RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' Prepaid = require 'models/Prepaid' TrialRequests = require 'collections/TrialRequests' # TODO: year ranges hard-coded module.exports = class SchoolLicensesView extends RootView id: 'admin-school-licenses-view' template: require 'templates/admin/school-licenses' initialize: -> return super() unless me.isAdmin() @startDateRange = new Date() @endDateRange = new Date() @endDateRange.setUTCFullYear(@endDateRange.getUTCFullYear() + 2) @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/prepaid/-/active-schools' method: 'GET' success: ({prepaidActivityMap, schoolPrepaidsMap}) => @updateSchools(prepaidActivityMap, schoolPrepaidsMap) }, 0).load() super() updateSchools: (prepaidActivityMap, schoolPrepaidsMap) -> timeStart = @startDateRange.getTime() time2017 = new Date('2017').getTime() time2018 = new Date('2018').getTime() timeEnd = @endDateRange.getTime() rangeMilliseconds = timeEnd - timeStart @rangeKeys = [ {name :'Today', color: 'blue', startScale: 0, width: Math.round((time2017 - timeStart) / rangeMilliseconds * 100)} {name: '2017', color: 'red', startScale: Math.round((time2017 - timeStart) / rangeMilliseconds * 100), width: Math.round((time2018 - time2017) / rangeMilliseconds * 100)} {name: '2018', color: 'yellow', startScale: Math.round((time2018 - timeStart) / rangeMilliseconds * 100), width: Math.round((timeEnd - time2018) / rangeMilliseconds * 100)} ] @schools = [] for school, prepaids of schoolPrepaidsMap activity = 0 schoolMax = 0 schoolUsed = 0 collapsedPrepaids = [] for prepaid in prepaids activity += prepaidActivityMap[prepaid._id] ? 0 startDate = prepaid.startDate endDate = prepaid.endDate max = parseInt(prepaid.maxRedeemers) used = parseInt(prepaid.redeemers?.length ? 0) schoolMax += max schoolUsed += used foundIdenticalDates = false for collapsedPrepaid in collapsedPrepaids if collapsedPrepaid.startDate.substring(0, 10) is startDate.substring(0, 10) and collapsedPrepaid.endDate.substring(0, 10) is endDate.substring(0, 10) collapsedPrepaid.max += parseInt(prepaid.maxRedeemers) collapsedPrepaid.used += parseInt(prepaid.redeemers?.length ? 0) foundIdenticalDates = true break unless foundIdenticalDates collapsedPrepaids.push({startDate, endDate, max, used}) for collapsedPrepaid in collapsedPrepaids collapsedPrepaid.startScale = (new Date(collapsedPrepaid.startDate).getTime() - @startDateRange.getTime()) / rangeMilliseconds * 100 if collapsedPrepaid.startScale < 0 collapsedPrepaid.startScale = 0 collapsedPrepaid.rangeScale = (new Date(collapsedPrepaid.endDate).getTime() - @startDateRange.getTime()) / rangeMilliseconds * 100 else collapsedPrepaid.rangeScale = (new Date(collapsedPrepaid.endDate).getTime() - new Date(collapsedPrepaid.startDate).getTime()) / rangeMilliseconds * 100 collapsedPrepaid.rangeScale = 100 - collapsedPrepaid.startScale if collapsedPrepaid.rangeScale + collapsedPrepaid.startScale > 100 @schools.push {name: school, activity, max: schoolMax, used: schoolUsed, prepaids: collapsedPrepaids, startDate: collapsedPrepaids[0].startDate, endDate: collapsedPrepaids[0].endDate} @schools.sort (a, b) -> b.activity - a.activity or new Date(a.endDate).getTime() - new Date(b.endDate).getTime() or b.max - a.max or b.used - a.used or b.prepaids.length - a.prepaids.length or @render()