CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView' template = require 'templates/play/level/hud' prop_template = require 'templates/play/level/hud_prop' LevelOptions = require 'lib/LevelOptions' module.exports = class LevelHUDView extends CocoView id: 'thang-hud' template: template subscriptions: 'surface:frame-changed': 'onFrameChanged' 'level:disable-controls': 'onDisableControls' 'level:enable-controls': 'onEnableControls' 'surface:sprite-selected': 'onSpriteSelected' 'sprite:thang-began-talking': 'onThangBeganTalking' 'sprite:thang-finished-talking': 'onThangFinishedTalking' 'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld' events: 'click': 'onClick' afterRender: -> super() @$el.addClass 'no-selection' if LevelOptions[@options.level.get('slug')]?.hidesHUD @hidesHUD = true @$el.addClass 'hide-hud-properties' onClick: (e) -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:focus-editor', {} unless $('.thang-props').length onFrameChanged: (e) -> @timeProgress = e.progress @update() onDisableControls: (e) -> return if e.controls and not ('hud' in e.controls) @disabled = true @$el.addClass 'controls-disabled' onEnableControls: (e) -> return if e.controls and not ('hud' in e.controls) @disabled = false @$el.removeClass 'controls-disabled' onSpriteSelected: (e) -> return if @disabled @setThang e.thang, e.sprite?.thangType onNewWorld: (e) -> hadThang = @thang @thang =[] if @thang if hadThang and not @thang @setThang null, null setThang: (thang, thangType) -> if not thang? and not @thang? then return if thang? and @thang? and is then return @thang = thang @thangType = thangType return unless @thang @createAvatar thangType, @thang @createProperties() @update() createAvatar: (thangType, thang, colorConfig) -> unless thangType.isFullyLoaded() args = arguments unless @listeningToCreateAvatar @listenToOnce thangType, 'sync', -> @createAvatar(args...) @listeningToCreateAvatar = true return @listeningToCreateAvatar = false options = thang.getLankOptions() or {} options.async = false options.colorConfig = colorConfig if colorConfig wrapper = @$el.find '.thang-canvas-wrapper' team = @thang?.team wrapper.removeClass (i, css) -> (css.match(/\bteam-\S+/g) or []).join ' ' wrapper.addClass "team-#{team}" if thangType.get('raster') wrapper.empty().append($('').addClass('avatar').attr('src', '/file/'+thangType.get('raster'))) else return unless stage = thangType.getPortraitStage options, 100 newCanvas = $(stage.canvas).addClass('thang-canvas avatar') wrapper.empty().append(newCanvas) stage.update() @stage?.stopTalking() @stage = stage wrapper.append($('').addClass('avatar-frame').attr('src', '/images/level/thang_avatar_frame.png')) onThangBeganTalking: (e) -> return unless @stage and @thang is e.thang @stage?.startTalking() onThangFinishedTalking: (e) -> return unless @stage and @thang is e.thang @stage?.stopTalking() createProperties: -> if in ['Hero Placeholder', 'Hero Placeholder 1'] name = {knight: 'Tharin', captain: 'Anya', librarian: 'Hushbaum', sorcerer: 'Pender', 'potion-master': 'Omarn', samurai: 'Hattori', ninja: 'Amara'}[@thang.type] ? 'Hero' else name = if @thang.type then "#{} - #{@thang.type}" else @$el.find('.thang-name').text name props = @$el.find('.thang-props') props.find('.prop').remove() #propNames = _.without @thang.hudProperties ? [], 'action' propNames = @thang.hudProperties for prop, i in propNames pel = @createPropElement prop continue unless pel? if pel.find('.bar').is('*') and props.find('.bar').is('*') props.find('.bar-prop').last().after pel # Keep bars together else props.append pel null update: -> return unless @thang @$el.find('.thang-props-column').toggleClass 'nonexistent', not @thang.exists if @thang.exists @updatePropElement(prop, @thang[prop]) for prop in @thang.hudProperties ? [] createPropElement: (prop) -> if prop in ['maxHealth'] return null # included in the bar context = prop: prop hasIcon: prop in ['health', 'pos', 'target', 'collectedThangIDs', 'gold', 'bountyGold', 'visualRange', 'attackDamage', 'attackRange', 'maxSpeed', 'attackNearbyEnemyRange'] hasBar: prop in ['health'] $(prop_template(context)) updatePropElement: (prop, val) -> pel = @$el.find '.thang-props *[name=' + prop + ']' if prop in ['maxHealth'] return # Don't show maxes--they're built into bar labels. if prop in ['health'] max = @thang['max' + prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1)] regen = @thang[prop + 'ReplenishRate'] percent = Math.round 100 * val / max pel.find('.bar').css 'width', percent + '%' labelText = prop + ': ' + @formatValue(prop, val) + ' / ' + @formatValue(prop, max) if regen labelText += ' (+' + @formatValue(prop, regen) + '/s)' pel.find('.bar-prop-value').text(Math.round(max)) if max else s = @formatValue(prop, val) labelText = "#{prop}: #{s}" if prop is 'attackDamage' cooldown = @thang.actions.attack.cooldown dps = @thang.attackDamage / cooldown labelText += " / #{cooldown.toFixed(2)}s (DPS: #{dps.toFixed(2)})" pel.find('.prop-value').text s pel.attr 'title', labelText pel formatValue: (prop, val) -> if prop is 'target' and not val val = @thang['targetPos'] val = null if val?.isZero() if prop is 'rotation' return (val * 180 / Math.PI).toFixed(0) + '˚' if$/) isnt -1 return val + 'm' if typeof val is 'number' if Math.round(val) == val or prop is 'gold' then return val.toFixed(0) # int if -10 < val < 10 then return val.toFixed(2) if -100 < val < 100 then return val.toFixed(1) return val.toFixed(0) if val and typeof val is 'object' if return else if val.x and val.y return "x: #{val.x.toFixed(0)} y: #{val.y.toFixed(0)}" #return "x: #{val.x.toFixed(0)} y: #{val.y.toFixed(0)}, z: #{val.z.toFixed(0)}" # Debugging: include z else if not val? return 'No ' + prop return val destroy: -> @stage?.stopTalking() super()