extends /templates/base block content //- DO NOT localize / i18n div span *UNDER CONSTRUCTION, send feedback to a.spl(href='mailto:team@codecombat.com') team@codecombat.com div TODO: figure out correct terminology. Someone should probably purchase a course, and then enroll their students. div TODO: move details off button and into clear 'this is what you are purchasing' blurb div TODO: individual teacher trial option div(style='border-bottom: 1px solid black') .well.well-lg.enroll-container h1.center Enroll h3 1. Course p Select 'All Courses' to recieve up to a 70% discount! .form-group select.form-control.course-select each course in courses if course.title !== 'Introduction to Computer Science' option(value="#{course.title}")= course.title option(value="All Courses") All Courses h3 2. Number of students .quantity-container(style="width:50%;") .radio label if quantity === 20 input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=20, checked=true) else input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=20) if selectedCourseTitle === 'All Courses' span Up to 20 students $499 else span Up to 20 students $99 .radio label if quantity === 50 input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=50, checked=true) else input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=50) if selectedCourseTitle === 'All Courses' span Up to 50 students $999 else span Up to 50 students $199 .radio label if quantity === 100 input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=100, checked=true) else input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=100) if selectedCourseTitle === 'All Courses' span Up to 100 students $1499 else span Up to 100 students $349 .radio label if quantity === 500 input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=500, checked=true) else input(type='radio', name='quantity', data-quantity=500) if selectedCourseTitle === 'All Courses' span Up to 500 students $2999 else span Up to 500 students $799 h3 3. Finish Purchase p After purchase you will be able to invite your students to enroll in the selected course. p.center button.btn.btn-info.btn-lg.btn-buy Buy #{selectedCourseTitle} for $#{price} p.center span For any questions, please contact a.spl(href='mailto:team@codecombat.com') team@codecombat.com