CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView' template = require 'templates/play/level/level_loading' utils = require 'lib/utils' module.exports = class LevelLoadingView extends CocoView id: 'level-loading-view' template: template events: 'mousedown .start-level-button': 'startUnveiling' # Split into two for animation smoothness. 'click .start-level-button': 'onClickStartLevel' subscriptions: 'level:loaded': 'onLevelLoaded' # If Level loads after level loading view. afterRender: -> super() @$el.find('.tip.rare').remove() if _.random(1, 10) < 9 tips = @$el.find('.tip').addClass('to-remove') tip = _.sample(tips) $(tip).removeClass('to-remove') @$el.find('.to-remove').remove() @onLevelLoaded level: @options.level if @options.level?.get('goals') # If Level was already loaded. afterInsert: -> super() _.defer => return if @destroyed # Make sure that we are as tall now as we will be when the canvas wrapper is resized to the right height. canvasAspectRatio = 924 / 589 eventualCanvasWidth = $('#canvas-wrapper').outerWidth() eventualCanvasHeight = Math.max(eventualCanvasWidth / canvasAspectRatio) currentCanvasHeight = 589 @$el.addClass('manually-sized').css('height', @$el.outerHeight() + eventualCanvasHeight - currentCanvasHeight + 2) onLevelLoaded: (e) -> @level = e.level goalContainer = @$el.find('.level-loading-goals') goalList = goalContainer.find('ul') goalCount = 0 for goalID, goal of @level.get('goals') when (not or is and not goal.hiddenGoal name = utils.i18n goal, 'name' goalList.append $('
  • ' + name + '
  • ') ++goalCount if goalCount goalContainer.removeClass('secret') if goalCount is 1 goalContainer.find('.panel-heading').text $.i18n.t 'play_level.goal' # Not plural showReady: -> return if @shownReady @shownReady = true _.delay @finishShowingReady, 1500 # Let any blocking JS hog the main thread before we show that we're done. finishShowingReady: => return if @destroyed if @options.autoUnveil @startUnveiling() @unveil() else ready = $.i18n.t('play_level.loading_ready', defaultValue: 'Ready!') @$el.find('#tip-wrapper .tip').addClass('ready').text ready Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'level_loaded', volume: 0.75 # old: loading_ready @$el.find('.progress').addClass 'active progress-striped' @$el.find('.start-level-button').removeClass 'secret' @$el.removeClass('manually-sized').css('height', '100%') startUnveiling: (e) -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:loading-view-unveiling', {} _.delay @onClickStartLevel, 1000 # If they never mouse-up for the click (or a modal shows up and interrupts the click), do it anyway. onClickStartLevel: (e) => return if @destroyed @unveil() unveil: -> return if @$el.hasClass 'unveiled' @$el.addClass 'unveiled' loadingDetails = @$el.find('.loading-details') duration = parseFloat loadingDetails.css 'transition-duration' loadingDetails.css 'top', -loadingDetails.outerHeight(true) @$el.find('.left-wing').css left: '-100%', backgroundPosition: 'right -400px top 0' @$el.find('.right-wing').css right: '-100%', backgroundPosition: 'left -400px top 0' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'loading-view-unveil', volume: 0.5 _.delay @onUnveilEnded, duration * 1000 onUnveilEnded: => return if @destroyed Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:loading-view-unveiled', view: @