extends /templates/base block content .row .col-md-6 h2 CodeCombat for Employers p.lead Want to hire expert CodeCombat players? p | CodeCombat doesn't just have beginners. We also have expert software developers who play our a(href="http://blog.codecombat.com/beat-this-level-get-a-programming-job") developer challenge levels | . If your company is seeking technical talent, then we'd be happy to help place candidates with you. p We were actually overwhelmed by how many talented developers rushed to site, crushed our version of the algorithm in the Gridmancer challenge, and were looking for job opportunities, especially in the SF Bay Area where CodeCombat is located. So if you're an employer, now's a great time to get in touch and meet some amazing programmers. p If this sounds interesting, then let's get in touch, find out what you're looking for, talk about recruitment terms, and see what we can do for you. Don't worry–we are not your traditional recruiter. We're a tech company like you who happens to have a ton of great programmers looking to us for help with the job search. h3 a(title='Contact', tabindex=-1, data-toggle="coco-modal", data-target="modal/contact") Contact Us .span5 h2 Candidate Statistics h4 Resumes: 46 h4 Ages: 16 - 45 h4 Experience: 0 - 30 years h4 Skill: from interns and entry level to senior developers and management h4 Technologies: just about everything h4 Countries: USA, Canada, Australia, and many more if candidates.length table.table.table-condensed.table-hover.table-responsive.tablesorter thead tr th Name th Location th Looking For th Top 5 Skills th Yrs Exp th Last Updated th Current Job tbody for candidate, index in candidates - var profile = candidate.get('jobProfile'); - var authorized = candidate.id; // If we have the id, then we are authorized. tr(data-candidate-id=candidate.id) td if authorized img(src=candidate.getPhotoURL(), alt=profile.name, title=profile.name, width=50) p= profile.name else img(src="/images/pages/contribute/archmage.png", alt="", title="Sign up as an employer to see our candidates", width=50) p Developer ##{index + 1} if profile.country == 'USA' td= profile.city else td= profile.country td= profile.lookingFor td each skill in profile.skills.slice(0, 5) code= skill span td= profile.experience td= moment(profile.updated).fromNow() if authorized if profile.work.length td= profile.work[0].role + ' at ' + profile.work[0].employer else td else td em Employer sign-up required.