extends /templates/base block content h2 Contributing p CodeCombat is 100% open source and hundreds of dedicated players have helped us build the games | into what it is today. Join us and write the next chapter in CodeCombat's quest to teach the | world to code! a(href="/contribute/archmage") div.class_tile img(src="/images/pages/contribute/tile_archmage.png", alt="") div.class_text h3 Archmage p(data-i18n="contribute.short_archmage") | If you are a developer interested in coding educational games, become an archmage | to help us build CodeCombat! a(href="/contribute/artisan") div.class_tile img.tile-img(src="/images/pages/contribute/tile_artisan.png", alt="") div.class_text h3 Artisan p(data-i18n="contribute.short_artisan") | Build and share levels for you and your friends to play. Become an Artisan to learn | the art of teaching others to program. a(href="/contribute/adventurer") div.class_tile img.tile-img(src="/images/pages/contribute/tile_adventurer.png", alt="") div.class_text h3 Adventurer p(data-i18n="contribute.short_adventurer") | Get our new levels (even our subscriber content) for free one week early and help us | work out bugs before our public release. a(href="/contribute/scribe") div.class_tile img.tile-img(src="/images/pages/contribute/tile_scribe.png", alt="") div.class_text h3 Scribe p(data-i18n="contribute.short_scribe") | Good code needs good documentation. Write, | edit, and improve the docs read by millions of players across the globe. a(href="/contribute/diplomat") div.class_tile img.tile-img(src="/images/pages/contribute/tile_diplomat.png", alt="") div.class_text h3 Diplomat p(data-i18n="contribute.short_diplomat") | CodeCombat is localized in 39 languages by our Diplomats. Help them | out and contribute translations. a(href="/contribute/ambassador") div.class_tile img.tile-img(src="/images/pages/contribute/tile_ambassador.png", alt="") div.class_text h3 Ambassador p(data-i18n="contribute.short_ambassador") | Tame our forum users and provide direction for those with questions. Our ambassadors | represent CodeCombat to the world. div.clearfix