@import "app/styles/mixins" .hints-view position: relative width: 500px // TODO: should be in sync with surface min-width padding: 10px 20px border-style: solid border-image: url(/images/level/popover_border_background.png) 16 12 fill round border-width: 16px 12px @include box-shadow(0 0 0 #000) .close-hint-btn position: absolute right: 5px top: 5px .glyphicon-remove position: relative top: 4px h1 margin-bottom: 30px .btn-area margin-top: 20px .hint-title font-size: 18px text-transform: uppercase .hint-body height: 390px overflow-y: auto img width: 100% .hint-pagination font-size: 18px margin-top: 0px text-transform: uppercase