SpriteBuilder = require 'lib/sprites/SpriteBuilder' floors = ['Dungeon Floor', 'Indoor Floor', 'Grass', 'Grass01', 'Grass02', 'Grass03', 'Grass04', 'Grass05', 'Goal Trigger', 'Obstacle', 'Sand 01', 'Sand 02', 'Sand 03', 'Sand 04', 'Sand 05', 'Sand 06', 'Talus 1', 'Talus 2', 'Talus 3', 'Talus 4', 'Talus 5', 'Talus 6', 'Firn 1', 'Firn 2', 'Firn 3', 'Firn 4', 'Firn 5', 'Firn 6', 'Ice Rink 1', 'Ice Rink 2', 'Ice Rink 3', 'Firn Cliff', 'VR Floor', 'Classroom Floor'] cliffs = ['Dungeon Pit', 'Grass Cliffs'] module.exports = class SingularSprite extends createjs.Sprite childMovieClips: null constructor: (@spriteSheet, @thangType, @spriteSheetPrefix, @resolutionFactor=SPRITE_RESOLUTION_FACTOR) -> super(@spriteSheet) destroy: -> @removeAllEventListeners() gotoAndPlay: (actionName) -> @goto(actionName, false) gotoAndStop: (actionName) -> @goto(actionName, true) _gotoAndPlay: createjs.Sprite.prototype.gotoAndPlay _gotoAndStop: createjs.Sprite.prototype.gotoAndStop goto: (actionName, @paused=true) -> @actionNotSupported = false action = @thangType.getActions()[actionName] randomStart = _.string.startsWith(actionName, 'move') reg = action.positions?.registration or @thangType.get('positions')?.registration or {x:0, y:0} if action.animation @framerate = (action.framerate ? 20) * (action.speed ? 1) func = if @paused then '_gotoAndStop' else '_gotoAndPlay' animationName = @spriteSheetPrefix + actionName @[func](animationName) if @currentFrame is 0 or @usePlaceholders @_gotoAndStop(0) @notifyActionNeedsRender(action) bounds = @thangType.get('raw').animations[action.animation].bounds actionScale = (action.scale ? @thangType.get('scale') ? 1) @scaleX = actionScale * bounds[2] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) @scaleY = actionScale * bounds[3] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) @regX = (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) * ((-reg.x - bounds[0]) / bounds[2]) @regY = (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) * ((-reg.y - bounds[1]) / bounds[3]) else scale = @resolutionFactor * (action.scale ? @thangType.get('scale') ? 1) @regX = -reg.x * scale @regY = -reg.y * scale @scaleX = @scaleY = 1 / @resolutionFactor @framerate = action.framerate or 20 if randomStart and frames = @spriteSheet.getAnimation(animationName)?.frames @currentAnimationFrame = Math.floor(Math.random() * frames.length) if action.container animationName = @spriteSheetPrefix + actionName @_gotoAndStop(animationName) if @currentFrame is 0 or @usePlaceholders @_gotoAndStop(0) @notifyActionNeedsRender(action) bounds = @thangType.get('raw').containers[action.container].b actionScale = (action.scale ? @thangType.get('scale') ? 1) @scaleX = actionScale * bounds[2] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) @scaleY = actionScale * bounds[3] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) @regX = (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) * ((-reg.x - bounds[0]) / bounds[2]) @regY = (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor) * ((-reg.y - bounds[1]) / bounds[3]) else scale = @resolutionFactor * (action.scale ? @thangType.get('scale') ? 1) @regX = -reg.x * scale @regY = -reg.y * scale @scaleX = @scaleY = 1 / @resolutionFactor @scaleX *= -1 if action.flipX @scaleY *= -1 if action.flipY @baseScaleX = @scaleX @baseScaleY = @scaleY if @camera and @thangType.get('name') in floors @baseScaleY *= @camera.y2x else if @camera and @thangType.get('name') in cliffs if actionName is 'idle_side' @baseScaleX *= @camera.x2y# / 0.85 @baseScaleY *= @camera.y2x * 0.85 else @baseScaleY *= @camera.y2x / 0.85 console.log 'it is a cliff!', actionName, @baseScaleX, @baseScaleY @currentAnimation = actionName return notifyActionNeedsRender: (action) -> @lank?.trigger('action-needs-render', @lank, action)