ModalView = require 'views/kinds/ModalView' template = require 'templates/play/level/modal/docs' Article = require 'models/Article' utils = require 'lib/utils' # let's implement this once we have the docs database schema set up module.exports = class DocsModal extends ModalView template: template id: 'docs-modal' shortcuts: 'enter': 'hide' constructor: (options) -> @firstOnly = options.firstOnly @docs = options?.docs general = @docs.generalArticles or [] specific = @docs.specificArticles or [] articles = options.supermodel.getModels(Article) articleMap = {} articleMap[article.get('original')] = article for article in articles general = (articleMap[ref.original] for ref in general) general = (article.attributes for article in general when article) @docs = specific.concat(general) @docs = $.extend(true, [], @docs) @docs = [@docs[0]] if @firstOnly and @docs[0] doc.html = marked(utils.i18n doc, 'body') for doc in @docs = (utils.i18n doc, 'name') for doc in @docs doc.slug = _.string.slugify( for doc in @docs super() getRenderData: -> c = super() = @docs c afterRender: -> super() if @docs.length is 1 @$el.find('.modal-body').html(@docs[0].html) else # incredible hackiness. Getting bootstrap tabs to work shouldn't be this complex @$el.find('.nav-tabs li:first').addClass('active') @$el.find('.tab-content .tab-pane:first').addClass('active') @$el.find('.nav-tabs a').click(@clickTab) clickTab: (e) => @$el.find('').removeClass('active') afterInsert: -> super() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:docs-shown' onHidden: -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:docs-hidden'