module.exports = class SuperModel extends Backbone.Model constructor: -> @num = 0 @denom = 0 @progress = 0 @resources = {} @rid = 0 @maxProgress = 1 @models = {} @collections = {} # Since the supermodel has undergone some changes into being a loader and a cache interface, # it's a bit wonky to use. The next couple functions are meant to cover the majority of # use cases across the site. If they are used, the view will automatically handle errors, # retries, progress, and filling the cache. Note that the resource it passes back will not # necessarily have the same model or collection that was passed in, if it was fetched from # the cache. report: -> # Useful for debugging why a SuperModel never finishes loading. 'SuperModel report ------------------------' "#{_.values(@resources).length} resources." unfinished = [] for resource in _.values(@resources) when resource "\t",, 'loaded', resource.isLoaded, resource.model unfinished.push resource unless resource.isLoaded unfinished loadModel: (model, name, fetchOptions, value=1) -> # Deprecating name. Handle if name is not included value = fetchOptions if _.isNumber(fetchOptions) fetchOptions = name if _.isObject(name) # hero-ladder levels need remote opponent_session for latest session data (e.g. code) # Can't apply to everything since other features rely on cached models being more recent (E.g. level_session) # E.g.#2 heroConfig isn't necessarily saved to db in world map inventory modal, so we need to load the cached session on level start cachedModel = @getModelByURL(model.getURL()) unless fetchOptions?.cache is false and name is 'opponent_session' if cachedModel if cachedModel.loaded res = @addModelResource(cachedModel, name, fetchOptions, 0) res.markLoaded() return res else res = @addModelResource(cachedModel, name, fetchOptions, value) res.markLoading() return res else @registerModel(model) res = @addModelResource(model, name, fetchOptions, value) if model.loaded then res.markLoaded() else res.load() return res loadCollection: (collection, name, fetchOptions, value=1) -> # Deprecating name. Handle if name is not included value = fetchOptions if _.isNumber(fetchOptions) fetchOptions = name if _.isObject(name) url = collection.getURL() if cachedCollection = @collections[url] console.debug 'Collection cache hit', url, 'already loaded', cachedCollection.loaded if cachedCollection.loaded res = @addModelResource(cachedCollection, name, fetchOptions, 0) res.markLoaded() return res else res = @addModelResource(cachedCollection, name, fetchOptions, value) res.markLoading() return res else @addCollection collection onCollectionSynced = (c) -> if collection.url is c.url @registerCollection c else console.warn 'Sync triggered for collection', c console.warn 'Yet got other object', c @listenToOnce collection, 'sync', onCollectionSynced @listenToOnce collection, 'sync', onCollectionSynced res = @addModelResource(collection, name, fetchOptions, value) res.load() if not (res.isLoading or res.isLoaded) return res # Eventually should use only these functions. Use SuperModel just to track progress. trackModel: (model, value) -> res = @addModelResource(model, '', {}, value) res.listen() trackCollection: (collection, value) -> res = @addModelResource(collection, '', {}, value) res.listen() trackRequest: (jqxhr, value=1) -> res = new Resource('', value) res.jqxhr = jqxhr jqxhr.done -> res.markLoaded() -> res.markFailed() @storeResource(res, value) return jqxhr trackRequests: (jqxhrs, value=1) -> @trackRequest(jqxhr, value) for jqxhr in jqxhrs # replace or overwrite shouldSaveBackups: (model) -> false # Caching logic getModel: (ModelClass_or_url, id) -> return @getModelByURL(ModelClass_or_url) if _.isString(ModelClass_or_url) m = new ModelClass_or_url(_id: id) return @getModelByURL(m.getURL()) getModelByURL: (modelURL) -> modelURL = modelURL() if _.isFunction(modelURL) return @models[modelURL] or null getModelByOriginal: (ModelClass, original, filter=null) -> _.find @models, (m) -> m.get('original') is original and m.constructor.className is ModelClass.className and (not filter or filter(m)) getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion: (ModelClass, original, majorVersion=0) -> _.find @models, (m) -> return unless v = m.get('version') m.get('original') is original and v.major is majorVersion and m.constructor.className is ModelClass.className getModels: (ModelClass) -> # can't use instanceof. SuperModel gets passed between windows, and one window # will have different class objects than another window. # So compare className instead. return (m for key, m of @models when m.constructor.className is ModelClass.className) if ModelClass return _.values @models registerModel: (model) -> @models[model.getURL()] = model getCollection: (collection) -> return @collections[collection.getURL()] or collection addCollection: (collection) -> # TODO: remove, instead just use registerCollection? url = collection.getURL() if @collections[url]? and @collections[url] isnt collection return console.warn "Tried to add Collection '#{url}' to SuperModel when we already had it." @registerCollection(collection) registerCollection: (collection) -> @collections[collection.getURL()] = collection if collection.isCachable # consolidate models for model, i in collection.models cachedModel = @getModelByURL(model.getURL()) if cachedModel clone = $.extend true, {}, model.attributes cachedModel.set(clone, {silent: true, fromMerge: true}) #console.debug "Updated cached model <#{cachedModel.get('name') or cachedModel.getURL()}> with new data" else @registerModel(model) collection # Tracking resources being loaded for this supermodel finished: -> return (@progress is 1.0) or (not @denom) or @failed addModelResource: (modelOrCollection, name, fetchOptions, value=1) -> # Deprecating name. Handle if name is not included value = fetchOptions if _.isNumber(fetchOptions) fetchOptions = name if _.isObject(name) modelOrCollection.saveBackups = modelOrCollection.saveBackups or @shouldSaveBackups(modelOrCollection) @checkName(name) res = new ModelResource(modelOrCollection, name, fetchOptions, value) @storeResource(res, value) return res removeModelResource: (modelOrCollection) -> @removeResource _.find(@resources, (resource) -> resource?.model is modelOrCollection) addRequestResource: (name, jqxhrOptions, value=1) -> # Deprecating name. Handle if name is not included value = jqxhrOptions if _.isNumber(jqxhrOptions) jqxhrOptions = name if _.isObject(name) @checkName(name) res = new RequestResource(name, jqxhrOptions, value) @storeResource(res, value) return res addSomethingResource: (name, value=1) -> value = name if _.isNumber(name) @checkName(name) res = new SomethingResource(name, value) @storeResource(res, value) return res checkName: (name) -> #if _.isString(name) # console.warn("SuperModel name property deprecated. Remove '#{name}' from code.") storeResource: (resource, value) -> @rid++ resource.rid = @rid @resources[@rid] = resource @listenToOnce(resource, 'loaded', @onResourceLoaded) @listenTo(resource, 'failed', @onResourceFailed) @denom += value _.defer @updateProgress if @denom removeResource: (resource) -> return unless @resources[resource.rid] @resources[resource.rid] = null --@num if resource.isLoaded --@denom _.defer @updateProgress onResourceLoaded: (r) -> return unless @resources[r.rid] @num += r.value _.defer @updateProgress r.clean() @stopListening r, 'failed', @onResourceFailed @trigger 'resource-loaded', r onResourceFailed: (r) -> return unless @resources[r.rid] @failed = true @trigger('failed', resource: r) r.clean() updateProgress: => # Because this is _.defer'd, this might end up getting called after # a bunch of things load all at once. # So make sure we only emit events if @progress has changed. newProg = if @denom then @num / @denom else 1 newProg = Math.min @maxProgress, newProg return if @progress >= newProg @progress = newProg @trigger('update-progress', @progress) @trigger('loaded-all') if @finished() setMaxProgress: (@maxProgress) -> resetProgress: -> @progress = 0 clearMaxProgress: -> @maxProgress = 1 _.defer @updateProgress getProgress: -> return @progress getResource: (rid) -> return @resources[rid] # Promises finishLoading: -> new Promise (resolve, reject) => return resolve(@) if @finished() @once 'failed', ({resource}) -> jqxhr = resource.jqxhr reject({message: jqxhr.responseJSON?.message or jqxhr.responseText or 'Unknown Error'}) @once 'loaded-all', => resolve(@) class Resource extends Backbone.Model constructor: (name, value=1) -> @name = name @value = value @rid = -1 # Used for checking state and reloading @isLoading = false @isLoaded = false @model = null @jqxhr = null markLoaded: -> return if @isLoaded @trigger('loaded', @) @isLoaded = true @isLoading = false markFailed: -> return if @isLoaded @trigger('failed', @) @isLoaded = @isLoading = false @isFailed = true markLoading: -> @isLoaded = @isFailed = false @isLoading = true clean: -> # request objects get rather large. Clean them up after the request is finished. @jqxhr = null load: -> @ class ModelResource extends Resource constructor: (modelOrCollection, name, fetchOptions, value)-> super(name, value) @model = modelOrCollection @fetchOptions = fetchOptions @jqxhr = @model.jqxhr @loadsAttempted = 0 load: -> timeToWait = 5000 tryLoad = => return if this.isLoaded if @loadsAttempted > 4 @markFailed() return @ @markLoading() if @loadsAttempted > 0 console.log "Didn't load model in #{timeToWait}ms (attempt ##{@loadsAttempted}), trying again: ", this @fetchModel() @listenTo @model, 'error', (levelComponent, request) -> if request.status isnt 504 clearTimeout(@timeoutID) clearTimeout(@timeoutID) if @timeoutID @timeoutID = setTimeout(tryLoad, timeToWait) @loadsAttempted += 1 timeToWait *= 1.5 tryLoad() @ fetchModel: -> @jqxhr = @model.fetch(@fetchOptions) unless @model.loading @listen() listen: -> @listenToOnce @model, 'sync', -> @markLoaded() @listenToOnce @model, 'error', -> @markFailed() clean: -> @jqxhr = null @model.jqxhr = null class RequestResource extends Resource constructor: (name, jqxhrOptions, value) -> super(name, value) @jqxhrOptions = jqxhrOptions load: -> @markLoading() @jqxhr = $.ajax(@jqxhrOptions) # make sure any other success/fail callbacks happen before resource loaded callbacks @jqxhr.done => _.defer => @markLoaded() => _.defer => @markFailed() @ class SomethingResource extends Resource