# https://github.com/hornairs/blog/blob/master/assets/coffeescripts/flocking/vector.coffee class Vector @className: 'Vector' # Class methods for nondestructively operating for name in ['add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'divide', 'limit', 'normalize'] do (name) -> Vector[name] = (a, b, useZ) -> a.copy()[name](b, useZ) isVector: true apiProperties: ['x', 'y', 'z', 'magnitude', 'heading', 'distance', 'dot', 'equals', 'copy', 'distanceSquared'] constructor: (@x=0, @y=0, @z=0) -> copy: -> new Vector(@x, @y, @z) magnitude: (useZ) -> sum = @x * @x + @y * @y sum += @z * @z if useZ Math.sqrt sum magnitudeSquared: (useZ) -> sum = @x * @x + @y * @y sum += @z * @z if useZ sum normalize: (useZ) -> m = @magnitude useZ @divide m, useZ if m > 0 @ limit: (max) -> if @magnitude() > max @normalize() return @multiply(max) else @ heading: -> -1 * Math.atan2(-1 * @y, @x) distance: (other, useZ) -> dx = @x - other.x dy = @y - other.y sum = dx * dx + dy * dy if useZ dz = @z - other.z sum += dz * dz Math.sqrt sum distanceSquared: (other, useZ) -> dx = @x - other.x dy = @y - other.y sum = dx * dx + dy * dy if useZ dz = @z - other.z sum += dz * dz sum subtract: (other, useZ) -> @x -= other.x @y -= other.y @z -= other.z if useZ @ add: (other, useZ) -> @x += other.x @y += other.y @z += other.z if useZ @ divide: (n, useZ) -> [@x, @y] = [@x / n, @y / n] @z = @z / n if useZ @ multiply: (n, useZ) -> [@x, @y] = [@x * n, @y * n] @z = @z * n if useZ @ dot: (other, useZ) -> sum = @x * other.x + @y * other.y sum += @z + other.z if useZ sum # Not the strict projection, the other isn't converted to a unit vector first. projectOnto: (other, useZ) -> other.copy().multiply(@dot(other, useZ), useZ) isZero: (useZ) -> result = @x is 0 and @y is 0 result = result and @z is 0 if useZ result equals: (other, useZ) -> result = other and @x is other.x and @y is other.y result = result and @z is other.z if useZ result # Rotate it around the origin # If we ever want to make this also use z: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axes_conventions rotate: (theta) -> return @ unless theta [@x, @y] = [Math.cos(theta) * @x - Math.sin(theta) * @y, Math.sin(theta) * @x + Math.cos(theta) * @y] @ invalid: () -> return (@x is Infinity) || isNaN(@x) || @y is Infinity || isNaN(@y) || @z is Infinity || isNaN(@z) toString: (useZ) -> useZ = true return "{x: #{@x.toFixed(0)}, y: #{@y.toFixed(0)}, z: #{@z.toFixed(0)}}" if useZ return "{x: #{@x.toFixed(0)}, y: #{@y.toFixed(0)}}" serialize: -> {CN: @constructor.className, x: @x, y: @y, z: @z} @deserialize: (o, world, classMap) -> new Vector o.x, o.y, o.z serializeForAether: -> @serialize() @deserializeFromAether: (o) -> @deserialize o module.exports = Vector