RootView = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/play/world-map-view' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer' PlayLevelModal = require 'views/play/modal/PlayLevelModal' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' MusicPlayer = require 'lib/surface/MusicPlayer' storage = require 'lib/storage' class LevelSessionsCollection extends CocoCollection url: '' model: LevelSession constructor: (model) -> super() @url = "/db/user/#{}/level.sessions?project=state.complete,levelID" module.exports = class WorldMapView extends RootView id: 'world-map-view' template: template events: 'click .map-background': 'onClickMap' 'click .level a': 'onClickLevel' 'click .level-info-container .start-level': 'onClickStartLevel' 'mouseenter .level a': 'onMouseEnterLevel' 'mouseleave .level a': 'onMouseLeaveLevel' 'mousemove .map': 'onMouseMoveMap' 'click #volume-button': 'onToggleVolume' constructor: (options, @terrain) -> @terrain ?= 'dungeon' # or 'forest' super options @nextLevel = @getQueryVariable 'next' @levelStatusMap = {} @levelPlayCountMap = {} @sessions = @supermodel.loadCollection(new LevelSessionsCollection(), 'your_sessions', null, 0).model @listenToOnce @sessions, 'sync', @onSessionsLoaded @getLevelPlayCounts() $(window).on 'resize', @onWindowResize @playAmbientSound() @probablyCachedMusic = storage.load("loaded-menu-music-#{@terrain}") musicDelay = if @probablyCachedMusic then 1000 else 10000 @playMusicTimeout = _.delay (=> @playMusic() unless @destroyed), musicDelay @preloadTopHeroes() @hadEverChosenHero = me.get('heroConfig')?.thangType window.tracker?.trackEvent 'World Map', Action: 'Loaded' destroy: -> $(window).off 'resize', @onWindowResize if ambientSound = @ambientSound # Doesn't seem to work; stops immediately. createjs.Tween.get(ambientSound).to({volume: 0.0}, 1500).call -> ambientSound.stop() @musicPlayer?.destroy() clearTimeout @playMusicTimeout super() getLevelPlayCounts: -> return unless me.isAdmin() success = (levelPlayCounts) => return if @destroyed for level in levelPlayCounts @levelPlayCountMap[level._id] = playtime: level.playtime, sessions: level.sessions @render() if @supermodel.finished() levelIDs = [] for campaign in campaigns for level in campaign.levels levelIDs.push levelPlayCountsRequest = @supermodel.addRequestResource 'play_counts', { url: '/db/level/-/play_counts' data: {ids: levelIDs} method: 'POST' success: success }, 0 levelPlayCountsRequest.load() getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super(context) context.campaign = _.find campaigns, { id: @terrain } for level, index in context.campaign.levels level.x ?= 10 + 80 * Math.random() level.y ?= 10 + 80 * Math.random() level.locked = index > 0 and not me.earnedLevel level.original window.levelUnlocksNotWorking = true if level.locked and is @nextLevel # Temporary level.locked = false if window.levelUnlocksNotWorking # Temporary; also possible in HeroVictoryModal level.color = 'rgb(255, 80, 60)' if level.practice level.color = 'rgb(80, 130, 200)' unless me.getBranchingGroup() is 'all-practice' level.hidden = true if me.getBranchingGroup() is 'no-practice' context.levelStatusMap = @levelStatusMap context.levelPlayCountMap = @levelPlayCountMap context.isIPadApp = application.isIPadApp context.mapType = _.string.slugify @terrain context.nextLevel = @nextLevel context afterRender: -> super() @onWindowResize() unless application.isIPadApp _.defer => @$el?.find('.game-controls .btn').tooltip() # Have to defer or i18n doesn't take effect. @$el.find('.level').tooltip() @$el.addClass _.string.slugify @terrain @updateVolume() @highlightElement '', delay: 2000, duration: 60000, rotation: 0, sides: ['top'] onSessionsLoaded: (e) -> for session in @sessions.models @levelStatusMap[session.get('levelID')] = if session.get('state')?.complete then 'complete' else 'started' @render() onClickMap: (e) -> @$levelInfo?.hide() # Easy-ish way of figuring out coordinates for placing level dots. x = e.offsetX / @$el.find('.map-background').width() y = (1 - e.offsetY / @$el.find('.map-background').height()) console.log " x: #{(100 * x).toFixed(2)}\n y: #{(100 * y).toFixed(2)}\n" onClickLevel: (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() @$levelInfo?.hide() return if $('disabled') or $( 'locked' if application.isIPadApp levelID = $('.level').data('level-id') @$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show() @adjustLevelInfoPosition e @endHighlight() else levelElement = $('.level') levelID ='level-id') @startLevel levelElement window.tracker?.trackEvent 'World Map', Action: 'Play Level', levelID: levelID onClickStartLevel: (e) -> @startLevel $('.level-info-container') startLevel: (levelElement) -> playLevelModal = new PlayLevelModal supermodel: @supermodel, levelID:'level-id'), levelPath:'level-path'), levelName:'level-name'), hadEverChosenHero: @hadEverChosenHero @openModalView playLevelModal @$levelInfo?.hide() onMouseEnterLevel: (e) -> return if application.isIPadApp levelID = $('.level').data('level-id') @$levelInfo = @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id=#{levelID}]").show() @adjustLevelInfoPosition e @endHighlight() onMouseLeaveLevel: (e) -> return if application.isIPadApp levelID = $('.level').data('level-id') @$el.find(".level-info-container[data-level-id='#{levelID}']").hide() onMouseMoveMap: (e) -> return if application.isIPadApp @adjustLevelInfoPosition e adjustLevelInfoPosition: (e) -> return unless @$levelInfo @$map ?= @$el.find('.map') mapOffset = @$map.offset() mapX = e.pageX - mapOffset.left mapY = e.pageY - margin = 20 width = @$levelInfo.outerWidth() @$levelInfo.css('left', Math.min(Math.max(margin, mapX - width / 2), @$map.width() - width - margin)) height = @$levelInfo.outerHeight() top = mapY - @$levelInfo.outerHeight() - 60 if top < 20 top = mapY + 60 @$levelInfo.css('top', top) onWindowResize: (e) => mapHeight = iPadHeight = 1536 mapWidth = if @terrain is 'dungeon' then 2350 else 2500 iPadWidth = 2048 aspectRatio = mapWidth / mapHeight iPadAspectRatio = iPadWidth / iPadHeight pageWidth = $(window).width() pageHeight = $(window).height() widthRatio = pageWidth / mapWidth heightRatio = pageHeight / mapHeight iPadWidthRatio = pageWidth / iPadWidth if @terrain is 'dungeon' # Make sure we can see almost the whole map, fading to background in one dimension. if heightRatio <= iPadWidthRatio # Full width, full height, left and right margin resultingHeight = pageHeight resultingWidth = resultingHeight * aspectRatio else if iPadWidthRatio < heightRatio * (iPadAspectRatio / aspectRatio) # Cropped width, full height, left and right margin resultingWidth = pageWidth resultingHeight = resultingWidth / aspectRatio else # Cropped width, full height, top and bottom margin resultingWidth = pageWidth * aspectRatio / iPadAspectRatio resultingHeight = resultingWidth / aspectRatio else # Scale it in either dimension so that we're always full on one of the dimensions. if heightRatio > widthRatio resultingHeight = pageHeight resultingWidth = resultingHeight * aspectRatio else resultingWidth = pageWidth resultingHeight = resultingWidth / aspectRatio resultingMarginX = (pageWidth - resultingWidth) / 2 resultingMarginY = (pageHeight - resultingHeight) / 2 @$el.find('.map').css(width: resultingWidth, height: resultingHeight, 'margin-left': resultingMarginX, 'margin-top': resultingMarginY) playAmbientSound: -> return if @ambientSound return unless file = {dungeon: 'ambient-dungeon', forest: 'ambient-map-grass'}[@terrain] src = "/file/interface/#{file}#{AudioPlayer.ext}" unless AudioPlayer.getStatus(src)?.loaded AudioPlayer.preloadSound src Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'audio-player:loaded', @playAmbientSound, @ return @ambientSound = src, loop: -1, volume: 0.1 createjs.Tween.get(@ambientSound).to({volume: 1.0}, 1000) playMusic: -> @musicPlayer = new MusicPlayer() musicFile = {dungeon: '/music/music-menu-dungeon', forest: '/music/music-menu-grass'}[@terrain] Backbone.Mediator.publish 'music-player:play-music', play: true, file: musicFile"loaded-menu-music-#{@terrain}", true) unless @probablyCachedMusic preloadTopHeroes: -> for heroID in ['captain', 'knight'] url = "/db/thang.type/#{ThangType.heroes[heroID]}/version" continue if @supermodel.getModel url fullHero = new ThangType() fullHero.setURL url @supermodel.loadModel fullHero, 'thang' updateVolume: (volume) -> volume ?= me.get('volume') ? 1.0 classes = ['vol-off', 'vol-down', 'vol-up'] button = $('#volume-button', @$el) button.toggleClass 'vol-off', volume <= 0.0 button.toggleClass 'vol-down', 0.0 < volume < 1.0 button.toggleClass 'vol-up', volume >= 1.0 createjs.Sound.setVolume(if volume is 1 then 0.6 else volume) # Quieter for now until individual sound FX controls work again. if volume isnt me.get 'volume' me.set 'volume', volume me.patch() onToggleVolume: (e) -> button = $('#volume-button') classes = ['vol-off', 'vol-down', 'vol-up'] volumes = [0, 0.4, 1.0] for oldClass, i in classes if button.hasClass oldClass newI = (i + 1) % classes.length break else if i is classes.length - 1 # no oldClass newI = 2 @updateVolume volumes[newI] tutorials = [ { name: 'Rescue Mission' difficulty: 1 id: 'rescue-mission' image: '/file/db/level/52740644904ac0411700067c/rescue_mission_icon.png' description: 'Tharin has been captured! Start here.' x: 17.23 y: 36.94 } { name: 'Grab the Mushroom' difficulty: 1 id: 'grab-the-mushroom' image: '/file/db/level/529662dfe0df8f0000000007/grab_the_mushroom_icon.png' description: 'Grab a powerup and smash a big ogre.' x: 22.6 y: 35.1 } { name: 'Drink Me' difficulty: 1 id: 'drink-me' image: '/file/db/level/525dc5589a0765e496000006/drink_me_icon.png' description: 'Drink up and slay two munchkins.' x: 27.74 y: 35.17 } { name: 'Taunt the Guards' difficulty: 1 id: 'taunt-the-guards' image: '/file/db/level/5276c9bdcf83207a2801ff8f/taunt_icon.png' description: 'Tharin, if clever, can escape with Phoebe.' x: 32.7 y: 36.7 } { name: 'It\'s a Trap' difficulty: 1 id: 'its-a-trap' image: '/file/db/level/528aea2d7f37fc4e0700016b/its_a_trap_icon.png' description: 'Organize a dungeon ambush with archers.' x: 37.6 y: 40.0 } { name: 'Break the Prison' difficulty: 1 id: 'break-the-prison' image: '/file/db/level/5275272c69abdcb12401216e/break_the_prison_icon.png' description: 'More comrades are imprisoned!' x: 44.1 y: 39.5 } { name: 'Taunt' difficulty: 1 id: 'taunt' image: '/file/db/level/525f150306e1ab0962000018/taunt_icon.png' description: 'Taunt the ogre to claim victory.' x: 38.5 y: 44.1 } { name: 'Cowardly Taunt' difficulty: 1 id: 'cowardly-taunt' image: '/file/db/level/525abfd9b12777d78e000009/cowardly_taunt_icon.png' description: 'Lure infuriated ogres to their doom.' x: 39.2 y: 50.1 } { name: 'Commanding Followers' difficulty: 1 id: 'commanding-followers' image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png' description: 'Lead allied soldiers into battle.' x: 39.1 y: 54.7 } { name: 'Mobile Artillery' difficulty: 1 id: 'mobile-artillery' image: '/file/db/level/525085419851b83f4b000001/mobile_artillery_icon.png' description: 'Blow ogres up!' x: 39.5 y: 60.2 } ] experienced = [ { name: 'Hunter Triplets' difficulty: 2 id: 'hunter-triplets' image: '/file/db/level/526711d9add4f8965f000002/hunter_triplets_icon.png' description: 'Three soldiers go ogre hunting.' x: 51.76 y: 35.5 } { name: 'Emphasis on Aim' difficulty: 2 id: 'emphasis-on-aim' image: '/file/db/level/525f384d96cd77000000000f/munchkin_masher_icon.png' description: 'Choose your targets carefully.' x: 61.47 y: 33.46 } { name: 'Zone of Danger' difficulty: 3 id: 'zone-of-danger' image: '/file/db/level/526ae95c1e5cd30000000008/zone_of_danger_icon.png' description: 'Target the ogres swarming into arrow range.' x: 65.72 y: 26.72 } { name: 'Molotov Medic' difficulty: 2 id: 'molotov-medic' image: '/file/db/level/52602ecb026e8481e7000001/generic_1.png' description: 'Tharin must play support in this dungeon battle.' x: 70.95 y: 18.64 } { name: 'Gridmancer' difficulty: 5 id: 'gridmancer' image: '/file/db/level/52ae2460ef42c52f13000008/gridmancer_icon.png' description: 'Super algorithm challenge level!' x: 61.41 y: 17.22 } ] arenas = [ { name: 'Criss-Cross' difficulty: 5 id: 'criss-cross' image: '/file/db/level/528aea2d7f37fc4e0700016b/its_a_trap_icon.png' description: 'Participate in a bidding war with opponents to reach the other side!' levelPath: 'ladder' x: 49.43 y: 21.48 } { name: 'Greed' difficulty: 4 id: 'greed' image: '/file/db/level/526fd3043c637ece50001bb2/the_herd_icon.png' description: 'Liked Dungeon Arena and Gold Rush? Put them together in this economic arena!' levelPath: 'ladder' x: 45.00 y: 23.34 } { name: 'Dungeon Arena' difficulty: 3 id: 'dungeon-arena' image: '/file/db/level/526ae95c1e5cd30000000008/zone_of_danger_icon.png' description: 'Play head-to-head against fellow Wizards in a dungeon melee!' levelPath: 'ladder' x: 36.82 y: 23.17 } { name: 'Gold Rush' difficulty: 3 id: 'gold-rush' image: '/file/db/level/52602ecb026e8481e7000001/generic_1.png' description: 'Prove you are better at collecting gold than your opponent!' levelPath: 'ladder' x: 30.8 y: 16.87 } { name: 'Brawlwood' difficulty: 4 id: 'brawlwood' image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png' description: 'Combat the armies of other Wizards in a strategic forest arena! (Fast computer required.)' levelPath: 'ladder' x: 41.93 y: 12.79 } { name: 'Sky Span (Testing)' difficulty: 3 id: 'sky-span' image: '/file/db/level/526ae95c1e5cd30000000008/zone_of_danger_icon.png' description: 'Preview version of an upgraded Dungeon Arena. Help us with hero balance before release!' levelPath: 'ladder' x: 53.12 y: 11.37 } ] classicAlgorithms = [ { name: 'Bubble Sort Bootcamp Battle' difficulty: 3 id: 'bubble-sort-bootcamp-battle' image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png' description: 'Write a bubble sort to organize your soldiers. - by Alexandru Caciulescu' x: 26.37 y: 93.02 } { name: 'Ogres of Hanoi' difficulty: 3 id: 'ogres-of-hanoi' image: '/file/db/level/526fd3043c637ece50001bb2/the_herd_icon.png' description: 'Transfer a stack of ogres while preserving their honor. - by Alexandru Caciulescu' x: 32.39 y: 92.67 } { name: 'Danger! Minefield' difficulty: 3 id: 'danger-minefield' image: '/file/db/level/526bda3fe79aefde2a003e36/mobile_artillery_icon.png' description: 'Learn how to find prime numbers while defusing mines! - by Alexandru Caciulescu' x: 38.07 y: 92.76 } { name: 'K-means++ Cluster Wars' difficulty: 4 id: 'k-means-cluster-wars' image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png' description: 'Learn cluster analysis while leading armies into battle! - by Alexandru Caciulescu' x: 43.75 y: 90.36 } { name: 'Quicksort the Spiral' difficulty: 3 id: 'quicksort-the-spiral' image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png' description: 'Learn Quicksort while sorting a spiral of ogres! - by Alexandru Caciulescu' x: 48.97 y: 87.08 } { name: 'Minimax Tic-Tac-Toe' difficulty: 4 id: 'minimax-tic-tac-toe' image: '/file/db/level/525ef8ef06e1ab0962000003/commanding_followers_icon.png' description: 'Learn how to make a game AI with the Minimax algorithm. - by Alexandru Caciulescu' x: 55.96 y: 82.73 } ] playerCreated = [ { name: 'Extra Extrapolation' difficulty: 2 id: 'extra-extrapolation' image: '/file/db/level/526bda3fe79aefde2a003e36/mobile_artillery_icon.png' description: 'Predict your target\'s position for deadly aim. - by Sootn' x: 42.67 y: 67.98 } { name: 'The Right Route' difficulty: 1 id: 'the-right-route' image: '/file/db/level/526fd3043c637ece50001bb2/the_herd_icon.png' description: 'Strike at the weak point in an array of enemies. - by Aftermath' x: 47.38 y: 70.55 } { name: 'Sword Loop' difficulty: 2 id: 'sword-loop' image: '/file/db/level/525dc5589a0765e496000006/drink_me_icon.png' description: 'Kill the ogres and save the peasants with for-loops. - by Prabh Simran Singh Baweja' x: 52.66 y: 69.66 } { name: 'Coin Mania' difficulty: 2 id: 'coin-mania' image: '/file/db/level/529662dfe0df8f0000000007/grab_the_mushroom_icon.png' description: 'Learn while-loops to grab coins and potions. - by Prabh Simran Singh Baweja' x: 58.46 y: 66.38 } { name: 'Find the Spy' difficulty: 2 id: 'find-the-spy' image: '/file/db/level/526ae95c1e5cd30000000008/zone_of_danger_icon.png' description: 'Identify the spies hidden among your soldiers - by Nathan Gossett' x: 63.11 y: 62.74 } { name: 'Harvest Time' difficulty: 2 id: 'harvest-time' image: '/file/db/level/529662dfe0df8f0000000007/grab_the_mushroom_icon.png' description: 'Collect a hundred mushrooms in just five lines of code - by Nathan Gossett' x: 69.19 y: 60.61 } { name: 'Guide Everyone Home' difficulty: 2 id: 'guide-everyone-home' image: '/file/db/level/52740644904ac0411700067c/rescue_mission_icon.png' description: 'Fetch the wizards teleporting into the area - by Nathan Gossett' x: 77.54 y: 65.94 } { name: "Let's go Fly a Kite" difficulty: 3 id: 'lets-go-fly-a-kite' image: '/file/db/level/526711d9add4f8965f000002/hunter_triplets_icon.png' description: 'There is a horde of ogres marching on your village. Stay out of reach and use your bow to take them out! - by Danny Whittaker' x: 84.29 y: 61.23 } ] dungeon = [ { name: 'Dungeons of Kithgard' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'dungeons-of-kithgard' original: '528110f30268d018e3000001' description: 'Grab the gem, but touch nothing else. Start here.' x: 14 y: 15.5 nextLevels: continue: 'gems-in-the-deep' skip_ahead: 'shadow-guard' } { name: 'Gems in the Deep' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'gems-in-the-deep' original: '54173c90844506ae0195a0b4' description: 'Quickly collect the gems; you will need them.' x: 32 y: 15.5 nextLevels: more_practice: 'forgetful-gemsmith' continue: 'shadow-guard' skip_ahead: 'true-names' } { name: 'Forgetful Gemsmith' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'forgetful-gemsmith' original: '544a98f62d002f0000fe331a' description: 'Grab even more gems as you practice moving.' x: 35.49 y: 24.61 nextLevels: continue: 'shadow-guard' practice: true } { name: 'Shadow Guard' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'shadow-guard' original: '54174347844506ae0195a0b8' description: 'Evade the Kithgard minion.' x: 54 y: 9 nextLevels: more_practice: 'kounter-kithwise' continue: 'true-names' } { name: 'Kounter Kithwise' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'kounter-kithwise' original: '54527a6257e83800009730c7' description: 'Practice your evasion skills with more guards.' x: 61.19 y: 13.80 nextLevels: more_practice: 'crawlways-of-kithgard' continue: 'true-names' practice: true } { name: 'Crawlways of Kithgard' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'crawlways-of-kithgard' original: '545287ef57e83800009730d5' description: 'Dart in and grab the gem–at the right moment.' x: 63.19 y: 15.80 nextLevels: continue: 'true-names' practice: true } { name: 'True Names' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'true-names' original: '541875da4c16460000ab990f' description: 'Learn an enemy\'s true name to defeat it.' x: 74 y: 12 nextLevels: more_practice: 'favorable-odds' continue: 'the-raised-sword' } { name: 'Favorable Odds' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'favorable-odds' original: '5452972f57e83800009730de' description: 'Test out your battle skills by defeating more munchkins.' x: 80.85 y: 11.85 nextLevels: continue: 'the-raised-sword' practice: true } { name: 'The Raised Sword' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'the-raised-sword' original: '5418aec24c16460000ab9aa6' description: 'Learn to equip yourself for combat.' x: 85 y: 20 nextLevels: continue: 'the-first-kithmaze' } { name: 'The First Kithmaze' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'the-first-kithmaze' original: '5418b9d64c16460000ab9ab4' description: 'The builders of Kithgard constructed many mazes to confuse travelers.' x: 70 y: 28 nextLevels: more_practice: 'descending-further' continue: 'the-second-kithmaze' skip_ahead: 'new-sight' } { name: 'Descending Further' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'descending-further' original: '5452a84d57e83800009730e4' description: 'Another day, another maze.' x: 78.47 y: 34.38 nextLevels: continue: 'the-second-kithmaze' practice: true } { name: 'The Second Kithmaze' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'the-second-kithmaze' original: '5418cf256bae62f707c7e1c3' description: 'Many have tried, few have found their way through this maze.' x: 55.54 y: 26.96 nextLevels: continue: 'new-sight' } { name: 'New Sight' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'new-sight' original: '5418d40f4c16460000ab9ac2' description: 'A true name can only be seen with the correct lenses.' x: 67 y: 41 nextLevels: continue: 'known-enemy' } { name: 'Known Enemy' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'known-enemy' original: '5452adea57e83800009730ee' description: 'Begin to use variables in your battles.' x: 80.17 y: 45.31 nextLevels: continue: 'master-of-names' } { name: 'Master of Names' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'master-of-names' original: '5452c3ce57e83800009730f7' description: 'Use your glasses to defend yourself from the Kithmen.' x: 84.17 y: 45.31 nextLevels: continue: 'lowly-kithmen' skip_ahead: 'closing-the-distance' } { name: 'Lowly Kithmen' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'lowly-kithmen' original: '541b24511ccc8eaae19f3c1f' description: 'Now that you can see them, they\'re everywhere!' x: 74 y: 48 nextLevels: continue: 'closing-the-distance' skip_ahead: 'the-final-kithmaze' } { name: 'Closing the Distance' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'closing-the-distance' original: '541b288e1ccc8eaae19f3c25' description: 'Kithmen are not the only ones to stand in your way.' x: 76 y: 60 nextLevels: more_practice: 'tactical-strike' continue: 'the-final-kithmaze' } { name: 'Tactical Strike' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'tactical-strike' original: '5452cfa706a59e000067e4f5' description: 'They\'re, uh, coming right for us! Sneak up behind them.' x: 80.34 y: 55.60 nextLevels: continue: 'the-final-kithmaze' practice: true } { name: 'The Final Kithmaze' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'the-final-kithmaze' original: '541b434e1ccc8eaae19f3c33' description: 'To escape you must find your way through an Elder Kithman\'s maze.' x: 82 y: 70 nextLevels: more_practice: 'the-gauntlet' continue: 'kithgard-gates' } { name: 'The Gauntlet' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'the-gauntlet' original: '5452d8b906a59e000067e4fa' description: 'Rush for the stairs, battling foes at every turn.' x: 76.94 y: 74.22 nextLevels: continue: 'kithgard-gates' practice: true } { name: 'Kithgard Gates' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'kithgard-gates' original: '541c9a30c6362edfb0f34479' description: 'Escape the Kithgard dungeons and don\'t let the guardians get you.' x: 89 y: 82 nextLevels: continue: 'defense-of-plainswood' } { name: 'Cavern Survival' type: 'hero-ladder' difficulty: 1 id: 'cavern-survival' original: '544437e0645c0c0000c3291d' description: 'Stay alive longer than your opponent amidst hordes of ogres!' disabled: not me.isAdmin() x: 17.54 y: 78.39 } ] forest = [ { name: 'Defense of Plainswood' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'defense-of-plainswood' original: '541b67f71ccc8eaae19f3c62' description: 'Protect the peasants from the pursuing ogres.' x: 29.63 y: 53.69 } { name: 'Winding Trail' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'winding-trail' original: '5446cb40ce01c23e05ecf027' description: 'Stay alive and navigate through the forest.' x: 39.03 y: 54.97 } { name: 'Thornbush Farm' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'thornbush-farm' original: '5447030525cce60000745e2a' description: 'Determine refugee peasant from ogre when defending the farm.' x: 44.09 y: 57.75 } { name: 'A Fiery Trap' type: 'hero' difficulty: 1 id: 'a-fiery-trap' original: '5448330517d7283e051f9b9e' description: 'Patrol the village entrances, but stay defensive.' disabled: true x: 40.14 y: 63.96 } #{ # name: '' # type: 'hero' # difficulty: 1 # id: '' # description: '' # x: 58.46 # y: 66.38 # } #{ # name: '' # type: 'hero' # difficulty: 1 # id: '' # description: '' # x: 63.11 # y: 62.74 # } #{ # name: '' # type: 'hero' # difficulty: 1 # id: '' # description: '' # x: 69.19 # y: 60.61 # } #{ # name: '' # type: 'hero' # difficulty: 1 # id: '' # description: '' # x: 77.54 # y: 65.94 #} #{ # name: '' # type: 'hero' # difficulty: 1 # id: '' # description: '' # x: 84.29 # y: 61.23 #} { name: 'Dueling Grounds' type: 'hero-ladder' difficulty: 1 id: 'dueling-grounds' original: '5442ba0e1e835500007eb1c7' description: 'Battle head-to-head against another hero in this basic beginner combat arena.' disabled: not me.isAdmin() x: 25.5 y: 77.5 } ] WorldMapView.campaigns = campaigns = [ #{id: 'beginner', name: 'Beginner Campaign', description: '... in which you learn the wizardry of programming.', levels: tutorials, color: "rgb(255, 80, 60)"} #{id: 'multiplayer', name: 'Multiplayer Arenas', description: '... in which you code head-to-head against other players.', levels: arenas, color: "rgb(80, 5, 60)"} #{id: 'dev', name: 'Random Harder Levels', description: '... in which you learn the interface while doing something a little harder.', levels: experienced, color: "rgb(80, 60, 255)"} #{id: 'classic_algorithms' ,name: 'Classic Algorithms', description: '... in which you learn the most popular algorithms in Computer Science.', levels: classicAlgorithms, color: "rgb(110, 80, 120)"} #{id: 'player_created', name: 'Player-Created', description: '... in which you battle against the creativity of your fellow Artisan Wizards.', levels: playerCreated, color: "rgb(160, 160, 180)"} {id: 'dungeon', name: 'Dungeon Campaign', levels: dungeon } {id: 'forest', name: 'Forest Campaign', levels: forest } ]