Bus = require './Bus' {me} = require 'lib/auth' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' module.exports = class LevelBus extends Bus @get: (levelID, sessionID) -> docName = "play/level/#{levelID}/#{sessionID}" return Bus.getFromCache(docName) or new LevelBus docName subscriptions: 'self-wizard:target-changed': 'onSelfWizardTargetChanged' 'tome:editing-began': 'onEditingBegan' 'tome:editing-ended': 'onEditingEnded' 'script:state-changed': 'onScriptStateChanged' 'script:ended': 'onScriptEnded' 'script:reset': 'onScriptReset' 'surface:frame-changed': 'onFrameChanged' 'surface:sprite-selected': 'onSpriteSelected' 'level-set-playing': 'onSetPlaying' 'thang-code-ran': 'onCodeRan' 'level-show-victory': 'onVictory' 'tome:spell-changed': 'onSpellChanged' constructor: -> super(arguments...) @changedSessionProperties = {} @saveSession = _.debounce(@saveSession, 1000, {maxWait: 5000}) init: -> super() @fireScriptsRef = @fireRef?.child('scripts') setSession: (@session) -> @session.on 'change:multiplayer', @onMultiplayerChanged, @ onPoint: -> return true unless @session?.get('multiplayer') super() onSelfWizardTargetChanged: => wizardSprite = @getSelfWizard() @wizardRef?.child('targetPos').set(wizardSprite?.targetPos or null) @wizardRef?.child('targetSprite').set(wizardSprite?.targetSprite?.thang.id or null) onMeSynced: => super() @wizardRef?.child('wizardColor1').set(me.get('wizardColor1') or 0.0) join: -> super() @wizardRef = @myConnection.child('wizard') wizardSprite = @getSelfWizard() @wizardRef?.child('targetPos').set(wizardSprite?.targetPos or null) @wizardRef?.child('targetSprite').set(wizardSprite?.targetSprite?.thang.id or null) @wizardRef?.child('wizardColor1').set(me.get('wizardColor1') or 0.0) disconnect: -> @wizardRef?.off() @wizardRef = null @fireScriptsRef?.off() @fireScriptsRef = null super() removeFirebaseData: (callback) -> return callback?() unless @myConnection @myConnection.child('connected') @fireRef.remove() @onDisconnect.cancel(-> callback?()) getSelfWizard: -> e = {} Backbone.Mediator.publish('echo-self-wizard-sprite', e) return e.payload # UPDATING FIREBASE AND SESSION onEditingBegan: -> @wizardRef?.child('editing').set(true) onEditingEnded: -> @wizardRef?.child('editing').set(false) # HACK: Backbone does not work with nested documents, but we want to # patch only those props that have changed. Look into plugins to # give Backbone support for nested docs and update the code here. # TODO: The LevelBus doesn't need to be in charge of updating the # LevelSession object. Either break this off into a separate class # or have the LevelSession object listen for all these events itself. onSpellChanged: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() code = @session.get('code') code ?= {} parts = e.spell.spellKey.split('/') code[parts[0]] ?= {} code[parts[0]][parts[1]] = e.spell.getSource() @changedSessionProperties.code = true @session.set({'code': code}) @saveSession() onScriptStateChanged: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() @fireScriptsRef?.update(e) state = @session.get('state') scripts = state.scripts scripts.currentScript = e.currentScript scripts.currentScriptOffset = e.currentScriptOffset @changedSessionProperties.state = true @session.set('state', state) @saveSession() onScriptEnded: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() state = @session.get('state') scripts = state.scripts scripts.ended ?= {} return if scripts.ended[e.scriptID]? index = _.keys(scripts.ended).length + 1 @fireScriptsRef?.child('ended').child(e.scriptID).set(index) scripts.ended[e.scriptID] = index @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onScriptReset: -> return unless @onPoint() @fireScriptsRef?.set({}) state = @session.get('state') state.scripts = {} state.complete = false @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onFrameChanged: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() state = @session.get('state') state.frame = e.frame @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onSpriteSelected: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() state = @session.get('state') state.selected = e.thang?.id or null @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onSetPlaying: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() state = @session.get('state') state.playing = e.playing @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onCodeRan: (e) -> return unless @onPoint() state = @session.get('state') state.thangs ?= {} methods = _.cloneDeep(e.methods) delete method.metrics.statements for methodName, method of methods state.thangs[e.thangID] = { methods: methods } @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onVictory: -> return unless @onPoint() state = @session.get('state') state.complete = true @session.set('state', state) @changedSessionProperties.state = true @saveSession() onPlayerJoined: (snapshot) => super(arguments...) return unless @onPoint() players = @session.get('players') players ?= {} player = snapshot.val() return if players[player.id]? players[player.id] = {} @session.set('players', players) @changedSessionProperties.players = true @saveSession() onChatAdded: (snapshot) => super(arguments...) chat = @session.get('chat') chat ?= [] message = snapshot.val() return if message.system chat.push(message) chat = chat[chat.length-50...] if chat.length > 50 @session.set('chat', chat) @changedSessionProperties.chat = true @saveSession() onMultiplayerChanged: -> @changedSessionProperties.multiplayer = true @session.updatePermissions() @changedSessionProperties.permissions = true @saveSession() saveSession: -> return if _.isEmpty @changedSessionProperties # don't let peaking admins mess with the session accidentally return unless @session.get('multiplayer') or @session.get('creator') is me.id Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:session-will-save', session: @session patch = {} patch[prop] = @session.get(prop) for prop of @changedSessionProperties @changedSessionProperties = {} # since updates are coming fast and loose for session objects # don't let what the server returns overwrite changes since the save began tempSession = new LevelSession _id:@session.id tempSession.save(patch, {patch: true}) destroy: -> super() @session.off 'change:multiplayer', @onMultiplayerChanged, @