@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion Color 0A mode con: cols=78 lines=60 :: Global Variables set "temp-dir=C:\Coco-Temp" set install-log=%temp-dir%\coco-dev-install-log.txt :: set correct curl app IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" ( (set "curl-app=utilities\curl\64bit\curl.exe") ) ELSE ( set "curl-app=utilities\curl\32bit\curl.exe" ) set "ZU-app=utilities\7za.exe" :: DEBUG: :: + DEBUG FLOW OF PROGRAM :: + DEBUG & GET GIT AUTOMATIC WORKING :: TODO: :: + Write code to install vs if it's not yet installed on users pc :: + Write Tips... :: + Write Git Checkout repository code: :: 1) Let user specify destination :: 2) do a git clone with the git application :: + Configuraton and installation checklist: :: 1) ... ?! :: + Copy the automated dev batch file to root folder :: => Let user define mongo-db directory :: + Start the dev environment :: + Exit message and warn user that he can quit the window now :: Create The Temporary Directory IF EXIST %temp-dir% rmdir %temp-dir% /s /q mkdir %temp-dir% :: Create Log File copy /y nul %install-log% > nul call:parse_aa_and_draw "config\header" call:draw_dss call:parse_file_new "config\config" cnfg n call:log "Welcome to the automated Installation of the CodeCombat Dev. Environment!" call:log_sse "v%%cnfg[1]%% authored by %%cnfg[2]%% and published by %%cnfg[3]%%." :: Language Agreement Stuff call:log "In order to continue the installation of the developers environment" call:log "you will have to read and agree with the following license: call:draw_dss echo. call:parse_aa_and_draw "license.txt" echo. call:draw_dss call:strict_user_yn_question "Have you read the license and do you agree with it?" if "%res%"=="false" ( call:log "Sorry to hear that, have a good day..." call:log_sse "Installation and Setup of the CodeCombat environment is cancelled." GOTO:END ) :: Tips call:log "Before we start the installation, here are some tips:" echo. call:parse_aa_and_draw "config\tips" call:draw_ss :: Read Language Index call:parse_file_new "localisation\languages" lang lang_c :: Read Download URLs call:parse_file_new "config\downloads" downloads n call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_32" downloads_32 n call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_64" downloads_64 n call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_vista_32" downloads_vista_32 n call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_vista_64" downloads_vista_64 n call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_7_32" downloads_7_32 n call:parse_file_new "config\downloads_7_64" downloads_7_64 n :: Parse all Localisation Files for /L %%i in (1,1,%lang_c%) do ( call:parse_file "localisation\%%lang[%%i]%%" languages languages_c ) set /A "wc = %languages_c% / %lang_c%" :: Start install with language question (Localisation) call:log "Which language do you prefer?" set /A c=0 for /L %%i in (1,%wc%,%languages_c%) do ( set /A "n = %%i - 1" call:log " [%%c%%] %%languages[%%i]%%" set /A c+=1 ) set "lang_id=-1" call:user_enter_language_id goto:user_pick_language :user_enter_language_id set /p lang_id= "Enter the language ID and press : " goto:eof :user_pick_language set res=false if %lang_id% LSS 0 set res=true if %lang_id% GEQ %lang_c% set res=true if "%res%"=="true" ( call:log "Invalid id! Please enter a correct id from the numbers listed above..." call:draw_dss call:user_enter_language_id goto:user_pick_language ) call:get_lw word 0 call:log_ds "You choose '%word%', from now on all feedback will be logged in it." call:log_lw 1 call:log_lw_sse 2 :: downloads for all version... :: [TODO] The choice between Cygwin && Git ?! Is => HAVE EXTERNAL GIT APPLICATION LIST!!! call:log_lw_sse 3 call:log_lw 6 call:log_lw 7 call:log_lw 8 call:install_software_o "git" "%%downloads[1]%%" exe 9 call:draw_dss call:get_lw word 11 :: [TODO] Add downloads for windows visual studio ?! call:user_set_git_path :user_set_git_path_fail if not exist "%git_exe_path%" ( call:log_lw 27 call:draw_dss call:user_set_git_path ) :: architecture specific downloads... IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (GOTO 64BIT) ELSE (GOTO 32BIT) goto:eof :user_set_git_path set /p git_exe_path="%word%: " call:user_set_git_path_fail goto:eof :go_to_platform call:log_ds "Windows %~1 detected..." GOTO %~2 goto:eof :64BIT call:log_ds "64-bit computer detected..." call:install_software_o "node-js" "%%downloads_64[1]%%" msi 12 call:draw_dss call:install_software_o "ruby" "%%downloads_64[2]%%" exe 13 call:draw_dss call:install_software_o "python" "%%downloads_64[3]%%" msi 26 :: Some installations require specific windows versions for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:go_to_platform "XP" ver_XP_64 ) if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:go_to_platform "Vista" ver_Vista_64 ) if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:go_to_platform "7" ver_Win7_8_64 ) if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:go_to_platform "8.0" ver_Win7_8_64 ) if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:go_to_platform "8.1" ver_Win7_8_64 ) GOTO warn_and_exit GOTO END :32BIT call:log_ds "32-bit computer detected..." call:install_software_o "node-js" "%%downloads_32[1]%%" msi 12 call:draw_dss call:install_software_o "ruby" "%%downloads_32[2]%%" exe 13 call:draw_dss call:install_software_o "python" "%%downloads_32[3]%%" msi 26 :: Some installations require specific windows versions for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j if "%version%" == "5.2" ( call:go_to_platform "XP" ver_XP_32 ) if "%version%" == "6.0" ( call:go_to_platform "Vista" ver_Vista_32 ) if "%version%" == "6.1" ( call:go_to_platform "7" ver_Win7_8_32 ) if "%version%" == "6.2" ( call:go_to_platform "8.0" ver_Win7_8_32 ) if "%version%" == "6.3" ( call:go_to_platform "8.1" ver_Win7_8_32 ) GOTO warn_and_exit GOTO END :ver_Win7_8_32 call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_7_32[1]%%" 25 14 set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%" goto git_rep_checkout :ver_Vista_32 call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_vista_32[1]%%" 25 14 set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%" goto git_rep_checkout :ver_XP_32 call:log_lw_ds 15 goto END :ver_Win7_8_64 call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_7_64[1]%%" 25 14 set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%" goto git_rep_checkout :ver_Vista_64 call:install_packed_software_o "mongo-db" "%%downloads_vista_64[1]%%" 25 14 set "mong-db-path = %packed_software_path%" goto git_rep_checkout :ver_XP_64 call:log_lw_ds 15 goto END :git_rep_checkout call:log_lw_ss 16 call:log_lw_sse 17 set "PATH=%PATH%;%git_exe_path%\bin;%git_exe_path%\cmd" /M call:user_set_git_repository goto git_rep_checkout_auto :user_set_git_repository call:get_lw word 32 set /p git_repository_path="%word% " call:user_set_git_repository_sc goto:eof :user_set_git_repository_sc if exist "%git_repository_path%" ( call:log_lw 33 call:draw_dss call:user_set_git_repository ) goto git_rep_checkout_auto goto:eof :git_rep_checkout_auto git clone https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat.git "%git_repository_path%" goto:git_repo_configuration :git_repo_configuration call:log_lw_ss 35 call:log_lw_sse 36 goto report_ok :report_ok call:log_lw 18 call:log_lw_sse 19 :: Open README file call:open_readme goto clean_up :open_readme call:open_txt_file "config/info" goto:eof :warn_and_exit call:log_lw_ss 20 call:log_lw_sse 21 goto error_report :error_report call:log_lw_ds 22 goto END :clean_up call:log_lw_sse 23 rmdir %temp-dir% /s /q PAUSE goto END :: ============================ INSTALL SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS ====================== :download_software call:get_lw word 4 call:log "%word% %~1..." %curl-app% -sS -k %~2 -o %temp-dir%\%~1-setup.%~3 goto:eof :install_software call:download_software %~1 %~2 %~3 call:get_lw word 5 call:log "%word% %~1..." START /WAIT %temp-dir%\%~1-setup.%~3 goto:eof :install_software_o call:get_lw word %~4 call:user_yn_question "%word%" if "%res%"=="true" ( call:install_software %~1 %~2 %~3 ) else ( call:log_lw 10 ) goto:eof :install_packed_software call:download_software %~1 %~2 zip call:draw_dss call:get_lw word %~3 set /p packed_software_path="%word% " :: remove chosen directory of user if it already exists (to prevent a window from popping up) IF EXIST %packed_software_path% rmdir %packed_software_path% /s /q %ZU-app% x %temp-dir%\%~1-setup.zip -o%packed_software_path% call:draw_dss for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%packed_software_path%\" /on /ad /b') do @set temp_dir=%%a for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "%packed_software_path%\%temp_dir%\" /on /ad /b') do ( xcopy %packed_software_path%\%temp_dir% %packed_software_path%\ /S /E ) call:draw_dss rmdir %packed_software_path%\%temp_dir%\ /s /q goto:eof :user_yn_question set /p result="%~1 [Y/N]: " call:draw_dss set "res=false" if "%result%"=="N" (set "res=true") if "%result%"=="n" (set "res=true") goto:eof :strict_user_yn_question set /p result="%~1 [Y/N]: " call:draw_dss set "res=unset" if "%result%"=="N" (set "res=false") if "%result%"=="n" (set "res=false") if "%result%"=="Y" (set "res=true") if "%result%"=="y" (set "res=true") if "%res%"=="unset" ( call:log "Please answer the question with either Y or N..." call:draw_dss call:strict_user_yn_question "%~1" ) goto:eof :install_packed_software_o call:get_lw word %~4 call:user_yn_question "%word%" if "%res%"=="true" ( call:install_packed_software %~1 %~2 %~3 ) else ( call:log_lw 10 ) goto:eof :: ============================== FUNCTIONS ==================================== :log echo %~1 echo %~1 >> %install-log% goto:eof :draw_ss echo. call:log "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo. goto:eof :draw_dss echo. call:log "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" echo. goto:eof :draw_seperator echo. echo + + + + + + + + echo. goto:eof :log_ss call:draw_ss call:log "%~1" goto:eof :log_sse call:log "%~1" call:draw_ss goto:eof :log_ds call:log_ss "%~1" call:draw_ss goto:eof :: ============================== IO FUNCTIONS ==================================== :open_txt_file start "" notepad.exe %~1 goto:eof :parse_aa_and_draw set "file=%~1" for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=;" %%a in ("%file%") do ( echo.%%a ) goto:eof :parse_file set "file=%~1" for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%file%") do ( set /A %~3+=1 call set %~2[%%%~3%%]=%%a ) goto:eof :parse_file_new set /A %~3=0 call:parse_file %~1 %~2 %~3 goto:eof :: ============================== LOCALISATION FUNCTIONS ================ :get_lw call:get_lw_id %~1 %lang_id% %~2 goto:eof :get_lw_id set /A count = %~2 * %wc% + %~3 + 1 set "%~1=!languages[%count%]!" goto:eof :log_lw call:get_lw str %~1 call:log "%str%" goto:eof :log_lw_prfx call:get_lw str %~1 call:log "%~2%str%" goto:eof :log_lw_ss call:get_lw str %~1 call:log_ss "%str%" goto:eof :log_lw_ds call:get_lw str %~1 call:log_ds "%str%" goto:eof :log_lw_sse call:get_lw str %~1 call:log_sse "%str%" goto:eof :: ============================== WINDOWS FUNCTIONS ====================== :set_env_var setx -m %~1 %~2 goto:eof :: ============================== EOF ==================================== :END set /p input="You can close this window now..." endlocal