extends /templates/base block content if !me.isAdmin() div You must be logged in as an admin to view this page. else h2 Teacher Demo Requests if view.trialRequests.models.length < 1 h4 Fetching trial requests... else h3 Incoming Rate table.table.table-condensed thead tr th Day th Count th 7-day Average tbody each dayCount in view.dayCounts tr td= dayCount.day td= dayCount.count td= dayCount.sevenAverage h3 Student Counts table.table.table-condensed thead tr th Created th School Name th School District th.number NCES District Schools th.number NCES District Students th.number NCES School Students th.number School Students th.number Teacher Students th Site Origin tbody each trialRequest in view.trialRequests.models if trialRequest.get('type') !== 'course' - continue; tr td.created= trialRequest.get('created').substring(0, 10) td= trialRequest.get('properties').nces_name || trialRequest.get('properties').organization || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').nces_district || trialRequest.get('properties').district || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').nces_district_schools || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').nces_district_students || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').nces_students || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').numStudentsTotal || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').numStudents || '' td= trialRequest.get('properties').siteOrigin