View = require 'views/kinds/CocoView' template = require 'templates/play/level/tome/spell_palette_entry' popoverTemplate = require 'templates/play/level/tome/spell_palette_entry_popover' {me} = require 'lib/auth' filters = require 'lib/image_filter' {downTheChain} = require 'lib/world/world_utils' # If we use marked somewhere else, we'll have to make sure to preserve options marked.setOptions {gfm: true, sanitize: false, smartLists: true, breaks: true} safeJSONStringify = (input, maxDepth) -> recursion = (input, path, depth) -> output = {} pPath = undefined refIdx = undefined path = path or "" depth = depth or 0 depth++ return "{depth over " + maxDepth + "}" if maxDepth and depth > maxDepth for p of input pPath = ((if path then (path + ".") else "")) + p if typeof input[p] is "function" output[p] = "{function}" else if typeof input[p] is "object" refIdx = refs.indexOf(input[p]) if -1 isnt refIdx output[p] = "{reference to " + refsPaths[refIdx] + "}" else refs.push input[p] refsPaths.push pPath output[p] = recursion(input[p], pPath, depth) else output[p] = input[p] output refs = [] refsPaths = [] maxDepth = maxDepth or 5 if typeof input is "object" output = recursion(input) else output = input JSON.stringify output, null, 1 module.exports = class SpellPaletteEntryView extends View tagName: 'div' # Could also try instead of
, but would need to adjust colors className: 'spell-palette-entry-view' template: template subscriptions: 'surface:frame-changed': "onFrameChanged" events: 'mouseover': 'onMouseOver' 'click': 'onClick' constructor: (options) -> super options @thang = options.thang @doc = options.doc if _.isString @doc @doc = name: @doc, type: typeof @thang[@doc] @doc.owner ?= 'this' if options.isSnippet @doc.type = 'snippet' @doc.shortName = @doc.shorterName = @doc.title = else suffix = if @doc.type is 'function' then '()' else '' @doc.shortName = "#{@doc.owner}.#{}#{suffix};" if @doc.owner is 'this' @doc.shorterName = "#{}#{suffix}" else @doc.shorterName = @doc.shortName.replace ';', '' @doc.title = if options.shortenize then @doc.shorterName else @doc.shortName getRenderData: -> c = super() c.doc = @doc c afterRender: -> super() @$el.addClass(@doc.type) @$el.popover( animation: true html: true placement: 'top' trigger: 'hover' content: @formatPopover() container: @$el.parent().parent().parent() ) @$el.on '', => Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:palette-hovered', thang: @thang, prop: formatPopover: -> content = popoverTemplate doc: @doc, value: @formatValue(), marked: marked, argumentExamples: (arg.example or arg.default or for arg in @doc.args ? []) owner = if @doc.owner is 'this' then @thang else window[@doc.owner] content = content.replace /#{spriteName}/g, @thang.spriteName # No quotes like we'd get with @formatValue content.replace /\#\{(.*?)\}/g, (s, properties) => @formatValue downTheChain(owner, properties.split('.')) formatValue: (v) -> return '[Function]' if not v and @doc.type is 'function' unless v? if @doc.owner is 'this' v = @thang[] else v = window[@doc.owner][] if @doc.type is 'number' and not isNaN v if v == Math.round v return v return v.toFixed 2 if _.isString v return "\"#{v}\"" if v?.id return if v?.name return if _.isArray v return '[' + (@formatValue v2 for v2 in v).join(', ') + ']' if _.isPlainObject v return safeJSONStringify v, 2 v onMouseOver: (e) -> # Make sure the doc has the updated Thang so it can regenerate its prop value @$'bs.popover').options.content = @formatPopover() @$el.popover('setContent') onClick: (e) -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:palette-clicked', thang: @thang, prop: onFrameChanged: (e) -> return unless e.selectedThang?.id is @options.thang = @thang = e.selectedThang # Update our thang to the current version destroy: -> @$ super()