module.exports.clone = (obj) -> return obj if obj is null or typeof (obj) isnt "object" temp = obj.constructor() for key of obj temp[key] = module.exports.clone(obj[key]) temp module.exports.combineAncestralObject = (obj, propertyName) -> combined = {} while obj?[propertyName] for key, value of obj[propertyName] continue if combined[key] combined[key] = value if obj.__proto__ obj = obj.__proto__ else # IE has no __proto__. TODO: does this even work? At most it doesn't crash. obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) combined module.exports.normalizeFunc = (func_thing, object) -> # func could be a string to a function in this class # or a function in its own right object ?= {} if _.isString(func_thing) func = object[func_thing] if not func console.error("Could not find method", func_thing, 'in object', @) return => null # always return a func, or Mediator will go boom func_thing = func return func_thing module.exports.hexToHSL = (hex) -> rgbToHsl(hexToR(hex), hexToG(hex), hexToB(hex)) hexToR = (h) -> parseInt (cutHex(h)).substring(0, 2), 16 hexToG = (h) -> parseInt (cutHex(h)).substring(2, 4), 16 hexToB = (h) -> parseInt (cutHex(h)).substring(4, 6), 16 cutHex = (h) -> (if (h.charAt(0) is "#") then h.substring(1, 7) else h) module.exports.hslToHex = (hsl) -> '#' + (toHex(n) for n in hslToRgb(hsl...)).join('') toHex = (n) -> h = Math.floor(n).toString(16) h = '0'+h if h.length is 1 h i18n = (say, target, language=me.lang(), fallback='en') -> generalResult = null fallbackResult = null fallforwardResult = null # If a general language isn't available, the first specific one will do matches = (/\w+/gi).exec(language) generalName = matches[0] if matches for locale in say?.i18n if target of say[locale] result = say[locale][target] else continue return result if locale == language generalResult = result if locale == generalName fallbackResult = result if locale == fallback fallforwardResult = result if locale.indexOf language != -1 and not fallforwardResult? return generalResult if generalResult? return fallbackResult if fallbackResult? return fallforwardResult if fallforwardResult? return say.text if 'text' of say null