// Layout for CreateAccountModal is done largely with flexboxes. Rules in this file should be ones that apply to all screens/subviews, but this separation may not be perfect. Currently it uses .modal-dialog, .modal-content, etc, for some parts of the modal. Unfortunately those preexesting classes don't line up perfectly with the needs of this modal, so many of the other styles for those classes don't apply or are overridden. @import "app/styles/style-flat-variables" #create-account-modal .modal-dialog width: 850px .modal-content display: flex flex-direction: column height: 850px width: 850px text-align: center padding: 0 border: none // General modal stuff .close color: white opacity: 0.5 right: 7px &:hover opacity: 0.9 .modal-header, .modal-footer &.teacher background-color: $burgandy &.student background-color: $forest .modal-header display: flex flex-direction: column align-items: center justify-content: flex-end height: 100px padding: 0 background-color: $navy h3 color: white .modal-footer padding: 0 margin: 0 height: 50px display: flex align-items: center justify-content: center background-color: $navy span color: white a span text-decoration: underline #choose-account-type-view, #segment-check-view, #basic-info-view, #coppa-deny-view, #single-sign-on-already-exists-view, #single-sign-on-confirm-view, #confirmation-view display: flex flex-direction: column flex-grow: 1 .modal-body display: flex flex-direction: column flex-grow: 1 .modal-body-content flex-grow: 2 display: flex flex-direction: column align-items: center justify-content: center // Back/forward buttons .history-nav-buttons width: 100% display: flex flex-direction: row-reverse flex-grow: 1 align-items: flex-end justify-content: space-between .btn // Undo .style-flat's .btn ~ .btn margin margin: 0 &.just-one flex-direction: row // Forms .form-container width: 800px .form-group text-align: left .full-name display: flex flex-direction: row .form-group display: flex flex-direction: column align-content: flex-start &.text-center text-align: center input height: 40px &.row display: block &.last-initial margin-left: 30px width: auto input width: 70px &.subscribe width: 100% // Fancy text inside horizontal rules .hr-text position: relative hr width: 430px padding: 0 border: none border-top: thin solid #444 color: #444 span position: absolute left: 50% top: 0.45em transform: translateX(-50%) padding: 0 0.75em font-weight: bold font-size: 10pt background: white // Glyphicon colors .glyphicon-ok-circle color: green .glyphicon-remove-circle color: red