RootView = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/admin/user-code-problems' UserCodeProblem = require 'models/UserCodeProblem' module.exports = class UserCodeProblemsView extends RootView # TODO: Pagination, choosing filters on the page itself. id: 'admin-user-code-problems-view' template: template constructor: (options) -> super options @getUserCodeProblems() getUserCodeProblems: -> # can have this page show arbitrary conditions, see mongoose queries # # Each list in conditions is a function call. # The first arg is the function name # The rest are the args for the function conditions = [ ['limit', 1000] ['sort', '-created'] ] conditions = $.param({conditions:JSON.stringify(conditions)}) UserCodeProblemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: UserCodeProblem url: '/db/user.code.problem?' + conditions }) @userCodeProblems = new UserCodeProblemCollection() @userCodeProblems.fetch() @listenTo(@userCodeProblems, 'all', @render) getRenderData: -> c = super() c.userCodeProblems = (problem.attributes for problem in @userCodeProblems.models) c