extends /templates/base block content if !me.isAdmin() div You must be logged in as an admin to view this page. else h2 Trial Requests if !trialRequests || trialRequests.length < 1 h4 Fetching trial requests... else table.table.table-condensed thead tr th Created th Reviewed th Applicant th School th Location th Age / Level th Students th Role th Phone th Status tbody each trialRequest in trialRequests tr td.created= trialRequest.get('created').substring(0, 10) td.reviewed if trialRequest.get('reviewDate') span= trialRequest.get('reviewDate').substring(0, 10) - var props = trialRequest.get('properties') td a(href="/user/#{trialRequest.get('applicant')}")= trialRequest.nameString() td= props.school || props.organization td= props.location || trialRequest.locationString() td= props.age || trialRequest.educationLevelString() td= props.numStudents td= props.role td= props.phoneNumber td.status-cell if trialRequest.get('status') === 'submitted' button.btn.btn-xs.btn-success.btn-approve(data-trial-request-id=trialRequest.id) Approve button.btn.btn-xs.btn-danger.btn-deny(data-trial-request-id=trialRequest.id) Deny else if trialRequest.get('prepaidCode') span= trialRequest.get('prepaidCode') else span= trialRequest.get('status') if props.heardAbout || props.notes tr td(colspan=2) td(colspan=7) strong #{trialRequest.nameString()} notes: div= props.heardAbout || props.notes td