query({access_token: 'abcd'}).reply(200, { id: '1234' }) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync url, { json: { gplusID: '1234', gplusAccessToken: 'abcd' }} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(404) done() describe 'POST /auth/spy', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) @admin = yield utils.initAdmin() @user1 = yield utils.initUser({name: 'Test User 1'}) @user2 = yield utils.initUser({name: 'Test User 2'}) done() it 'logs in an admin as an arbitrary user', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@admin) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/spy'), json: {user:}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body._id).toBe( [res, body] = yield request.getAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/whoami'), json: true} expect(body._id).toBe( done() it 'accepts the user\'s email as input', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@admin) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/spy'), json: {user: @user1.get('email')}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body._id).toBe( done() it 'accepts the user\'s username as input', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@admin) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/spy'), json: {user: @user1.get('name')}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body._id).toBe( done() it 'does not work for anonymous users', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/spy'), json: {user: @user1.get('name')}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(401) done() it 'does not work for non-admins', utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.loginUser(@user1) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/spy'), json: {user: @user1.get('name')}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) done() describe 'POST /auth/stop-spying', -> beforeEach utils.wrap (done) -> yield utils.clearModels([User]) @admin = yield utils.initAdmin() @user = yield utils.initUser() yield utils.loginUser(@admin) [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/spy'), json: {user:}} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) done() it 'it reverts the spying user back to the admin', utils.wrap (done) -> [res, body] = yield request.getAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/whoami'), json: true} expect(body._id).toBe( [res, body] = yield request.postAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/stop-spying'), json: true} expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body._id).toBe( [res, body] = yield request.getAsync {uri: getURL('/auth/whoami'), json: true} expect(body._id).toBe( done()