CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView' User = require 'models/User' BlandView = class BlandView extends CocoView template: -> return if @specialMessage then '
custom message
' else '
normal message
' initialize: -> @user1 = new User({_id: _.uniqueId()}) @supermodel.loadModel(@user1) @user2 = new User({_id: _.uniqueId()}) @supermodel.loadModel(@user2) onResourceLoadFailed: (e) -> resource = e.resource if resource.jqxhr.status is 400 and resource.model is @user1 @specialMessage = true @render() else super(arguments...) describe 'CocoView', -> describe 'network error handling', -> view = null respond = (code, index=0) -> view.render() requests = jasmine.Ajax.requests.all() requests[index].respondWith({status: code, responseText: JSON.stringify({})}) beforeEach -> view = new BlandView() describe 'when the view overrides onResourceLoadFailed', -> beforeEach -> view.render() expect(view.$('#content').hasClass('hidden')).toBe(true) respond(400) it 'can show a custom message for a given error and model', -> expect(view.$('#content').hasClass('hidden')).toBe(false) expect(view.$('#content').text()).toBe('custom message') respond(200, 1) expect(view.$('#content').hasClass('hidden')).toBe(false) expect(view.$('#content').text()).toBe('custom message') it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el) describe 'when the server returns 401', -> beforeEach -> me.set('anonymous', true) respond(401) it 'shows a login button which opens the AuthModal', -> button = view.$el.find('.login-btn') expect(button.length).toBe(3) # including the two in the links section spyOn(view, 'openModalView').and.callFake (modal) -> expect(modal.mode).toBe('login') expect(view.openModalView).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'shows a create account button which opens the AuthModal', -> button = view.$el.find('#create-account-btn') expect(button.length).toBe(1) spyOn(view, 'openModalView').and.callFake (modal) -> expect(modal.mode).toBe('signup') expect(view.openModalView).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'says "Login Required"', -> expect(view.$('[data-i18n="loading_error.login_required"]').length).toBeTruthy() it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el) describe 'when the server returns 402', -> beforeEach -> respond(402) it 'does nothing, because it is up to the view to handle payment next steps' describe 'when the server returns 403', -> beforeEach -> me.set('anonymous', false) respond(403) it 'includes a logout button which logs out the account', -> button = view.$el.find('#logout-btn') expect(button.length).toBe(1) request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent() expect(request.url).toBe('/auth/logout') it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el) describe 'when the server returns 404', -> beforeEach -> respond(404) it 'includes one of the 404 images', -> img = view.$el.find('#not-found-img') expect(img.length).toBe(1) it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el) describe 'when the server returns 408', -> beforeEach -> respond(408) it 'includes "Server Timeout" in the header', -> expect(view.$('[data-i18n="loading_error.timeout"]').length).toBeTruthy() it 'shows a message encouraging refreshing the page or following links', -> expect(view.$('[data-i18n="loading_error.general_desc"]').length).toBeTruthy() it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el) describe 'when no connection is made', -> beforeEach -> respond() it 'shows "Connection Failed"', -> expect(view.$('[data-i18n="loading_error.connection_failure"]').length).toBeTruthy() it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el) describe 'when the server returns any other number >= 400', -> beforeEach -> respond(9001) it 'includes "Unknown Error" in the header', -> expect(view.$('[data-i18n="loading_error.unknown"]').length).toBeTruthy() it 'shows a message encouraging refreshing the page or following links', -> expect(view.$('[data-i18n="loading_error.general_desc"]').length).toBeTruthy() it '(demo)', -> jasmine.demoEl(view.$el)