RootView = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/play/level' {me} = require 'lib/auth' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' utils = require 'lib/utils' storage = require 'lib/storage' {createAetherOptions} = require 'lib/aether_utils' # tools Surface = require 'lib/surface/Surface' God = require 'lib/God' GoalManager = require 'lib/world/GoalManager' ScriptManager = require 'lib/scripts/ScriptManager' LevelBus = require 'lib/LevelBus' LevelLoader = require 'lib/LevelLoader' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' Level = require 'models/Level' LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent' Article = require 'models/Article' Camera = require 'lib/surface/Camera' AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer' # subviews LevelLoadingView = require './LevelLoadingView' ProblemAlertView = require './tome/ProblemAlertView' TomeView = require './tome/TomeView' ChatView = require './LevelChatView' HUDView = require './LevelHUDView' LevelDialogueView = require './LevelDialogueView' ControlBarView = require './ControlBarView' LevelPlaybackView = require './LevelPlaybackView' GoalsView = require './LevelGoalsView' LevelFlagsView = require './LevelFlagsView' GoldView = require './LevelGoldView' VictoryModal = require './modal/VictoryModal' HeroVictoryModal = require './modal/HeroVictoryModal' InfiniteLoopModal = require './modal/InfiniteLoopModal' LevelSetupManager = require 'lib/LevelSetupManager' PROFILE_ME = false module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends RootView id: 'level-view' template: template cache: false shortcutsEnabled: true isEditorPreview: false subscriptions: 'level:set-volume': (e) -> createjs.Sound.setVolume(if e.volume is 1 then 0.6 else e.volume) # Quieter for now until individual sound FX controls work again. 'level:show-victory': 'onShowVictory' 'level:restart': 'onRestartLevel' 'level:highlight-dom': 'onHighlightDOM' 'level:end-highlight-dom': 'onEndHighlight' 'level:focus-dom': 'onFocusDom' 'level:disable-controls': 'onDisableControls' 'level:enable-controls': 'onEnableControls' 'god:world-load-progress-changed': 'onWorldLoadProgressChanged' 'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld' 'god:streaming-world-updated': 'onNewWorld' 'god:infinite-loop': 'onInfiniteLoop' 'level:reload-from-data': 'onLevelReloadFromData' 'level:reload-thang-type': 'onLevelReloadThangType' 'level:play-next-level': 'onPlayNextLevel' 'level:edit-wizard-settings': 'showWizardSettingsModal' 'level:session-will-save': 'onSessionWillSave' 'level:started': 'onLevelStarted' 'level:loading-view-unveiling': 'onLoadingViewUnveiling' 'level:loading-view-unveiled': 'onLoadingViewUnveiled' 'level:loaded': 'onLevelLoaded' 'level:session-loaded': 'onSessionLoaded' 'playback:real-time-playback-waiting': 'onRealTimePlaybackWaiting' 'playback:real-time-playback-started': 'onRealTimePlaybackStarted' 'playback:real-time-playback-ended': 'onRealTimePlaybackEnded' 'real-time-multiplayer:created-game': 'onRealTimeMultiplayerCreatedGame' 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game': 'onRealTimeMultiplayerJoinedGame' 'real-time-multiplayer:left-game': 'onRealTimeMultiplayerLeftGame' 'real-time-multiplayer:manual-cast': 'onRealTimeMultiplayerCast' 'ipad:memory-warning': 'onIPadMemoryWarning' 'store:item-purchased': 'onItemPurchased' events: 'click #level-done-button': 'onDonePressed' 'click #stop-real-time-playback-button': -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'playback:stop-real-time-playback', {} 'click #fullscreen-editor-background-screen': (e) -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:toggle-maximize', {} shortcuts: 'ctrl+s': 'onCtrlS' 'esc': 'onEscapePressed' # Initial Setup ############################################################# constructor: (options, @levelID) -> console.profile?() if PROFILE_ME super options @isEditorPreview = @getQueryVariable 'dev' @sessionID = @getQueryVariable 'session' @opponentSessionID = @getQueryVariable('opponent') @opponentSessionID ?= @options.opponent $(window).on 'resize', @onWindowResize @saveScreenshot = _.throttle @saveScreenshot, 30000 if @isEditorPreview @supermodel.shouldSaveBackups = (model) -> # Make sure to load possibly changed things from localStorage. model.constructor.className in ['Level', 'LevelComponent', 'LevelSystem', 'ThangType'] f = => @load() unless @levelLoader # Wait to see if it's just given to us through setLevel. setTimeout f, 100 else @load() application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Started Level Load', level: @levelID, label: @levelID, ['Google Analytics'] setLevel: (@level, givenSupermodel) -> @supermodel.models = givenSupermodel.models @supermodel.collections = givenSupermodel.collections @supermodel.shouldSaveBackups = givenSupermodel.shouldSaveBackups serializedLevel = @level.serialize @supermodel, @session, @otherSession @god?.setLevel serializedLevel if @world @world.loadFromLevel serializedLevel, false else @load() load: -> @loadStartTime = new Date() @god = new God debugWorker: true @levelLoader = new LevelLoader supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: @levelID, sessionID: @sessionID, opponentSessionID: @opponentSessionID, team: @getQueryVariable('team') @listenToOnce @levelLoader, 'world-necessities-loaded', @onWorldNecessitiesLoaded trackLevelLoadEnd: -> return if @isEditorPreview @loadEndTime = new Date() loadDuration = @loadEndTime - @loadStartTime console.debug "Level unveiled after #{(loadDuration / 1000).toFixed(2)}s" application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Finished Level Load', level: @levelID, label: @levelID, loadDuration: loadDuration, ['Google Analytics'] application.tracker?.trackTiming loadDuration, 'Level Load Time', @levelID, @levelID application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Play Level', Action: 'Loaded', levelID: @levelID # CocoView overridden methods ############################################### getRenderData: -> c = super() = @world c afterRender: -> super() window.onPlayLevelViewLoaded? @ # still a hack @insertSubView @loadingView = new LevelLoadingView autoUnveil: @options.autoUnveil, level: @level # May not have @level loaded yet @$el.find('#level-done-button').hide() $('body').addClass('is-playing') $('body').bind('touchmove', false) if @isIPadApp() afterInsert: -> super() # Partially Loaded Setup #################################################### onWorldNecessitiesLoaded: -> # Called when we have enough to build the world, but not everything is loaded @grabLevelLoaderData() team = @getQueryVariable('team') ? @session.get('team') ? @world.teamForPlayer(0) @loadOpponentTeam(team) @setupGod() @setTeam team @initGoalManager() @insertSubviews() @initVolume() @listenTo(@session, 'change:multiplayer', @onMultiplayerChanged) @originalSessionState = $.extend(true, {}, @session.get('state')) @register() @controlBar.setBus(@bus) @initScriptManager() grabLevelLoaderData: -> @session = @levelLoader.session @world = @level = @levelLoader.level @$el.addClass 'hero' if @level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop'] @$el.addClass 'flags' if _.any(@world.thangs, (t) -> (t.programmableProperties and 'findFlags' in t.programmableProperties) or t.inventory?.flag) or @level.get('slug') is 'sky-span' # TODO: Update terminology to always be opponentSession or otherSession # TODO: E.g. if it's always opponent right now, then variable names should be opponentSession until we have coop play @otherSession = @levelLoader.opponentSession @worldLoadFakeResources = [] # first element (0) is 1%, last (100) is 100% for percent in [1 .. 100] @worldLoadFakeResources.push @supermodel.addSomethingResource "world_simulation_#{percent}%", 1 onWorldLoadProgressChanged: (e) -> return unless @worldLoadFakeResources @lastWorldLoadPercent ?= 0 worldLoadPercent = Math.floor 100 * e.progress for percent in [@lastWorldLoadPercent + 1 .. worldLoadPercent] by 1 @worldLoadFakeResources[percent - 1].markLoaded() @lastWorldLoadPercent = worldLoadPercent @worldFakeLoadResources = null if worldLoadPercent is 100 # Done, don't need to watch progress any more. loadOpponentTeam: (myTeam) -> opponentSpells = [] for spellTeam, spells of @session.get('teamSpells') ? @otherSession?.get('teamSpells') ? {} continue if spellTeam is myTeam or not myTeam opponentSpells = opponentSpells.concat spells if (not @session.get('teamSpells')) and @otherSession?.get('teamSpells') @session.set('teamSpells', @otherSession.get('teamSpells')) opponentCode = @otherSession?.get('transpiledCode') or {} myCode = @session.get('code') or {} for spell in opponentSpells [thang, spell] = spell.split '/' c = opponentCode[thang]?[spell] myCode[thang] ?= {} if c then myCode[thang][spell] = c else delete myCode[thang][spell] @session.set('code', myCode) if @session.get('multiplayer') and @otherSession? # For now, ladderGame will disallow multiplayer, because session code combining doesn't play nice yet. @session.set 'multiplayer', false setupGod: -> @god.setLevel @level.serialize @supermodel, @session, @otherSession @god.setLevelSessionIDs if @otherSession then [,] else [] @god.setWorldClassMap @world.classMap setTeam: (team) -> team = team?.team unless _.isString team team ?= 'humans' = team @session.set 'team', team Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:team-set', team: team # Needed for scripts @team = team initGoalManager: -> @goalManager = new GoalManager(@world, @level.get('goals'), @team) @god.setGoalManager @goalManager insertSubviews: -> @insertSubView @tome = new TomeView levelID: @levelID, session: @session, otherSession: @otherSession, thangs: @world.thangs, supermodel: @supermodel, level: @level @insertSubView new LevelPlaybackView session: @session, levelID: @levelID, level: @level @insertSubView new GoalsView {} @insertSubView new LevelFlagsView levelID: @levelID, world: @world if @$el.hasClass 'flags' @insertSubView new GoldView {} @insertSubView new HUDView {level: @level} @insertSubView new LevelDialogueView {level: @level} @insertSubView new ChatView levelID: @levelID, sessionID:, session: @session @insertSubView new ProblemAlertView {} worldName = utils.i18n @level.attributes, 'name' @controlBar = @insertSubView new ControlBarView {worldName: worldName, session: @session, level: @level, supermodel: @supermodel} #_.delay (=> Backbone.Mediator.publish('level:set-debug', debug: true)), 5000 if @isIPadApp() # if me.displayName() is 'Nick' initVolume: -> volume = me.get('volume') volume = 1.0 unless volume? Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-volume', volume: volume initScriptManager: -> @scriptManager = new ScriptManager({scripts: @world.scripts or [], view: @, session: @session, levelID: @level.get('slug')}) @scriptManager.loadFromSession() register: -> @bus = LevelBus.get(@levelID, @bus.setSession(@session) @bus.setSpells @tome.spells @bus.connect() if @session.get('multiplayer') # Load Completed Setup ###################################################### onLevelLoaded: (e) -> # Just the level has been loaded by the level loader @showWizardSettingsModal() if not me.get('name') and not @isIPadApp() and not (e.level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop']) onSessionLoaded: (e) -> # Just the level and session have been loaded by the level loader if e.level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop'] and not _.size e.session.get('heroConfig')?.inventory ? {} @setupManager?.destroy() @setupManager = new LevelSetupManager({supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: @levelID, parent: @, session: @session}) @onRealTimeMultiplayerLevelLoaded e.session if e.level.get('type') in ['hero-ladder'] onLoaded: -> _.defer => @onLevelLoaderLoaded() onLevelLoaderLoaded: -> # Everything is now loaded return unless @levelLoader.progress() is 1 # double check, since closing the guide may trigger this early # Save latest level played. if not (@levelLoader.level.get('type') in ['ladder', 'ladder-tutorial']) me.set('lastLevel', @levelID) @saveRecentMatch() if @otherSession @levelLoader.destroy() @levelLoader = null @initSurface() saveRecentMatch: -> allRecentlyPlayedMatches = storage.load('recently-played-matches') ? {} recentlyPlayedMatches = allRecentlyPlayedMatches[@levelID] ? [] allRecentlyPlayedMatches[@levelID] = recentlyPlayedMatches recentlyPlayedMatches.unshift yourTeam:, otherSessionID:, opponentName: @otherSession.get('creatorName') unless _.find recentlyPlayedMatches, otherSessionID: recentlyPlayedMatches.splice(8) 'recently-played-matches', allRecentlyPlayedMatches initSurface: -> webGLSurface = $('canvas#webgl-surface', @$el) normalSurface = $('canvas#normal-surface', @$el) @surface = new Surface(@world, normalSurface, webGLSurface, thangTypes: @supermodel.getModels(ThangType), playJingle: not @isEditorPreview, wizards: not (@level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop'])) worldBounds = @world.getBounds() bounds = [{x: worldBounds.left, y:}, {x: worldBounds.right, y: worldBounds.bottom}]{x: 0, y: 0}, 0.1, 0) # Once Surface is Loaded #################################################### onLevelStarted: -> return unless @surface? @loadingView.showReady() @trackLevelLoadEnd() if window.currentModal and not window.currentModal.destroyed and window.currentModal.constructor isnt VictoryModal return Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'modal:closed', @onLevelStarted, @ @surface.showLevel() if @otherSession and not (@level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop']) # TODO: colorize name and cloud by team, colorize wizard by user's color config @surface.createOpponentWizard id: @otherSession.get('creator'), name: @otherSession.get('creatorName'), team: @otherSession.get('team'), levelSlug: @level.get('slug'), codeLanguage: @otherSession.get('submittedCodeLanguage') if @isEditorPreview @loadingView.startUnveiling() @loadingView.unveil() onLoadingViewUnveiling: (e) -> @restoreSessionState() onLoadingViewUnveiled: (e) -> @loadingView.$el.remove() @removeSubView @loadingView @loadingView = null @playAmbientSound() if @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID? Backbone.Mediator.publish 'playback:real-time-playback-waiting', {} @realTimeMultiplayerContinueGame @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Play Level', Action: 'Start Level', levelID: @levelID playAmbientSound: -> return if @ambientSound return unless file = {Dungeon: 'ambient-dungeon', Grass: 'ambient-grass'}[@level.get('terrain')] src = "/file/interface/#{file}#{AudioPlayer.ext}" unless AudioPlayer.getStatus(src)?.loaded AudioPlayer.preloadSound src Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'audio-player:loaded', @playAmbientSound, @ return @ambientSound = src, loop: -1, volume: 0.1 createjs.Tween.get(@ambientSound).to({volume: 1.0}, 10000) restoreSessionState: -> return if @alreadyLoadedState @alreadyLoadedState = true state = @originalSessionState if not @level or @level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop'] Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:suppress-selection-sounds', suppress: true Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:select-primary-sprite', {} Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:suppress-selection-sounds', suppress: false @surface.focusOnHero() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-time', time: 0 Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-playing', playing: true else if state.frame and @level.get('type', true) isnt 'ladder' # Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-time', time: 0, frameOffset: state.frame if state.selected # TODO: Should also restore selected spell here by saving spellName Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:select-sprite', thangID: state.selected, spellName: null if state.playing? Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:set-playing', playing: state.playing # callbacks onCtrlS: (e) -> e.preventDefault() onEscapePressed: (e) -> return unless @$el.hasClass 'real-time' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'playback:stop-real-time-playback', {} onLevelReloadFromData: (e) -> isReload = Boolean @world @setLevel e.level, e.supermodel if isReload @scriptManager.setScripts(e.level.get('scripts')) Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:cast-spell', {} # a bit hacky onLevelReloadThangType: (e) -> tt = e.thangType for url, model of @supermodel.models if is for key, val of tt.attributes model.attributes[key] = val break Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:cast-spell', {} onWindowResize: (e) => @endHighlight() onDisableControls: (e) -> return if e.controls and not ('level' in e.controls) @shortcutsEnabled = false @wasFocusedOn = document.activeElement $('body').focus() onEnableControls: (e) -> return if e.controls? and not ('level' in e.controls) @shortcutsEnabled = true $(@wasFocusedOn).focus() if @wasFocusedOn @wasFocusedOn = null onDonePressed: -> @showVictory() onShowVictory: (e) -> $('#level-done-button').show() unless @level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop'] @showVictory() if e.showModal setTimeout(@preloadNextLevel, 3000) return if @victorySeen @victorySeen = true victoryTime = (new Date()) - @loadEndTime if victoryTime > 10 * 1000 # Don't track it if we're reloading an already-beaten level application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Saw Victory', level: @level.get('name') label: @level.get('name') application.tracker?.trackTiming victoryTime, 'Level Victory Time', @levelID, @levelID, 100 showVictory: -> @endHighlight() options = {level: @level, supermodel: @supermodel, session: @session, hasReceivedMemoryWarning: @hasReceivedMemoryWarning} ModalClass = if @level.get('type', true) in ['hero', 'hero-ladder', 'hero-coop'] then HeroVictoryModal else VictoryModal victoryModal = new ModalClass(options) @openModalView(victoryModal) if me.get('anonymous') window.nextLevelURL = @getNextLevelURL() # Signup will go here on completion instead of reloading. onRestartLevel: -> @tome.reloadAllCode() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:restarted', {} $('#level-done-button', @$el).hide() application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Confirmed Restart', level: @level.get('name'), label: @level.get('name') onInfiniteLoop: (e) -> return unless e.firstWorld @openModalView new InfiniteLoopModal() application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Saw Initial Infinite Loop', level: @level.get('name'), label: @level.get('name') onPlayNextLevel: -> nextLevelID = @getNextLevelID() nextLevelURL = @getNextLevelURL() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', { route: nextLevelURL, viewClass: PlayLevelView, viewArgs: [{supermodel: if @hasReceivedMemoryWarning then null else @supermodel}, nextLevelID]} getNextLevel: -> return null unless nextLevelOriginal = @level.get('nextLevel')?.original levels = @supermodel.getModels(Level) return l for l in levels when l.get('original') is nextLevelOriginal getNextLevelID: -> return null unless nextLevel = @getNextLevel() nextLevelID = nextLevel.get('slug') or getNextLevelURL: -> return null unless @getNextLevelID() "/play/level/#{@getNextLevelID()}" onHighlightDOM: (e) -> @highlightElement e.selector, delay: e.delay, sides: e.sides, offset: e.offset, rotation: e.rotation onEndHighlight: -> @endHighlight() onFocusDom: (e) -> $(e.selector).focus() onMultiplayerChanged: (e) -> if @session.get('multiplayer') @bus.connect() else @bus.removeFirebaseData => @bus.disconnect() preloadNextLevel: => # TODO: Loading models in the middle of gameplay causes stuttering. Most of the improvement in loading time is simply from passing the supermodel from this level to the next, but if we can find a way to populate the level early without it being noticeable, that would be even better. # return if @destroyed # return if @preloaded # nextLevel = @getNextLevel() # @supermodel.populateModel nextLevel # @preloaded = true onSessionWillSave: (e) -> # Something interesting has happened, so (at a lower frequency), we'll save a screenshot. #@saveScreenshot e.session # Throttled saveScreenshot: (session) => return unless screenshot = @surface?.screenshot() {screenshot: screenshot}, {patch: true, type: 'PUT'} # Dynamic sound loading onNewWorld: (e) -> return if @headless scripts = @world.scripts # Since these worlds don't have scripts, preserve them. @world = @world.scripts = scripts thangTypes = @supermodel.getModels(ThangType) startFrame = @lastWorldFramesLoaded ? 0 finishedLoading = @world.frames.length is @world.totalFrames if finishedLoading @lastWorldFramesLoaded = 0 if @waitingForSubmissionComplete _.defer @onSubmissionComplete # Give it a frame to make sure we have the latest goals @waitingForSubmissionComplete = false else @lastWorldFramesLoaded = @world.frames.length for [spriteName, message] in @world.thangDialogueSounds startFrame continue unless thangType = _.find thangTypes, (m) -> m.get('name') is spriteName continue unless sound = AudioPlayer.soundForDialogue message, thangType.get('soundTriggers') AudioPlayer.preloadSoundReference sound # Real-time playback onRealTimePlaybackWaiting: (e) -> @$el.addClass('real-time').focus() @onWindowResize() onRealTimePlaybackStarted: (e) -> @$el.addClass('real-time').focus() @onWindowResize() onRealTimePlaybackEnded: (e) -> return unless @$el.hasClass 'real-time' @$el.removeClass 'real-time' @onWindowResize() if @world.frames.length is @world.totalFrames _.delay @onSubmissionComplete, 750 # Wait for transition to end. else @waitingForSubmissionComplete = true @onRealTimeMultiplayerPlaybackEnded() onSubmissionComplete: => return if @destroyed # TODO: Show a victory dialog specific to hero-ladder level if @goalManager.checkOverallStatus() is 'success' and not @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID? Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:show-victory', showModal: true destroy: -> @levelLoader?.destroy() @surface?.destroy() @god?.destroy() @goalManager?.destroy() @scriptManager?.destroy() @setupManager?.destroy() if ambientSound = @ambientSound # Doesn't seem to work; stops immediately. createjs.Tween.get(ambientSound).to({volume: 0.0}, 1500).call -> ambientSound.stop() $(window).off 'resize', @onWindowResize delete # not sure where this is set, but this is one way to clean it up @bus?.destroy() unless @instance.loading delete window.nextLevelURL console.profileEnd?() if PROFILE_ME @onRealTimeMultiplayerLevelUnloaded() super() onIPadMemoryWarning: (e) -> @hasReceivedMemoryWarning = true onItemPurchased: (e) -> heroConfig = @session.get('heroConfig') ? {} inventory = heroConfig.inventory ? {} slot = e.item.getAllowedSlots()[0] if slot and not inventory[slot] # Open up the inventory modal so they can equip the new item @setupManager?.destroy() @setupManager = new LevelSetupManager({supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: @levelID, parent: @, session: @session, hadEverChosenHero: true}) # Start Real-time Multiplayer ###################################################### # # This view acts as a hub for the real-time multiplayer session for the current level. # # It performs these actions: # Player heartbeat # Publishes player status # Updates real-time multiplayer session state # Updates real-time multiplayer player state # Cleans up old sessions (sets state to 'finished') # Real-time multiplayer cast handshake # Swap teams on game joined, if necessary # Reload PlayLevelView on real-time submit, automatically continue game and real-time playback # # It monitors these: # Real-time multiplayer sessions # Current real-time multiplayer session # Internal multiplayer create/joined/left events # # Real-time state variables. # Each Ref is Firebase reference, and may have a matching Data suffixed variable with the latest data received. # @realTimePlayerRef - User's real-time multiplayer player for this level # @realTimePlayerGameRef - User's current real-time multiplayer player game session # @realTimeSessionRef - Current real-time multiplayer game session # @realTimeOpponentRef - Current real-time multiplayer opponent # @realTimePlayersRef - Real-time players for current real-time multiplayer game session # @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID - Need to continue an existing real-time multiplayer session # # TODO: Move this code to it's own file, or possibly the LevelBus # TODO: Save settings somewhere reasonable multiplayerFireHost: '' onRealTimeMultiplayerLevelLoaded: (session) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerLevelLoaded' return if @realTimePlayerRef? return if me.get('anonymous') @realTimePlayerRef = new Firebase "#{@multiplayerFireHost}multiplayer_players/#{@levelID}/#{}" unless @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID? # TODO: Wait for name instead of using 'Anon', or try and update it later? name = me.get('name') ? session.get('creatorName') ? 'Anon' @realTimePlayerRef.set id: # TODO: is this redundant info necessary? name: name state: 'playing' created: new Date().toISOString() heartbeat: new Date().toISOString() @timerMultiplayerHeartbeatID = setInterval @onRealTimeMultiplayerHeartbeat, 60 * 1000 @cleanupRealTimeSessions() cleanupRealTimeSessions: -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView cleanupRealTimeSessions' # TODO: Reduce this call, possibly by username and dates realTimeSessionCollection = new Firebase "#{@multiplayerFireHost}multiplayer_level_sessions/#{@levelID}" realTimeSessionCollection.once 'value', (collectionSnapshot) => for multiplayerSessionID, multiplayerSession of collectionSnapshot.val() continue if @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID? and @options.realTimeMultiplayerSessionID is multiplayerSessionID continue unless multiplayerSession.state isnt 'finished' player = realTimeSessionCollection.child "#{}/players/#{}" player.once 'value', (playerSnapshot) => if playerSnapshot.val() 'Cleaning up previous real-time multiplayer session', multiplayerSessionID player.update 'state': 'left' multiplayerSessionRef = realTimeSessionCollection.child "#{multiplayerSessionID}" multiplayerSessionRef.update 'state': 'finished' onRealTimeMultiplayerLevelUnloaded: -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerLevelUnloaded' if @timerMultiplayerHeartbeatID? clearInterval @timerMultiplayerHeartbeatID @timerMultiplayerHeartbeatID = null # TODO: similar to game ending cleanup if @realTimeOpponentRef? 'value', @onRealTimeOpponentChanged @realTimeOpponentRef = null if @realTimePlayersRef? 'child_added', @onRealTimePlayerAdded @realTimePlayersRef = null if @realTimeSessionRef? 'value', @onRealTimeSessionChanged @realTimeSessionRef = null if @realTimePlayerGameRef? @realTimePlayerGameRef = null if @realTimePlayerRef? @realTimePlayerRef = null onRealTimeMultiplayerHeartbeat: => # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerHeartbeat', @realTimePlayerRef @realTimePlayerRef.update 'heartbeat': new Date().toISOString() if @realTimePlayerRef? onRealTimeMultiplayerCreatedGame: (e) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerCreatedGame' @joinRealTimeMultiplayerGame e @realTimePlayerGameRef.update 'state': 'coding' @realTimePlayerRef.update 'state': 'available' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: 'Waiting for opponent..' onRealTimeSessionChanged: (snapshot) => # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeSessionChanged', snapshot.val() @realTimeSessionData = snapshot.val() if @realTimeSessionData?.state is 'finished' @realTimeGameEnded() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:left-game', {} onRealTimePlayerAdded: (snapshot) => # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimePlayerAdded', snapshot.val() # Assume game is full, game on data = snapshot.val() if data? and isnt @realTimeOpponentData = data # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimePlayerAdded opponent', @realTimeOpponentData, @realTimePlayersData @realTimePlayersData[] = @realTimeOpponentData if @realTimeSessionData?.state is 'creating' @realTimeSessionRef.update 'state': 'coding' @realTimePlayerRef.update 'state': 'unavailable' @realTimeOpponentRef = @realTimeSessionRef.child "players/#{}" @realTimeOpponentRef.on 'value', @onRealTimeOpponentChanged Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: "Playing against #{}" onRealTimeOpponentChanged: (snapshot) => # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeOpponentChanged', snapshot.val() @realTimeOpponentData = snapshot.val() switch @realTimeOpponentData?.state when 'left' 'Real-time multiplayer opponent left the game' opponentID = @realTimeGameEnded() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:left-game', userID: opponentID when 'submitted' # TODO: What should this message say? Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: "#{} waiting for your code" joinRealTimeMultiplayerGame: (e) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView joinRealTimeMultiplayerGame', e unless @realTimeSessionRef? @session.set('submittedCodeLanguage', @session.get('codeLanguage')) @realTimeSessionRef = new Firebase "#{@multiplayerFireHost}multiplayer_level_sessions/#{@levelID}/#{e.realTimeSessionID}" @realTimePlayersRef = @realTimeSessionRef.child 'players' # Look for opponent @realTimeSessionRef.once 'value', (multiplayerSessionSnapshot) => if @realTimeSessionData = multiplayerSessionSnapshot.val() @realTimePlayersRef.once 'value', (playsSnapshot) => if @realTimePlayersData = playsSnapshot.val() for id, player of @realTimePlayersData if id isnt @realTimeOpponentRef = @realTimeSessionRef.child "players/#{id}" @realTimeOpponentRef.once 'value', (opponentSnapshot) => if @realTimeOpponentData = opponentSnapshot.val() @updateTeam() else console.error 'Could not lookup multiplayer opponent data.' @realTimeOpponentRef.on 'value', @onRealTimeOpponentChanged Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: 'Playing against ' + else console.error 'Could not lookup multiplayer session players data.' # TODO: need child_removed too? @realTimePlayersRef.on 'child_added', @onRealTimePlayerAdded else console.error 'Could not lookup multiplayer session data.' @realTimeSessionRef.on 'value', @onRealTimeSessionChanged @realTimePlayerGameRef = @realTimeSessionRef.child "players/#{}" # TODO: Follow up in MultiplayerView to see if double joins can be avoided # else # console.error 'Joining real-time multiplayer game with an existing @realTimeSessionRef.' onRealTimeMultiplayerJoinedGame: (e) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerJoinedGame', e @joinRealTimeMultiplayerGame e @realTimePlayerGameRef.update 'state': 'coding' @realTimePlayerRef.update 'state': 'unavailable' onRealTimeMultiplayerLeftGame: (e) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerLeftGame', e if e.userID? and e.userID is @realTimePlayerGameRef.update 'state': 'left' @realTimeGameEnded() realTimeMultiplayerContinueGame: (realTimeSessionID) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView realTimeMultiplayerContinueGame', realTimeSessionID, Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game', realTimeSessionID: realTimeSessionID 'Setting my game status to ready' @realTimePlayerGameRef.update 'state': 'ready' if @realTimeOpponentData.state is 'ready' @realTimeOpponentIsReady() else 'Waiting for opponent to be ready' @realTimeOpponentRef.on 'value', @realTimeOpponentMaybeReady realTimeOpponentMaybeReady: (snapshot) => # console.log 'PlayLevelView realTimeOpponentMaybeReady' if @realTimeOpponentData = snapshot.val() if @realTimeOpponentData.state is 'ready' 'value', @realTimeOpponentMaybeReady @realTimeOpponentIsReady() realTimeOpponentIsReady: => 'All real-time multiplayer players are ready!' @realTimeSessionRef.update 'state': 'running' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: 'Battling ' + Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:manual-cast', {realTime: true} realTimeGameEnded: -> if @realTimeOpponentRef? 'value', @onRealTimeOpponentChanged @realTimeOpponentRef = null if @realTimePlayersRef? 'child_added', @onRealTimePlayerAdded @realTimePlayersRef = null if @realTimeSessionRef? 'value', @onRealTimeSessionChanged @realTimeSessionRef.update 'state': 'finished' @realTimeSessionRef = null if @realTimePlayerGameRef? @realTimePlayerGameRef = null if @realTimePlayerRef? @realTimePlayerRef.update 'state': 'playing' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: '' onRealTimeMultiplayerCast: (e) -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerCast', @realTimeSessionData, @realTimePlayersData unless @realTimeSessionRef? console.error 'Real-time multiplayer cast without multiplayer session.' return unless @realTimeSessionData? console.error 'Real-time multiplayer cast without multiplayer data.' return unless @realTimePlayersData? console.error 'Real-time multiplayer cast without multiplayer players data.' return # Set submissionCount for created real-time multiplayer session if is @realTimeSessionData.creator sessionState = @session.get('state') if sessionState? submissionCount = sessionState.submissionCount ? 0 'Setting multiplayer submissionCount to', submissionCount @realTimeSessionRef.update 'submissionCount': submissionCount else console.error 'Failed to read sessionState in onRealTimeMultiplayerCast' 'Submitting my code' # Transpiling code copied from scripts/ # TODO: Should this live somewhere else? transpiledCode = {} for thang, spells of @session.get('code') transpiledCode[thang] = {} for spellID, spell of spells spellName = thang + '/' + spellID continue if @session.get('teamSpells') and not (spellName in @session.get('teamSpells')[@session.get('team')]) # console.log "PlayLevelView Transpiling spell #{spellName}" aetherOptions = createAetherOptions functionName: spellID, codeLanguage: @session.get('submittedCodeLanguage'), includeFlow: true aether = new Aether aetherOptions transpiledCode[thang][spellID] = aether.transpile spell # console.log "PlayLevelView transpiled code", transpiledCode @session.set 'transpiledCode', transpiledCode permissions = @session.get 'permissions' ? [] unless _.find(permissions, (p) -> is 'public' and p.access is 'read') permissions.push target:'public', access:'read' @session.set 'permissions', permissions @session.patch() @realTimePlayerGameRef.update 'state': 'submitted' 'Other player is', @realTimeOpponentData.state if @realTimeOpponentData.state in ['submitted', 'ready'] @realTimeOpponentSubmittedCode @realTimeOpponentData, @realTimePlayerGameData else # Wait for opponent to submit their code Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: "Waiting for code from #{}" @realTimeOpponentRef.on 'value', @realTimeOpponentMaybeSubmitted realTimeOpponentMaybeSubmitted: (snapshot) => if @realTimeOpponentData = snapshot.val() if @realTimeOpponentData.state in ['submitted', 'ready'] 'value', @realTimeOpponentMaybeSubmitted @realTimeOpponentSubmittedCode @realTimeOpponentData, @realTimePlayerGameData onRealTimeMultiplayerPlaybackEnded: -> # console.log 'PlayLevelView onRealTimeMultiplayerPlaybackEnded' if @realTimeSessionRef? @realTimeSessionRef.update 'state': 'coding' @realTimePlayerGameRef.update 'state': 'coding' if @realTimeOpponentData? Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:player-status', status: "Playing against #{}" realTimeOpponentSubmittedCode: (opponentPlayer, myPlayer) => # console.log 'PlayLevelView realTimeOpponentSubmittedCode',, opponentPlayer.level_session # Read submissionCount for joined real-time multiplayer session if isnt @realTimeSessionData.creator sessionState = @session.get('state') ? {} newSubmissionCount = @realTimeSessionData.submissionCount if newSubmissionCount? # TODO: This isn't always getting updated where the random seed generation uses it. sessionState.submissionCount = parseInt newSubmissionCount 'Got multiplayer submissionCount', sessionState.submissionCount @session.set 'state', sessionState @session.patch() # Reload this level so the opponent session can easily be wired up Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: "/play/level/#{@levelID}" viewClass: PlayLevelView viewArgs: [{supermodel: @supermodel, autoUnveil: true, realTimeMultiplayerSessionID:, opponent: opponentPlayer.level_session, team: @team}, @levelID] updateTeam: -> # If not creator, and same team as creator, then switch teams # TODO: Assumes there are only 'humans' and 'ogres' unless @realTimeOpponentData? console.error 'Tried to switch teams without real-time multiplayer opponent data.' return unless @realTimeSessionData? console.error 'Tried to switch teams without real-time multiplayer session data.' return return if is @realTimeSessionData.creator oldTeam = return unless oldTeam is @session.get('team') # Need to switch to other team newTeam = if oldTeam is 'humans' then 'ogres' else 'humans' "Switching from team #{oldTeam} to #{newTeam}" # Move code from old team to new team # Assumes teamSpells has matching spells for each team # TODO: Similar to code in loadOpponentTeam, consolidate? code = @session.get 'code' teamSpells = @session.get 'teamSpells' for oldSpellKey in teamSpells[oldTeam] [oldThang, oldSpell] = oldSpellKey.split '/' oldCode = code[oldThang]?[oldSpell] continue unless oldCode? # Move oldCode to new team under same spell for newSpellKey in teamSpells[newTeam] [newThang, newSpell] = newSpellKey.split '/' if newSpell is oldSpell # Found spell location under new team # console.log "Swapping spell=#{oldSpell} from #{oldThang} to #{newThang}" if code[newThang]?[oldSpell]? # Option 1: have a new spell to swap code[oldThang][oldSpell] = code[newThang][oldSpell] else # Option 2: no new spell to swap delete code[oldThang][oldSpell] code[newThang] = {} unless code[newThang]? code[newThang][oldSpell] = oldCode break @setTeam newTeam # Sets @session 'team' sessionState = @session.get('state') if sessionState? # TODO: Don't hard code thangID sessionState.selected = if newTeam is 'humans' then 'Hero Placeholder' else 'Hero Placeholder 1' @session.set 'state', sessionState @session.set 'code', code @session.patch() if sessionState? # TODO: Don't hardcode spellName Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:select-sprite', thangID: sessionState.selected, spellName: 'plan' # End Real-time Multiplayer ######################################################