RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/artisans/concept-map-view' Level = require 'models/Level' Campaign = require 'models/Campaign' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' Campaigns = require 'collections/Campaigns' Levels = require 'collections/Levels' parser = new esper().realm.parser module.exports = class LevelConceptMap extends RootView template: template id: 'solution-problems-view' excludedCampaigns = [ # Misc. campaigns 'picoctf', 'auditions' # Campaign-version campaigns #'dungeon', 'forest', 'desert', 'mountain', 'glacier' # Test campaigns 'dungeon-branching-test', 'forest-branching-test', 'desert-branching-test' # Course-version campaigns #'intro', 'course-2', 'course-3', 'course-4', 'course-5', 'course-6' ] includedLanguages = [ 'javascript' ] excludedLevelSnippets = [ 'treasure', 'brawl', 'siege' ] unloadedCampaigns: 0 campaignLevels: {} loadedLevels: {} parsedLevels: [] problemCount: 0 initialize: -> @campaigns = new Campaigns([]) @listenTo(@campaigns, 'sync', @onCampaignsLoaded) @supermodel.trackRequest(@campaigns.fetch( data: project:'slug' )) onCampaignsLoaded: (campCollection) -> for campaign in campCollection.models campaignSlug = campaign.get('slug') continue if campaignSlug in excludedCampaigns @unloadedCampaigns++ @campaignLevels[campaignSlug] = new Levels() @listenTo(@campaignLevels[campaignSlug], 'sync', @onLevelsLoaded) @supermodel.trackRequest(@campaignLevels[campaignSlug].fetchForCampaign(campaignSlug, data: project: 'thangs,name,slug,campaign' )) onLevelsLoaded: (lvlCollection) -> for level in lvlCollection.models @loadedLevels[level.get('slug')] = level if --@unloadedCampaigns is 0 @onAllLevelsLoaded() onAllLevelsLoaded: -> for levelSlug, level of @loadedLevels unless level? console.error 'Level Slug doesn\'t have associated Level', levelSlug continue isBad = false for word in excludedLevelSnippets if levelSlug.indexOf(word) isnt -1 isBad = true continue if isBad thangs = level.get 'thangs' component = null thangs = _.filter(thangs, (elem) -> return _.findWhere(elem.components, (elem2) -> if elem2.config?.programmableMethods? component = elem2 return true ) ) if thangs.length > 1 console.warn 'Level has more than 1 programmableMethod Thangs', levelSlug continue unless component? console.error 'Level doesn\'t have programmableMethod Thang', levelSlug continue plan = component.config.programmableMethods.plan @parsedLevels.push level: level tags: @tagLevel _.find, (s) -> s.language is 'javascript' @renderSelectors '#level-table' tagLevel: (src) -> return [] if not src?.source? try ast = parser(src.source) catch e return ['parse error: ' + e.message] tags = {} process = (n) -> return unless n? switch n.type when "Program", "BlockStatement" process(n) for n in n.body when "FunctionDeclaration" tags['function-def'] = true if n.params > 0 tags['function-params:' + n.params.length] = true process(n.body) when "ExpressionStatement" process(n.expression) when "CallExpression" process(n.callee) when "MemberExpression" if n.object?.name is 'hero' tags["hero." +] = true when "WhileStatement" if n.test.type is 'Literal' and n.test.value is true tags['while-true'] = true else tags['while'] = true process(n.test) process(n.body) when "ForStatement" tags['for'] = true process(n.init) process(n.test) process(n.update) process(n.body) when "IfStatement" tags['if'] = true process(n.test) process(n.consequent) process(n.alternate) when "Literal" if n.value is true tags['true'] = true else tags['literal:' + typeof n.value] = true when "BinaryExpression","LogicalExpression" process(n.left) process(n.right) tags[n.operator] = true when "AssignmentExpression" tags['assign:' + n.operator] = true process(n.right) else tags[n.type] = true process ast Object.keys(tags)