express = require 'express' path = require 'path' authentication = require 'passport' useragent = require 'express-useragent' fs = require 'graceful-fs' log = require 'winston' compressible = require 'compressible' geoip = require 'geoip-lite' database = require './server/commons/database' perfmon = require './server/commons/perfmon' baseRoute = require './server/routes/base' user = require './server/handlers/user_handler' logging = require './server/commons/logging' config = require './server_config' auth = require './server/commons/auth' routes = require './server/routes' UserHandler = require './server/handlers/user_handler' slack = require './server/slack' Mandate = require './server/models/Mandate' global.tv4 = require 'tv4' # required for TreemaUtils to work global.jsondiffpatch = require 'jsondiffpatch' global.stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey) errors = require './server/commons/errors' request = require 'request' Promise = require 'bluebird' Promise.promisifyAll(request, {multiArgs: true}) productionLogging = (tokens, req, res) -> status = res.statusCode color = 32 if status >= 500 then color = 31 else if status >= 400 then color = 33 else if status >= 300 then color = 36 elapsed = (new Date()) - req._startTime elapsedColor = if elapsed < 500 then 90 else 31 return null if status is 404 and /\/feedback/.test req.originalUrl # We know that these usually 404 by design (bad design?) if (status isnt 200 and status isnt 201 and status isnt 204 and status isnt 304 and status isnt 302) or elapsed > 500 return "\x1b[90m#{req.method} #{req.originalUrl} \x1b[#{color}m#{res.statusCode} \x1b[#{elapsedColor}m#{elapsed}ms\x1b[0m" null developmentLogging = (tokens, req, res) -> status = res.statusCode color = 32 if status >= 500 then color = 31 else if status >= 400 then color = 33 else if status >= 300 then color = 36 elapsed = (new Date()) - req._startTime elapsedColor = if elapsed < 500 then 90 else 31 s = "\x1b[90m#{req.method} #{req.originalUrl} \x1b[#{color}m#{res.statusCode} \x1b[#{elapsedColor}m#{elapsed}ms\x1b[0m" s += ' (proxied)' if req.proxied return s setupDomainFilterMiddleware = (app) -> if config.isProduction unsafePaths = [ /^\/web-dev-iframe\.html$/ /^\/javascripts\/web-dev-listener\.js$/ ] app.use (req, res, next) -> domainRegex = new RegExp("(.*\.)?(#{config.mainHostname}|#{config.unsafeContentHostname})") domainPrefix =[1] or '' if _.any(unsafePaths, (pathRegex) -> pathRegex.test(req.path)) and ( isnt domainPrefix + config.unsafeContentHostname) res.redirect('//' + domainPrefix + config.unsafeContentHostname + req.path) else if not _.any(unsafePaths, (pathRegex) -> pathRegex.test(req.path)) and is domainPrefix + config.unsafeContentHostname res.redirect('//' + domainPrefix + config.mainHostname + req.path) else next() setupErrorMiddleware = (app) -> app.use (err, req, res, next) -> if err if is 'MongoError' and err.code is 11000 err = new errors.Conflict('MongoDB conflict error.') if err.code is 422 and err.response err = new errors.UnprocessableEntity(err.response) if err.code is 409 and err.response err = new errors.Conflict(err.response) # TODO: Make all errors use this if err instanceof errors.NetworkError return res.status(err.code).send(err.toJSON()) if err.status and 400 <= err.status < 500 res.status(err.status).send("Error #{err.status}") return res.status(err.status ? 500).send(error: "Something went wrong!") message = "Express error: #{req.method} #{req.path}: #{err.message}" log.error "#{message}, stack: #{err.stack}" if global.testing console.log "#{message}, stack: #{err.stack}" slack.sendSlackMessage(message, ['ops'], {papertrail: true}) else next(err) setupExpressMiddleware = (app) -> if config.isProduction express.logger.format('prod', productionLogging) app.use(express.logger('prod')) app.use express.compress filter: (req, res) -> return false if is '' # CloudFlare will gzip it for us on compressible res.getHeader('Content-Type') else if not global.testing express.logger.format('dev', developmentLogging) app.use(express.logger('dev')) app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'), maxAge: 0)) # CloudFlare overrides maxAge, and we don't want local development caching. setupProxyMiddleware app # TODO: Flatten setup into one function. This doesn't fit its function name. app.use(express.favicon()) app.use(express.cookieParser()) app.use(express.bodyParser()) app.use(express.methodOverride()) app.use(express.cookieSession({ key:'codecombat.sess' secret:config.cookie_secret })) setupPassportMiddleware = (app) -> app.use(authentication.initialize()) if config.picoCTF app.use authentication.authenticate('local', failureRedirect: config.picoCTF_login_URL) require('./server/lib/picoctf').init app else app.use(authentication.session()) auth.setup() setupCountryRedirectMiddleware = (app, country="china", countryCode="CN", languageCode="zh", host="") -> shouldRedirectToCountryServer = (req) -> speaksLanguage = _.any req.acceptedLanguages, (language) -> language.indexOf languageCode isnt -1 #Work around express 3.0 reqHost = req.hostname reqHost ?= unless reqHost.toLowerCase() is host ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] or req.ip or req.connection.remoteAddress ip = ip?.split(/,? /)[0] if ip? # If there are two IP addresses, say because of CloudFlare, we just take the first. geo = geoip.lookup(ip) #if speaksLanguage or geo?.country is countryCode #"Should we redirect to #{serverID} server? speaksLanguage: #{speaksLanguage}, acceptedLanguages: #{req.acceptedLanguages}, ip: #{ip}, geo: #{geo} -- so redirecting? #{geo?.country is 'CN' and speaksLanguage}") return geo?.country is countryCode and speaksLanguage else"We are on #{serverID} server. speaksLanguage: #{speaksLanguage}, acceptedLanguages: #{req.acceptedLanguages[0]}") = country if speaksLanguage return false # If the user is already redirected, don't redirect them! app.use (req, res, next) -> if shouldRedirectToCountryServer req res.writeHead 302, "Location": 'http://' + host + req.url res.end() else next() setupOneSecondDelayMiddleware = (app) -> if(config.slow_down) app.use((req, res, next) -> setTimeout((-> next()), 1000)) setupMiddlewareToSendOldBrowserWarningWhenPlayersViewLevelDirectly = (app) -> isOldBrowser = (req) -> # return false unless ua = req.useragent return true if ua.isiPad or ua.isiPod or ua.isiPhone or ua.isOpera return false unless ua and ua.Browser in ['Chrome', 'Safari', 'Firefox', 'IE'] and ua.Version b = ua.Browser try v = parseInt ua.Version.split('.')[0], 10 catch TypeError log.error('ua.Version does not have a split function.', JSON.stringify(ua, null, ' ')) return false return true if b is 'Chrome' and v < 17 return true if b is 'Safari' and v < 6 return true if b is 'Firefox' and v < 21 return true if b is 'IE' and v < 11 false app.use('/play/', app.use '/play/', (req, res, next) -> return next() if req.query['try-old-browser-anyway'] or not isOldBrowser req res.sendfile(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'index_old_browser.html')) setupRedirectMiddleware = (app) -> app.all '/account/profile/*', (req, res, next) -> nameOrID = req.path.split('/')[3] res.redirect 301, "/user/#{nameOrID}/profile" setupPerfMonMiddleware = (app) -> app.use perfmon.middleware exports.setupMiddleware = (app) -> setupPerfMonMiddleware app setupDomainFilterMiddleware app setupCountryRedirectMiddleware app, "china", "CN", "zh", config.chinaDomain setupCountryRedirectMiddleware app, "brazil", "BR", "pt-BR", config.brazilDomain setupMiddlewareToSendOldBrowserWarningWhenPlayersViewLevelDirectly app setupExpressMiddleware app setupPassportMiddleware app setupOneSecondDelayMiddleware app setupRedirectMiddleware app setupAjaxCaching app setupErrorMiddleware app setupJavascript404s app ###Routing function implementations### setupAjaxCaching = (app) -> # IE/Edge are more aggresive about caching than other browsers, so we'll override their caching here. # Assumes our CDN will override these with it's own caching rules. app.get '/db/*', (req, res, next) -> return next() unless req.xhr # userAgent = req.header('User-Agent') or "" if userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') > 0 or !!userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\.|Edge\/\d+/) res.header 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' res.header 'Pragma', 'no-cache' res.header 'Expires', 0 next() setupJavascript404s = (app) -> app.get '/javascripts/*', (req, res) -> res.status(404).send('Not found') setupFallbackRouteToIndex = (app) -> app.all '*', (req, res) -> fs.readFile path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'main.html'), 'utf8', (err, data) -> log.error "Error modifying main.html: #{err}" if err # insert the user object directly into the html so the application can have it immediately. Sanitize user = if req.user then JSON.stringify(UserHandler.formatEntity(req, req.user)).replace(/\//g, '\\/') else '{}' Mandate.findOne({}).cache(5 * 60 * 1000).exec (err, mandate) -> if err log.error "Error getting mandate config: #{err}" configData = {} else configData = _.omit mandate?.toObject() or {}, '_id' configData.picoCTF = config.picoCTF configData.production = config.isProduction domainRegex = new RegExp("(.*\.)?(#{config.mainHostname}|#{config.unsafeContentHostname})") domainPrefix =[1] or '' configData.fullUnsafeContentHostname = domainPrefix + config.unsafeContentHostname data = data.replace '"serverConfigTag"', JSON.stringify configData data = data.replace('"userObjectTag"', user) data = data.replace('"amActuallyTag"', JSON.stringify(req.session.amActually)) res.header 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' res.header 'Pragma', 'no-cache' res.header 'Expires', 0 res.send 200, data setupFacebookCrossDomainCommunicationRoute = (app) -> app.get '/channel.html', (req, res) -> res.sendfile path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'channel.html') exports.setupRoutes = (app) -> routes.setup(app) app.use app.router baseRoute.setup app setupFacebookCrossDomainCommunicationRoute app setupFallbackRouteToIndex app ###Miscellaneous configuration functions### exports.setupLogging = -> logging.setup() exports.connectToDatabase = -> return if config.proxy database.connect() exports.setupMailchimp = -> mcapi = require 'mailchimp-api' mc = new mcapi.Mailchimp(config.mail.mailchimpAPIKey) = mc exports.setExpressConfigurationOptions = (app) -> app.set('port', config.port) app.set('views', __dirname + '/app/views') app.set('view engine', 'jade') app.set('view options', { layout: false }) app.set('env', if config.isProduction then 'production' else 'development') app.set('json spaces', 0) if config.isProduction setupProxyMiddleware = (app) -> return if config.isProduction return unless config.proxy httpProxy = require 'http-proxy' proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({ target: '' secure: false }) 'Using dev proxy server' app.use (req, res, next) -> req.proxied = true proxy.web req, res, (e) -> console.warn("Failed to proxy: ", e) res.status(502).send({message: 'Proxy failed'})