module.exports = { "_id": "53c997066567c600002a43d0", "name": "Dungeon Arena", "icon": "db/level/53173f76c269d400000543c2/11_dungeon.png", "banner": "db/level/53173f76c269d400000543c2/dungeon_arena.png", "employerDescription": "Players:\n* Attempt to destroy the enemy base.\n* Choose and control heroes to attack with.\n* Choose which types of lesser units to build and have limited control over them.\n* Try to write strategies that counter other enemy strategies.\n* Play on a small map.", "systems": [], "thangs": [], "scripts": [], "documentation": { "generalArticles": [], "specificArticles": [] }, "description": "This level is indescribably flarmy!", "version": { "minor": 0, "major": 0, "isLatestMajor": true, "isLatestMinor": true } }