extends /templates/base //- DO NOT TRANSLATE block content if !me.isAdmin() div You must be logged in as an admin to view this page. else p CodeCombat is now in #{view.totalSchools} schools with #{view.totalStudents} students [and #{view.totalTeachers} teachers] [in #{view.totalStates} states] p Students not attached to NCES data: #{view.untriagedStudents} .small Teacher: owns a classroom or has a teacher role .small Student: member of a classroom or has schoolName set .small States, Districts, Schools are from NCES h2 State Counts if view.stateCounts table.table.table-striped.table-condensed tr th State th Districts th Schools th Teachers th Students each stateCount in view.stateCounts tr td= stateCount.state td= stateCount.districts td= stateCount.schools td= stateCount.teachers td= stateCount.students h2 District Counts by State if view.districtCounts table.table.table-striped.table-condensed tr th State th District th Schools th Teachers th Students each districtCount in view.districtCounts tr td= districtCount.state td= districtCount.district td= districtCount.schools td= districtCount.teachers td= districtCount.students