RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/home-view' module.exports = class HomeView extends RootView id: 'home-view' template: template events: 'click #play-button': 'onClickPlayButton' constructor: -> super() window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Homepage Loaded', category: 'Homepage' if not me.get('hourOfCode') and @getQueryVariable 'hour_of_code' @setUpHourOfCode() elapsed = (new Date() - new Date(me.get('dateCreated'))) if me.get('hourOfCode') and elapsed < 86400 * 1000 and me.get('preferredLanguage', true) is 'en-US' # Show the Hour of Code footer explanation in English until it's been more than a day @explainsHourOfCode = true onClickPlayButton: (e) -> @playSound 'menu-button-click' e.preventDefault() e.stopImmediatePropagation() window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Click Play', category: 'Homepage' '/play', '_blank' afterInsert: -> super(arguments...) @$el.addClass 'hour-of-code' if @explainsHourOfCode isOldBrowser: -> if $.browser majorVersion = $.browser.versionNumber return true if $.browser.mozilla && majorVersion < 25 return true if $ && majorVersion < 31 # Noticed Gems in the Deep not loading with 30 return true if $.browser.safari && majorVersion < 6 # 6 might have problems with Aether, or maybe just old minors of 6: else console.warn 'no more jquery browser version...' return false setUpHourOfCode: -> # All this HoC stuff is for the 2014-2015 year. 2015-2016 year lands at /hoc instead (the courses view). # TODO: get rid of all this sometime in November 2015 when updates to the new version for Hour of Code tutorials. elapsed = (new Date() - new Date(me.get('dateCreated'))) if elapsed < 5 * 60 * 1000 me.set 'hourOfCode', true me.patch() # We may also insert the tracking pixel for everyone on the CampaignView so as to count directly-linked visitors. $('body').append($('')) application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Hour of Code Begin'