### This file will simulate games on node.js by emulating the browser environment. At some point, most of the code can be merged with Simulator.coffee ### bowerComponentsPath = "./bower_components/" headlessClientPath = "./headless_client/" # SETTINGS options = workerCode: require headlessClientPath + 'worker_world' debug: false # Enable logging of ajax calls mainly testing: false # Instead of simulating 'real' games, use the same one over and over again. Good for leak hunting. testFile: require headlessClientPath + 'test.js' leakTest: false # Install callback that tries to find leaks automatically exitOnLeak: false # Exit if leak is found. Only useful if leaktest is set to true, obviously. heapdump: false # Dumps the whole heap after every pass. The heap dumps can then be viewed in Chrome browser. headlessClient: true options.heapdump = require('heapdump') if options.heapdump server = if options.testing then "" else "http://codecombat.com" # Disabled modules disable = [ 'lib/AudioPlayer' 'locale/locale' '../locale/locale' ] # Start of the actual code. Setting up the enivronment to match the environment of the browser # the path used for the loader. __dirname is module dependent. path = __dirname m = require 'module' request = require 'request' Deferred = require "JQDeferred" originalLoader = m._load unhook = () -> m._load = originalLoader hook = () -> m._load = hookedLoader JASON = require 'jason' # Global emulated stuff GLOBAL.window = GLOBAL GLOBAL.document = location: pathname: "headless_client" GLOBAL.console.debug = console.log GLOBAL.Worker = require('webworker-threads').Worker Worker::removeEventListener = (what) -> if what is 'message' @onmessage = -> #This webworker api has only one event listener at a time. GLOBAL.tv4 = require('tv4').tv4 GLOBAL.marked = setOptions: -> store = {} GLOBAL.localStorage = getItem: (key) => store[key] setItem: (key, s) => store[key] = s removeItem: (key) => delete store[key] # Hook node.js require. See https://github.com/mfncooper/mockery/blob/master/mockery.js # The signature of this function *must* match that of Node's Module._load, # since it will replace that. # (Why is there no easier way?) hookedLoader = (request, parent, isMain) -> if request in disable or ~request.indexOf('templates') console.log 'Ignored ' + request if options.debug return class fake else if '/' in request and not (request[0] is '.') or request is 'application' request = path + '/app/' + request else if request is 'underscore' request = 'lodash' console.log "loading " + request if options.debug originalLoader request, parent, isMain #jQuery wrapped for compatibility purposes. Poorly. GLOBAL.$ = GLOBAL.jQuery = (input) -> console.log 'Ignored jQuery: ' + input if options.debug append: (input)-> exports: ()-> cookies = request.jar() $.when = Deferred.when $.ajax = (options) -> responded = false url = options.url if url.indexOf('http') url = '/' + url unless url[0] is '/' url = server + url data = options.data #if (typeof data) is 'object' #console.warn JSON.stringify data #data = JSON.stringify data console.log "Requesting: " + JSON.stringify options if options.debug console.log "URL: " + url if options.debug request url: url jar: cookies json: options.parse method: options.type body: data , (error, response, body) -> console.log "HTTP Request:" + JSON.stringify options if options.debug and not error if responded console.log "\t↳Already returned before." if options.debug return if (error) console.warn "\t↳Returned: error: #{error}" options.error(error) if options.error? else console.log "\t↳Returned: statusCode #{response.statusCode}: #{if options.parse then JSON.stringify body else body}" if options.debug options.success(body, response, status: response.statusCode) if options.success? statusCode = response.statusCode if response? options.complete(status: statusCode) if options.complete? responded = true $.extend = (deep, into, from) -> copy = _.clone(from, deep); if into _.assign into, copy copy = into copy $.isArray = (object) -> _.isArray object $.isPlainObject = (object) -> _.isPlainObject object do (setupLodash = this) -> GLOBAL._ = require 'lodash' _.str = require 'underscore.string' _.string = _.str _.mixin _.str.exports() # load Backbone. Needs hooked loader to reroute underscore to lodash. hook() GLOBAL.Backbone = require bowerComponentsPath + 'backbone/backbone' unhook() Backbone.$ = $ require bowerComponentsPath + 'validated-backbone-mediator/backbone-mediator' # Instead of mediator, dummy might be faster yet suffice? #Mediator = class Mediator # publish: (id, object) -> # console.Log "Published #{id}: #{object}" # @subscribe: () -> # @unsubscribe: () -> GLOBAL.Aether = require 'aether' # Set up new loader. hook() login = require './login.coffee' #should contain an object containing they keys 'username' and 'password' #Login user and start the code. $.ajax url: '/auth/login' type: "POST" data: login parse: true error: (error) -> "Bad Error. Can't connect to server or something. " + error success: (response) -> console.log "User: " + response GLOBAL.window.userObject = response # JSON.parse response User = require 'models/User' World = require 'lib/world/world' LevelLoader = require 'lib/LevelLoader' GoalManager = require 'lib/world/GoalManager' SuperModel = require 'models/SuperModel' log = require 'winston' CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass' Simulator = require 'lib/simulator/Simulator' sim = new Simulator options sim.fetchAndSimulateTask()