ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView' CreateAccountModal = require 'views/core/CreateAccountModal' template = require 'templates/play/menu/game-menu-modal' submenuViews = [ require 'views/play/menu/SaveLoadView' require 'views/play/menu/OptionsView' require 'views/play/menu/GuideView' ] module.exports = class GameMenuModal extends ModalView className: 'modal fade play-modal' template: template id: 'game-menu-modal' instant: true events: 'change': 'onSelectionChanged' ' #game-menu-nav a': 'onTabShown' 'click #change-hero-tab': -> @trigger 'change-hero' 'click #close-modal': 'hide' 'click .auth-tab': 'onClickSignupButton' constructor: (options) -> super options @level = @options.level @options.levelID = @options.level.get('slug') @options.startingSessionHeroConfig = $.extend {}, true, (@options.session.get('heroConfig') ? {}) Backbone.Mediator.publish 'music-player:enter-menu', terrain: @options.level.get('terrain', true) ? 'Dungeon' getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super(context) docs = @options.level.get('documentation') ? {} submenus = ['guide', 'options', 'save-load'] submenus = _.without submenus, 'options' if window.serverConfig.picoCTF submenus = _.without submenus, 'guide' unless docs.specificArticles?.length or docs.generalArticles?.length or window.serverConfig.picoCTF submenus = _.without submenus, 'save-load' unless me.isAdmin() or /https?:\/\/localhost/.test(window.location.href) @includedSubmenus = submenus context.showTab = @options.showTab ? submenus[0] context.submenus = submenus context.iconMap = 'options': 'cog' 'guide': 'list' 'save-load': 'floppy-disk' context showsChooseHero: -> return false if @level?.isType('course', 'course-ladder') return false if @options.levelID in ['zero-sum', 'ace-of-coders', 'elemental-wars'] return true afterRender: -> super() @insertSubView new submenuView @options for submenuView in submenuViews firstView = switch @options.showTab when 'guide' then @subviews.guide_view else if 'guide' in @includedSubmenus then @subviews.guide_view else @subviews.options_view firstView.$el.addClass 'active' firstView.onShown?() @playSound 'game-menu-open' @$el.find('.nano:visible').nanoScroller() onTabShown: (e) -> @playSound 'game-menu-tab-switch' shownSubviewKey =, '_') @subviews[shownSubviewKey].onShown?() subview.onHidden?() for subviewKey, subview of @subviews when subviewKey isnt shownSubviewKey onHidden: -> super() subview.onHidden?() for subviewKey, subview of @subviews @playSound 'game-menu-close' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'music-player:exit-menu', {} onClickSignupButton: (e) -> window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Started Signup', category: 'Play Level', label: 'Game Menu', level: @options.levelID # TODO: Default already seems to be prevented. Need to be explicit? e.preventDefault() @openModalView new CreateAccountModal()