# function to use inside a webworker. # This function needs to run inside an environment that has a 'self'. # This specific worker is targeted towards the node.js headless_client environment. fs = require 'fs' GLOBAL.Aether = Aether = require 'aether' GLOBAL._ = _ = require 'lodash' GLOBAL.CoffeeScript = require 'coffee-script' betterConsole = () -> self.logLimit = 200 self.logsLogged = 0 self.transferableSupported = () -> true self.console = log: (args...) -> if self.logsLogged++ is self.logLimit self.postMessage type: 'console-log' args: ['Log limit ' + self.logLimit + ' reached; shutting up.'] id: self.workerID else if self.logsLogged < self.logLimit i = 0 while i < args.length args[i] = args[i].toString() if args[i].constructor.className is 'Thang' or args[i].isComponent if args[i] and args[i].constructor ++i try self.postMessage type: 'console-log' args: args id: self.workerID catch error self.postMessage type: 'console-log' args: [ 'Could not post log: ' + args error.toString() error.stack error.stackTrace ] id: self.workerID # so that we don't crash when debugging statements happen self.console.error = self.console.warn = self.console.info = self.console.debug = self.console.log GLOBAL.console = console = self.console self.console work = () -> console.log 'starting...' console.log = -> World = self.require('lib/world/world') GoalManager = self.require('lib/world/GoalManager') Aether.addGlobal('Vector', require('lib/world/vector')) Aether.addGlobal('_', _) self.cleanUp = -> self.world = null self.goalManager = null self.postedErrors = {} self.t0 = null self.logsLogged = 0 self.runWorld = (args) -> console.log 'Running world inside worker.' self.postedErrors = {} self.t0 = new Date() self.postedErrors = false self.logsLogged = 0 try self.world = new World(args.userCodeMap) self.world.levelSessionIDs = args.levelSessionIDs self.world.submissionCount = args.submissionCount self.world.flagHistory = args.flagHistory self.world.difficulty = args.difficulty self.world.loadFromLevel args.level, true if args.level self.world.headless = args.headless self.goalManager = new GoalManager(self.world) self.goalManager.setGoals args.goals self.goalManager.setCode args.userCodeMap self.goalManager.worldGenerationWillBegin() self.world.setGoalManager self.goalManager catch error console.log 'There has been an error inside the worker.' self.onWorldError error return Math.random = self.world.rand.randf # so user code is predictable Aether.replaceBuiltin('Math', Math) replacedLoDash = _.runInContext(self) _[key] = replacedLoDash[key] for key, val of replacedLoDash console.log 'Loading frames.' self.postMessage type: 'start-load-frames' self.world.loadFrames self.onWorldLoaded, self.onWorldError, self.onWorldLoadProgress, null, true self.onWorldLoaded = onWorldLoaded = -> self.goalManager.worldGenerationEnded() goalStates = self.goalManager.getGoalStates() self.postMessage type: 'end-load-frames', goalStates: goalStates, overallStatus: goalManager.checkOverallStatus() t1 = new Date() diff = t1 - self.t0 if (self.world.headless) return console.log("Headless simulation completed in #{diff}ms.") transferableSupported = self.transferableSupported() try serialized = serializedWorld: self.world.serialize() transferableSupported = false catch error console.log 'World serialization error:', error.toString() + "\n" + error.stack or error.stackTrace t2 = new Date() # console.log('About to transfer', serialized.serializedWorld.trackedPropertiesPerThangValues, serialized.transferableObjects); try message = type: 'new-world' serialized: serialized.serializedWorld goalStates: goalStates if transferableSupported self.postMessage message, serialized.transferableObjects else self.postMessage message catch error console.log 'World delivery error:', error.toString() + "\n" + error.stack or error.stackTrace t3 = new Date() console.log 'And it was so: (' + (diff / self.world.totalFrames).toFixed(3) + 'ms per frame,', self.world.totalFrames, "frames)\nSimulation :", diff + "ms \nSerialization:", (t2 - t1) + "ms\nDelivery :", (t3 - t2) + 'ms' self.cleanUp() self.onWorldError = onWorldError = (error) -> if error.isUserCodeProblem errorKey = error.userInfo.key if not errorKey or not self.postedErrors[errorKey] self.postMessage type: 'user-code-problem' problem: error self.postedErrors[errorKey] = error else console.log 'Non-UserCodeError:', error.toString() + "\n" + error.stack or error.stackTrace self.postMessage type: 'non-user-code-problem', problem: {message: error.toString()} self.cleanUp() return false return true self.onWorldLoadProgress = onWorldLoadProgress = (progress) -> #console.log 'Worker onWorldLoadProgress' self.postMessage type: 'world-load-progress-changed' progress: progress self.abort = abort = -> #console.log 'Abort called for worker.' if self.world #console.log 'About to abort:', self.world.name, typeof self.world.abort self.world.abort() self.world = null self.postMessage type: 'abort' self.cleanUp() self.reportIn = reportIn = -> console.log 'Reporting in.' self.postMessage type: 'report-in' self.addEventListener 'message', (event) -> #console.log JSON.stringify event self[event.data.func] event.data.args self.postMessage type: 'worker-initialized' codeFileContents = [] for codeFile in [ 'lodash.js' 'world.js' 'aether.js' 'app/vendor/aether-clojure.js' 'app/vendor/aether-coffeescript.js' 'app/vendor/aether-io.js' 'app/vendor/aether-javascript.js' 'app/vendor/aether-lua.js' 'app/vendor/aether-python.js' 'app/vendor/aether-java.js' ] codeFileContents.push fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/../public/javascripts/#{codeFile}", 'utf8') #window.BOX2D_ENABLED = true; ret = """ GLOBAL = root = window = self; GLOBAL.window = window; self.workerID = 'Worker'; console = (#{betterConsole.toString()})(); try { // the world javascript file #{codeFileContents.join(';\n ')}; // Don't let user generated code access stuff from our file system! self.importScripts = importScripts = null; self.native_fs_ = native_fs_ = null; // the actual function (#{work.toString()})(); } catch (error) { self.postMessage({'type': 'console-log', args: ['An unhandled error occured: ', error.toString(), error.stack], id: -1}); } """ #console = #{JASON.stringify createConsole}(); # # console.error = console.info = console.log; #self.console = console; #GLOBAL.console = console; module.exports = new Function(ret)