RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/test-view' requireUtils = require 'lib/requireUtils' storage = require 'core/storage' require 'vendor/jasmine-bundle' require 'tests' TEST_REQUIRE_PREFIX = 'test/app/' TEST_URL_PREFIX = '/test/' module.exports = TestView = class TestView extends RootView id: 'test-view' template: template reloadOnClose: true className: 'style-flat' events: 'click #show-demos-btn': 'onClickShowDemosButton' 'click #hide-demos-btn': 'onClickHideDemosButton' # INITIALIZE initialize: (options, @subPath='') -> @subPath = @subPath[1..] if @subPath[0] is '/' @demosOn = storage.load('demos-on') @failureReports = [] @loadedFileIDs = [] afterInsert: -> @initSpecFiles() @render() TestView.runTests(@specFiles, @demosOn, @) window.runJasmine() # EVENTS onClickShowDemosButton: ->'demos-on', true) document.location.reload() onClickHideDemosButton: -> storage.remove('demos-on') document.location.reload() # RENDER DATA getRenderData: -> c = super(arguments...) c.parentFolders = requireUtils.getParentFolders(@subPath, TEST_URL_PREFIX) c.children = requireUtils.parseImmediateChildren(@specFiles, @subPath, TEST_REQUIRE_PREFIX, TEST_URL_PREFIX) parts = @subPath.split('/') c.currentFolder = parts[parts.length-1] or parts[parts.length-2] or 'All' c # RUNNING TESTS initSpecFiles: -> @specFiles = TestView.getAllSpecFiles() if @subPath prefix = TEST_REQUIRE_PREFIX + @subPath @specFiles = (f for f in @specFiles when _.string.startsWith f, prefix) @runTests: (specFiles, demosOn=false, view) -> jasmine.getEnv().addReporter({ suiteStack: [] specDone: (result) -> if result.status is 'failed' report = { suiteDescriptions: _.clone(@suiteStack) failMessages: (fe.message for fe in result.failedExpectations) testDescription: result.description } view?.failureReports.push(report) view?.renderSelectors('#failure-reports') suiteStarted: (result) -> @suiteStack.push(result.description) suiteDone: (result) -> @suiteStack.pop() }) application.testing = true specFiles ?= @getAllSpecFiles() if demosOn jasmine.demoEl = _.once ($el) -> $('#demo-area').append($el) jasmine.demoModal = _.once (modal) -> currentView.openModalView(modal) else jasmine.demoEl = _.noop jasmine.demoModal = _.noop jasmine.Ajax.install() beforeEach -> jasmine.Ajax.requests.reset() Backbone.Mediator.init() Backbone.Mediator.setValidationEnabled false spyOn(application.tracker, 'trackEvent') application.timeoutsToClear = [] # TODO Stubbify more things # * document.location # * firebase # * all the services that load in main.html afterEach -> application.timeoutsToClear?.forEach (timeoutID) -> clearTimeout(timeoutID) # TODO Clean up more things # * Events require f for f in specFiles # runs the tests @getAllSpecFiles = -> allFiles = window.require.list() (f for f in allFiles when f.indexOf('.spec') > -1) destroy: -> # hack to get jasmine tests to properly run again on clicking links, and make sure if you # leave this page (say, back to the main site) that test stuff doesn't follow you. document.location.reload()