@import "app/styles/mixins" @import "app/styles/bootstrap/variables" body.is-playing background-color: black .footer background-color: black $level-resize-transition-time: 0.5s #level-view margin: 0 auto @include user-select(none) &.real-time // Hmm, somehow the #page-container is cutting us off by ~17px on the right, looks a bit off. #canvas-wrapper width: 100% canvas margin: 0 auto #normal-surface left: 0 right: 0 margin-left: auto margin-right: auto #control-bar-view width: 100% button, h4 display: none &:not(.flags) #playback-view width: 100% &.flags #playback-view $flags-width: 200px width: 90% width: -webkit-calc(100% - $flags-width) width: calc(100% - $flags-width) left: $flags-width #code-area, #thang-hud, #goals-view display: none visibility: hidden #gold-view right: 1% @include box-shadow(-1px 1px 10px cyan) .team-gold font-size: 2vw line-height: 2vw img width: 1.8vw heighT: 1.8vw #control-bar-view .title left: 20% width: 60% text-align: center #stop-real-time-playback-button display: block z-index: 20 #level-dialogue-view display: none .level-content margin: 0px auto .level-content position: relative overflow: hidden #canvas-wrapper top: 50px width: 55% position: relative overflow: hidden @include transition($level-resize-transition-time ease-out) canvas#webgl-surface background-color: #333 z-index: 1 canvas#normal-surface z-index: 1 position: absolute top: 0 left: 0 pointer-events: none canvas#webgl-surface, canvas#normal-surface display: block z-index: 2 @include transition($level-resize-transition-time ease-out) &.flag-color-selected cursor: crosshair min-width: 1024px position: relative #code-area @include box-sizing(border-box) padding: 0px 0.9% 10px 1.4% width: 45% background: transparent url(/images/level/wood_texture.png) background-size: 100% 100% position: absolute right: 0 top: 0px bottom: 0 @include transition(width $level-resize-transition-time ease-in-out, right $level-resize-transition-time ease-in-out) overflow: hidden // Level Docs .ui-effects-transfer border: 2px dotted gray .modal img float: right img.diagram float: none #multiplayer-join-link font-size: 12px // Custom Buttons .btn.banner @include banner-button(#FFF, #333) @include box-shadow(2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)) border: 1px solid black text-shadow: none $buttonConfig: 'primary' #6CA8EA, 'info' #71AACC, 'success' #90B236, 'warning' #CD6800, 'danger' #B43C20, 'inverse' #3A537F @each $tuple in $buttonConfig &.btn-#{nth($tuple, 1)} @include banner-button(nth($tuple, 2), #FFF) .footer .footer-link-text a @include opacity(0.75) @include transition(opacity .10s linear) &:hover, &:active @include opacity(1) $GI: 0.5 // gradient intensity; can tweak this 0-1 .gradient position: absolute z-index: 5 #code-area-gradient top: 0px width: 3px background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,$GI) 100%) left: -3px bottom: 0 #canvas-left-gradient left: 0px width: 5px background: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.8*$GI) 100%) bottom: -30px top: 0 #canvas-top-gradient top: 0 height: 5px left: 0 right: 0 background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.8*$GI) 100%) #hud-left-gradient background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,$GI) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%) left: 0 top: 0 height: 100% width: 2% #hud-right-gradient background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,$GI) 100%) right: 0 position: absolute top: 0 height: 100% width: 2% .footer @media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 17/10) display: none &:not(:hover) @include opacity(0.6) .hour-of-code-explanation margin-top: 5px color: white font-size: 12px &:not(:hover) @include opacity(0.75) a color: white text-decoration: underline #fullscreen-editor-background-screen background-color: black opacity: 0.5 cursor: pointer display: none position: absolute left: 0 right: 0 bottom: 0 top: 0 z-index: 19 #stop-real-time-playback-button display: none position: absolute bottom: 40px right: 15px font-size: 30px html.fullscreen-editor #level-view #fullscreen-editor-background-screen display: block #code-area position: fixed width: 95% height: 100% right: 0 body.ipad #level-view // Full-width Surface, preserving aspect ratio, with space for control bar. height: 1024px * (589 / 924) + 50px overflow: hidden #code-area, .footer, #thang-hud display: none #level-chat-view bottom: 40px #playback-view background-color: transparent z-index: 3 bottom: 30px button background-color: #333 .scrubber .progress background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) #canvas-wrapper, #control-bar-view, #playback-view, #thang-hud width: 100% #canvas-wrapper height: 653px canvas margin: 0 auto overflow: hidden