log = require 'winston' errors = require '../commons/errors' handlers = require('../commons/mapping').handlers mongoose = require 'mongoose' hipchat = require '../hipchat' module.exports.setup = (app) -> # This is hacky and should probably get moved somewhere else, I dunno app.get '/db/cla.submissions', (req, res) -> return errors.unauthorized(res, 'You must be an admin to view that information') unless req.user?.isAdmin() or ('github' in req.user?.permissions ? []) res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') collection = mongoose.connection.db.collection 'cla.submissions', (err, collection) -> return log.error "Couldn't fetch CLA submissions because #{err}" if err resultCursor = collection.find {} resultCursor.toArray (err, docs) -> return log.error "Couldn't fetch distinct CLA submissions because #{err}" if err unless req.user?.isAdmin() delete doc.email for doc in docs res.send docs res.end app.all '/db/*', (req, res) -> res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') module = req.path[4..] parts = module.split('/') module = parts[0] return getSchema(req, res, module) if parts[1] is 'schema' if (not req.user) and req.route.method isnt 'get' return errors.unauthorized(res, 'Must have an identity to do anything with the db. Do you have cookies enabled?') try moduleName = module.replace new RegExp('\\.', 'g'), '_' name = handlers[moduleName] handler = require('../' + name) return handler.getLatestVersion(req, res, parts[1], parts[3]) if parts[2] is 'version' return handler.versions(req, res, parts[1]) if parts[2] is 'versions' return handler.files(req, res, parts[1]) if parts[2] is 'files' return handler.getNamesByIDs(req, res) if req.route.method in ['get', 'post'] and parts[1] is 'names' return handler.getByRelationship(req, res, parts[1..]...) if parts.length > 2 return handler.getById(req, res, parts[1]) if req.route.method is 'get' and parts[1]? return handler.patch(req, res, parts[1]) if req.route.method is 'patch' and parts[1]? handler[req.route.method](req, res, parts[1..]...) catch error errorMessage = "Error trying db method #{req?.route?.method} route #{parts} from #{name}: #{error}" log.error(errorMessage) log.error(error) log.error(error.stack) hipchat.sendTowerHipChatMessage errorMessage errors.notFound(res, "Route #{req?.path} not found.") getSchema = (req, res, moduleName) -> try name = moduleName.replace '.', '_' schema = require('../../app/schemas/models/' + name) res.send(JSON.stringify(schema, null, '\t')) res.end() catch error log.error("Error trying to grab schema from #{name}: #{error}") errors.notFound(res, "Schema #{moduleName} not found.")