View = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/account/settings' {me} = require('lib/auth') forms = require('lib/forms') User = require('models/User') WizardSettingsTabView = require './wizard_settings_tab_view' module.exports = class SettingsView extends View id: 'account-settings-view' template: template events: 'click #save-button': 'save' 'change #settings-panes input': 'save' 'change input[type="range"]': 'updateWizardColor' 'click #toggle-all-button': 'toggleEmailSubscriptions' constructor: (options) -> @save = _.debounce(@save, 200) super options return unless me me.on('change', @refreshPicturePane) # depends on gravatar load me.on('invalid', (errors) -> forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, me.validationError)) window.f = @getSubscriptions refreshPicturePane: => h = $(@template(@getRenderData())) new_pane = $('#picture-pane', h) old_pane = $('#picture-pane') active = old_pane.hasClass('active') old_pane.replaceWith(new_pane) new_pane.addClass('active') if active afterRender: -> super() $('#settings-tabs a', @$el).click((e) => e.preventDefault() $('show') # make sure errors show up in the general pane, but keep the password pane clean $('#password-pane input').val('') @save() unless $('href') is '#password-pane' forms.clearFormAlerts($('#password-pane', @$el)) ) @chooseTab(location.hash.replace('#','')) @updateWizardColor() wizardSettingsTabView = new WizardSettingsTabView() wizardSettingsTabView.on 'change', @save, @ @insertSubView wizardSettingsTabView chooseTab: (category) -> id = "##{category}-pane" pane = $(id, @$el) return @chooseTab('general') unless pane.length or category is 'general' loc = "a[href=#{id}]" $(loc, @$el).tab('show') $('.tab-pane').removeClass('active') pane.addClass('active') @currentTab = category getRenderData: -> c = super() return c unless me c.gravatarName = = me.gravatarPhotoURLs() c.chosenPhoto = me.getPhotoURL() c.subs = {} c.subs[sub] = 1 for sub in'emailSubscriptions') or ['announcement', 'tester', 'level_creator', 'developer'] c getWizardColor: -> parseInt($('#wizard-color-1', @$el).val()) / 100 updateWizardColor: => rgb = hslToRgb(@getWizardColor(), 1.0, 0.6) rgb = (parseInt(val) for val in rgb) newColor = "rgb(#{rgb[0]},#{rgb[1]},#{rgb[2]})" $('.range-color', @$el).css('background-color', newColor) getSubscriptions: -> inputs = $('#email-pane input[type="checkbox"]', @$el) inputs = ($(i) for i in inputs) subs = (i.attr('name') for i in inputs when i.prop('checked')) subs = (s.replace('email_', '') for s in subs) subs toggleEmailSubscriptions: => subs = @getSubscriptions() $('#email-pane input[type="checkbox"]', @$el).prop('checked', not Boolean(subs.length)) @save() save: => forms.clearFormAlerts(@$el) @grabData() res = me.validate() if res? forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, res) return res = return unless res save = $('#save-button', @$el).text($.i18n.t('common.saving', defaultValue: 'Saving...')) .addClass('btn-info').removeClass('hide').removeClass('btn-danger') res.error -> errors = JSON.parse(res.responseText) forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, errors) save.text($.i18n.t('account_settings.error_saving', defaultValue: 'Error Saving')).removeClass('btn-info').addClass('btn-danger') res.success (model, response, options) -> save.text($.i18n.t('account_settings.saved', defaultValue: 'Changes Saved')).removeClass('btn-info') grabData: -> @grabPasswordData() @grabOtherData() grabPasswordData: -> password1 = $('#password', @$el).val() password2 = $('#password2', @$el).val() bothThere = Boolean(password1) and Boolean(password2) if bothThere and password1 isnt password2 message = $.i18n.t('account_settings.password_mismatch', defaultValue: 'Password does not match.') err = [message:message, property:'password2', formatted:true] forms.applyErrorsToForm(@$el, err) return if bothThere me.set('password', password1) grabOtherData: -> me.set('name', $('#name', @$el).val()) me.set('email', $('#email', @$el).val()) me.set('wizardColor1', @getWizardColor()) me.set('emailSubscriptions', @getSubscriptions()) adminCheckbox = @$el.find('#admin') if adminCheckbox.length permissions = [] permissions.push 'admin' if adminCheckbox.prop('checked') me.set('permissions', permissions)