@import "app/styles/bootstrap/variables" @import "app/styles/mixins" .site-chrome background-color: white &.show-background background: url(/images/pages/base/background.jpg) top center no-repeat background-color: rgb(150,202,68) @media screen and ( max-height: 800px ) background-position: center -226px padding-top: 185px max-width: 1920px margin: 0 auto @media screen and ( max-height: 800px ) padding-top: 50px //- Nav #site-nav position: absolute background: url(/images/pages/base/nav_background.png) top center no-repeat left: 0 top: 56px right: 0 height: 144px text-align: center min-width: 1024px z-index: 1 @media screen and ( max-height: 800px ) top: -80px @media screen and ( max-width: 1024px ) .multiplayer-nav-link display: none #nav-logo position: absolute margin-right: auto margin-left: auto left: 0 right: 0 top: -45px @media screen and ( max-height: 800px ) display: none #small-nav-logo display: none @media screen and ( max-height: 800px ) display: inline-block height: 30px #site-nav-links position: absolute bottom: 21px left: 0 right: 0 & > a color: rgb(158,135,119) &:hover color: $white & > a, button, select font-size: 18px text-transform: uppercase font-family: $headings-font-family margin: 0 7px button, select position: relative top: -3px height: 32px color: #444 .signup-button background: red color: white .login-button background: white color: black .language-dropdown width: auto padding: 0px 10px display: inline-block #site-nav-smooth-edge position: absolute left: 0 right: 0 bottom: 0 height: 5px //- Account menu .dropdown .account-settings-image width: 18px .dropdown-menu width: 180px padding: 0px border-radius: 0px .user-dropdown-header background: #E4CF8C height: auto padding: 10px text-align: center color: black border-bottom: #32281e 1px solid div background-size: cover // Will be center along the largest dim. border: #e3be7a 8px solid height: 98px // Includes the border &:hover box-shadow: 0 0 20px #e3be7a h3 font-variant: small-caps font-family: Open Sans Condensed margin-top: 10px text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px white color: #31281E .user-level position: absolute top: 73px right: 40px color: gold text-shadow: 1px 1px black, -1px -1px 0 black, 1px -1px 0 black, -1px 1px 0 black li color: black font-size: 16px #logout-button font-weight: bold //- Content #site-content-area background: rgb(240,229,199) margin: 0 auto -20px width: 1024px border: 5px solid rgb(110,88,41) padding: 20px 12px min-height: 300px //- Footer #site-footer width: 100% height: 130px position: relative overflow: hidden // Recycling the nav bar background as a rotated image #footer-background transform: rotate(180deg) margin: 0 auto display: block #footer-links, #footer-credits position: absolute left: 0 right: 0 text-align: center #footer-links top: 20px height: 45px padding: 11px a color: rgb(158,135,119) font-size: 18px text-transform: uppercase font-family: Open Sans Condensed margin: 0 7px &:hover color: $white .share-buttons display: inline-block position: relative top: 3px margin-left: 20px .share-buttons, .partner-badges padding-bottom: 10px text-align: center @include opacity(0.75) &.fade-in @include opacity(0) &:hover, &:active @include opacity(1) @include transition(opacity .10s linear) .github-star-button margin-left: 20px &>div display: inline-block vertical-align: top #footer-credits top: 79px height: 50px color: rgb(158,135,119) font-size: 12px > * margin: 0 15px width: 186px display: inline-block #footer-logo width: 160px & > span position: relative top: 8px a color: rgb(238,227,131)