@import "app/styles/mixins" @import "app/styles/bootstrap/variables" #problem-alert-view.problem-alert z-index: 10 position: absolute // Position these at the end of the spell editor, right above the spell toolbar. top: 45px right: 500px background: transparent border: 1px solid transparent padding: 0 font-size: 18px text-shadow: none color: white word-wrap: break-word border-style: solid border-image: url(/images/level/code_editor_error_background.png) 16 20 fill round border-width: 16px 20px // Jiggle animation +keyframes(jiggle) 0% transform: rotate(0deg) 25% transform: rotate(1deg) 50% transform: rotate(0deg) 75% transform: rotate(-1deg) 100% transform: rotate(0deg) &.jiggling @include animation(jiggle .3s infinite) &.no-hint // Since it's probably only one line, let's make it not look weird by being tiny. padding: 7px .problem-alert-title color: white border-bottom: 1px solid white .close @include opacity(0.80) text-shadow: none cursor: pointer color: white float: right &:hover, &:focus @include opacity(1) .problem-subtitle font-size: 80% //&.alert-error &.alert-warning border-image-source: url(/images/level/code_editor_warning_background.png) &.alert-info border-image-source: url(/images/level/code_editor_info_background.png) html.no-borderimage .problem-alert border-width: 0 border-image: none background: transparent url(/images/level/code_editor_error_background.png) no-repeat background-size: 100% 100% padding: 18px 35px 18px 14px &.alert-warning background-image: url(/images/level/code_editor_warning_background.png) &.alert-info background-image: url(/images/level/code_editor_info_background.png)