CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' Course = require 'models/Course' CourseInstance = require 'models/CourseInstance' require 'vendor/d3' d3Utils = require 'core/d3_utils' Payment = require 'models/Payment' RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/admin/analytics' utils = require 'core/utils' module.exports = class AnalyticsView extends RootView id: 'admin-analytics-view' template: template furthestCourseDayRangeRecent: 60 furthestCourseDayRange: 365 lineColors: ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'purple', 'goldenrod', 'brown', 'darkcyan'] minSchoolCount: 20 constructor: (options) -> super options @loadData() getRenderData: -> context = super() context.activeClasses = @activeClasses ? [] context.activeClassGroups = @activeClassGroups ? {} context.activeUsers = @activeUsers ? [] context.revenue = @revenue ? [] context.revenueGroups = @revenueGroups ? {} context.dayEnrollmentsMap = @dayEnrollmentsMap ? {} context.enrollmentDays = @enrollmentDays ? [] context afterRender: -> super() @createLineCharts() loadData: -> @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/analytics_perday/-/active_classes' method: 'POST' success: (data) => # Organize data by day, then group groupMap = {} dayGroupMap = {} for activeClass in data dayGroupMap[] ?= {} dayGroupMap[]['Total'] = 0 for group, val of activeClass.classes groupMap[group] = true dayGroupMap[][group] = val dayGroupMap[]['Total'] += val @activeClassGroups = Object.keys(groupMap) @activeClassGroups.push 'Total' # Build list of active classes, where each entry is a day of individual group values @activeClasses = [] for day of dayGroupMap dashedDay = "#{day.substring(0, 4)}-#{day.substring(4, 6)}-#{day.substring(6, 8)}" data = day: dashedDay, groups: [] for group in @activeClassGroups data.groups.push(dayGroupMap[day][group] ? 0) @activeClasses.push data @activeClasses.sort (a, b) -> @updateAllKPIChartData() @updateActiveClassesChartData() @render?() }, 0).load() @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/analytics_perday/-/active_users' method: 'POST' success: (data) => @activeUsers = (a) -> = "#{, 4)}-#{, 6)}-#{, 8)}" a @activeUsers.sort (a, b) -> @updateAllKPIChartData() @updateActiveUsersChartData() @updateCampaignVsClassroomActiveUsersChartData() @render?() }, 0).load() @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/analytics_perday/-/recurring_revenue' method: 'POST' success: (data) => # Organize data by day, then group groupMap = {} dayGroupCountMap = {} for dailyRevenue in data dayGroupCountMap[] ?= {} dayGroupCountMap[]['DRR Total'] = 0 for group, val of dailyRevenue.groups groupMap[group] = true dayGroupCountMap[][group] = val dayGroupCountMap[]['DRR Total'] += val @revenueGroups = Object.keys(groupMap) @revenueGroups.push 'DRR Total' # Build list of recurring revenue entries, where each entry is a day of individual group values @revenue = [] for day of dayGroupCountMap dashedDay = "#{day.substring(0, 4)}-#{day.substring(4, 6)}-#{day.substring(6, 8)}" data = day: dashedDay, groups: [] for group in @revenueGroups data.groups.push(dayGroupCountMap[day][group] ? 0) @revenue.push data # Order present to past @revenue.sort (a, b) -> return unless @revenue.length > 0 # Add monthly recurring revenue values # For each daily group, add up monthly values walking forward through time, and add to revenue groups monthlyDailyGroupMap = {} dailyGroupIndexMap = {} for group, i in @revenueGroups monthlyDailyGroupMap[group.replace('DRR', 'MRR')] = group dailyGroupIndexMap[group] = i for monthlyGroup, dailyGroup of monthlyDailyGroupMap monthlyValues = [] for i in [@revenue.length-1..0] dailyTotal = @revenue[i].groups[dailyGroupIndexMap[dailyGroup]] monthlyValues.push(dailyTotal) monthlyValues.shift() while monthlyValues.length > 30 if monthlyValues.length is 30 @revenue[i].groups.push(_.reduce(monthlyValues, (s, num) -> s + num)) for monthlyGroup, dailyGroup of monthlyDailyGroupMap @revenueGroups.push monthlyGroup @updateAllKPIChartData() @updateRevenueChartData() @render?() }, 0).load() @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/user/-/school_counts' method: 'POST' data: {minCount: @minSchoolCount} success: (@schoolCounts) => @schoolCounts?.sort (a, b) -> return -1 if a.count > b.count return 0 if a.count is b.count 1 @renderSelectors?('#school-counts') }, 0).load() @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/payment/-/school_sales' success: (@schoolSales) => @schoolSales?.sort (a, b) -> return -1 if a.created > b.created return 0 if a.created is b.created 1 @renderSelectors?('.school-sales') }, 0).load() @supermodel.addRequestResource({ url: '/db/prepaid/-/courses' method: 'POST' data: {project: {maxRedeemers: 1, properties: 1, redeemers: 1}} success: (prepaids) => paidDayMaxMap = {} paidDayRedeemedMap = {} trialDayMaxMap = {} trialDayRedeemedMap = {} for prepaid in prepaids day = utils.objectIdToDate(prepaid._id).toISOString().substring(0, 10) if or trialDayMaxMap[day] ?= 0 if trialDayMaxMap[day] += prepaid.redeemers?.length ? 0 else trialDayMaxMap[day] += prepaid.maxRedeemers for redeemer in (prepaid.redeemers ? []) redeemDay =, 10) trialDayRedeemedMap[redeemDay] ?= 0 trialDayRedeemedMap[redeemDay]++ else paidDayMaxMap[day] ?= 0 paidDayMaxMap[day] += prepaid.maxRedeemers for redeemer in prepaid.redeemers redeemDay =, 10) paidDayRedeemedMap[redeemDay] ?= 0 paidDayRedeemedMap[redeemDay]++ @dayEnrollmentsMap = {} @paidCourseTotalEnrollments = [] for day, count of paidDayMaxMap @paidCourseTotalEnrollments.push({day: day, count: count}) @dayEnrollmentsMap[day] ?= {paidIssued: 0, paidRedeemed: 0, trialIssued: 0, trialRedeemed: 0} @dayEnrollmentsMap[day].paidIssued += count @paidCourseTotalEnrollments.sort (a, b) -> @paidCourseRedeemedEnrollments = [] for day, count of paidDayRedeemedMap @paidCourseRedeemedEnrollments.push({day: day, count: count}) @dayEnrollmentsMap[day] ?= {paidIssued: 0, paidRedeemed: 0, trialIssued: 0, trialRedeemed: 0} @dayEnrollmentsMap[day].paidRedeemed += count @paidCourseRedeemedEnrollments.sort (a, b) -> @trialCourseTotalEnrollments = [] for day, count of trialDayMaxMap @trialCourseTotalEnrollments.push({day: day, count: count}) @dayEnrollmentsMap[day] ?= {paidIssued: 0, paidRedeemed: 0, trialIssued: 0, trialRedeemed: 0} @dayEnrollmentsMap[day].trialIssued += count @trialCourseTotalEnrollments.sort (a, b) -> @trialCourseRedeemedEnrollments = [] for day, count of trialDayRedeemedMap @trialCourseRedeemedEnrollments.push({day: day, count: count}) @dayEnrollmentsMap[day] ?= {paidIssued: 0, paidRedeemed: 0, trialIssued: 0, trialRedeemed: 0} @dayEnrollmentsMap[day].trialRedeemed += count @trialCourseRedeemedEnrollments.sort (a, b) -> @updateEnrollmentsChartData() @render?() }, 0).load() @courses = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/course", model: Course}) @courses.comparator = "_id" @listenToOnce @courses, 'sync', @onCoursesSync @supermodel.loadCollection(@courses) onCoursesSync: -> # Assumes courses retrieved in order @courseOrderMap = {} @courseOrderMap[@courses.models[i].get('_id')] = i for i in [0...@courses.models.length] startDay = new Date() startDay.setUTCDate(startDay.getUTCDate() - @furthestCourseDayRange) startDay = startDay.toISOString().substring(0, 10) options = url: '/db/course_instance/-/recent' method: 'POST' data: {startDay: startDay} options.error = (models, response, options) => return if @destroyed console.error 'Failed to get recent course instances', response options.success = (data) => @onCourseInstancesSync(data) @renderSelectors?('#furthest-course') @supermodel.addRequestResource(options, 0).load() onCourseInstancesSync: (data) -> @courseDistributionsRecent = [] @courseDistributions = [] return unless data.courseInstances and data.students and data.prepaids createCourseDistributions = (numDays) => # Find student furthest course startDate = new Date() startDate.setUTCDate(startDate.getUTCDate() - numDays) teacherStudentsMap = {} studentFurthestCourseMap = {} studentPaidStatusMap = {} for courseInstance in data.courseInstances continue if utils.objectIdToDate(courseInstance._id) < startDate courseID = courseInstance.courseID teacherID = courseInstance.ownerID for studentID in courseInstance.members studentPaidStatusMap[studentID] = 'free' if not studentFurthestCourseMap[studentID] or studentFurthestCourseMap[studentID] < @courseOrderMap[courseID] studentFurthestCourseMap[studentID] = @courseOrderMap[courseID] teacherStudentsMap[teacherID] ?= [] teacherStudentsMap[teacherID].push(studentID) # Find paid students prepaidUserMap = {} for user in data.students continue unless studentPaidStatusMap[user._id] if prepaidID = user.coursePrepaidID studentPaidStatusMap[user._id] = 'paid' prepaidUserMap[prepaidID] ?= [] prepaidUserMap[prepaidID].push(user._id) # Find trial students for prepaid in data.prepaids continue unless prepaidUserMap[prepaid._id] if for userID in prepaidUserMap[prepaid._id] studentPaidStatusMap[userID] = 'trial' # Find teacher furthest course and paid status based on their students # Paid teacher: at least one paid student # Trial teacher: at least one trial student in course instance, and no paid students # Free teacher: no paid students, no trial students # Teacher furthest course is furthest course of highest paid status student teacherFurthestCourseMap = {} teacherPaidStatusMap = {} for teacher, students of teacherStudentsMap for student in students if not teacherPaidStatusMap[teacher] teacherPaidStatusMap[teacher] = studentPaidStatusMap[student] teacherFurthestCourseMap[teacher] = studentFurthestCourseMap[student] else if teacherPaidStatusMap[teacher] is 'trial' and studentPaidStatusMap[student] is 'paid' teacherPaidStatusMap[teacher] = studentPaidStatusMap[student] teacherFurthestCourseMap[teacher] = studentFurthestCourseMap[student] else if teacherPaidStatusMap[teacher] is 'free' and studentPaidStatusMap[student] in ['paid', 'trial'] teacherPaidStatusMap[teacher] = studentPaidStatusMap[student] teacherFurthestCourseMap[teacher] = studentFurthestCourseMap[student] else if teacherFurthestCourseMap[teacher] < studentFurthestCourseMap[student] teacherFurthestCourseMap[teacher] = studentFurthestCourseMap[student] # Build table of student/teacher paid/trial/free totals updateCourseTotalsMap = (courseTotalsMap, furthestCourseMap, paidStatusMap, columnSuffix) => for user, courseIndex of furthestCourseMap courseName = @courses.models[courseIndex].get('name') courseTotalsMap[courseName] ?= {} columnName = switch paidStatusMap[user] when 'paid' then 'Paid ' + columnSuffix when 'trial' then 'Trial ' + columnSuffix when 'free' then 'Free ' + columnSuffix courseTotalsMap[courseName][columnName] ?= 0 courseTotalsMap[courseName][columnName]++ courseTotalsMap[courseName]['Total ' + columnSuffix] ?= 0 courseTotalsMap[courseName]['Total ' + columnSuffix]++ courseTotalsMap['All Courses']['Total ' + columnSuffix] ?= 0 courseTotalsMap['All Courses']['Total ' + columnSuffix]++ courseTotalsMap['All Courses'][columnName] ?= 0 courseTotalsMap['All Courses'][columnName]++ courseTotalsMap = {'All Courses': {}} updateCourseTotalsMap(courseTotalsMap, teacherFurthestCourseMap, teacherPaidStatusMap, 'Teachers') updateCourseTotalsMap(courseTotalsMap, studentFurthestCourseMap, studentPaidStatusMap, 'Students') courseDistributions = [] for courseName, totals of courseTotalsMap courseDistributions.push({courseName: courseName, totals: totals}) courseDistributions.sort (a, b) -> if a.courseName.indexOf('Introduction') >= 0 and b.courseName.indexOf('Introduction') < 0 then return -1 else if b.courseName.indexOf('Introduction') >= 0 and a.courseName.indexOf('Introduction') < 0 then return 1 else if a.courseName.indexOf('All Courses') >= 0 and b.courseName.indexOf('All Courses') < 0 then return 1 else if b.courseName.indexOf('All Courses') >= 0 and a.courseName.indexOf('All Courses') < 0 then return -1 a.courseName.localeCompare(b.courseName) courseDistributions @courseDistributionsRecent = createCourseDistributions(@furthestCourseDayRangeRecent) @courseDistributions = createCourseDistributions(@furthestCourseDayRange) createLineChartPoints: (days, data) -> points = [] for entry, i in data points.push day: y: entry.value # Trim points preceding days if points.length and days.length and points[0].day.localeCompare(days[0]) < 0 for point, i in points if[0]) >= 0 points.splice(0, i) break # Ensure points for each day for day, i in days if points.length <= i or points[i].day isnt day prevY = if i > 0 then points[i - 1].y else 0.0 points.splice i, 0, day: day y: prevY points[i].x = i points.splice(0, points.length - days.length) if points.length > days.length points createLineCharts: -> visibleWidth = $('.kpi-recent-chart').width() d3Utils.createLineChart('.kpi-recent-chart', @kpiRecentChartLines, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.kpi-chart', @kpiChartLines, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.active-classes-chart-90', @activeClassesChartLines90, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.active-classes-chart-365', @activeClassesChartLines365, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.classroom-daily-active-users-chart-90', @classroomDailyActiveUsersChartLines90, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.classroom-monthly-active-users-chart-90', @classroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines90, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.classroom-daily-active-users-chart-365', @classroomDailyActiveUsersChartLines365, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.classroom-monthly-active-users-chart-365', @classroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines365, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.campaign-daily-active-users-chart-90', @campaignDailyActiveUsersChartLines90, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.campaign-monthly-active-users-chart-90', @campaignMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines90, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.campaign-daily-active-users-chart-365', @campaignDailyActiveUsersChartLines365, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.campaign-monthly-active-users-chart-365', @campaignMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines365, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.campaign-vs-classroom-monthly-active-users-recent-chart.line-chart-container', @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersRecentChartLines, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.campaign-vs-classroom-monthly-active-users-chart.line-chart-container', @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.paid-courses-chart', @enrollmentsChartLines, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.recurring-daily-revenue-chart-90', @revenueDailyChartLines90Days, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.recurring-monthly-revenue-chart-90', @revenueMonthlyChartLines90Days, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.recurring-daily-revenue-chart-365', @revenueDailyChartLines365Days, visibleWidth) d3Utils.createLineChart('.recurring-monthly-revenue-chart-365', @revenueMonthlyChartLines365Days, visibleWidth) updateAllKPIChartData: -> @kpiRecentChartLines = [] @kpiChartLines = [] @updateKPIChartData(60, @kpiRecentChartLines) @updateKPIChartData(365, @kpiChartLines) updateKPIChartData: (timeframeDays, chartLines) -> days = d3Utils.createContiguousDays(timeframeDays) # Build active classes KPI line if @activeClasses?.length > 0 data = [] for entry in @activeClasses data.push day: value: entry.groups[entry.groups.length - 1] data.reverse() points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) chartLines.push points: points description: 'Monthly Active Classes' lineColor: 'blue' strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: true # Build recurring revenue KPI line if @revenue?.length > 0 data = [] for entry in @revenue data.push day: value: entry.groups[entry.groups.length - 1] / 100000 data.reverse() points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) chartLines.push points: points description: 'Monthly Recurring Revenue (in thousands)' lineColor: 'green' strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: true # Build campaign and classroom MAU KPI lines if @activeUsers?.length > 0 eventDayDataMap = {} for entry in @activeUsers day = for event, count of if event.indexOf('MAU campaign') >= 0 eventDayDataMap['MAU campaign'] ?= {} eventDayDataMap['MAU campaign'][day] ?= 0 eventDayDataMap['MAU campaign'][day] += count else if event.indexOf('MAU classroom') >= 0 eventDayDataMap['MAU classroom'] ?= {} eventDayDataMap['MAU classroom'][day] ?= 0 eventDayDataMap['MAU classroom'][day] += count campaignData = [] classroomData = [] for event, entry of eventDayDataMap if event is 'MAU campaign' for day, count of entry campaignData.push day: day, value: count / 1000 else for day, count of entry classroomData.push day: day, value: count / 1000 campaignData.reverse() classroomData.reverse() points = @createLineChartPoints(days, classroomData) chartLines.push points: points description: 'Classroom Monthly Active Users (in thousands)' lineColor: 'red' strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: true points = @createLineChartPoints(days, campaignData) chartLines.push points: points description: 'Campaign Monthly Active Users (in thousands)' lineColor: 'purple' strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: true updateActiveClassesChartData: -> @activeClassesChartLines90 = [] @activeClassesChartLines365 = [] return unless @activeClasses?.length groupDayMap = {} for entry in @activeClasses for count, i in entry.groups groupDayMap[@activeClassGroups[i]] ?= {} groupDayMap[@activeClassGroups[i]][] ?= 0 groupDayMap[@activeClassGroups[i]][] += count createActiveClassesChartLines = (lines, numDays) => days = d3Utils.createContiguousDays(numDays) colorIndex = 0 totalMax = 0 for group, entries of groupDayMap data = [] for day, count of entries data.push day: day value: count data.reverse() points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) lines.push points: points description: group.replace('Active classes ', '') lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 showYScale: group is 'Total' totalMax = _.max(points, 'y').y if group is 'Total' line.max = totalMax for line in lines createActiveClassesChartLines(@activeClassesChartLines90, 90) createActiveClassesChartLines(@activeClassesChartLines365, 365) updateActiveUsersChartData: -> # Create chart lines for the active user events returned by active_users in analytics_perday_handler @campaignDailyActiveUsersChartLines90 = [] @campaignMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines90 = [] @campaignDailyActiveUsersChartLines365 = [] @campaignMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines365 = [] @classroomDailyActiveUsersChartLines90 = [] @classroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines90 = [] @classroomDailyActiveUsersChartLines365 = [] @classroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines365 = [] return unless @activeUsers?.length # Separate day/value arrays by event eventDataMap = {} for entry in @activeUsers day = for event, count of eventDataMap[event] ?= [] eventDataMap[event].push day: value: count createActiveUsersChartLines = (lines, numDays, eventPrefix) => days = d3Utils.createContiguousDays(numDays) colorIndex = 0 lineMax = 0 showYScale = true for event, data of eventDataMap continue unless event.indexOf(eventPrefix) >= 0 points = @createLineChartPoints(days, _.cloneDeep(data).reverse()) lineMax = Math.max(_.max(points, 'y').y, lineMax) lines.push points: points description: event lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 showYScale: showYScale showYScale = false line.max = lineMax for line in lines createActiveUsersChartLines(@campaignDailyActiveUsersChartLines90, 90, 'DAU campaign') createActiveUsersChartLines(@campaignMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines90, 90, 'MAU campaign') createActiveUsersChartLines(@classroomDailyActiveUsersChartLines90, 90, 'DAU classroom') createActiveUsersChartLines(@classroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines90, 90, 'MAU classroom') createActiveUsersChartLines(@campaignDailyActiveUsersChartLines365, 365, 'DAU campaign') createActiveUsersChartLines(@campaignMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines365, 365, 'MAU campaign') createActiveUsersChartLines(@classroomDailyActiveUsersChartLines365, 365, 'DAU classroom') createActiveUsersChartLines(@classroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines365, 365, 'MAU classroom') updateCampaignVsClassroomActiveUsersChartData: -> @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersRecentChartLines = [] @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines = [] return unless @activeUsers?.length # Separate day/value arrays by event eventDataMap = {} for entry in @activeUsers day = for event, count of eventDataMap[event] ?= [] eventDataMap[event].push day: value: count days = d3Utils.createContiguousDays(90) colorIndex = 0 max = 0 for event, data of eventDataMap if event is 'MAU campaign paid' points = @createLineChartPoints(days, _.cloneDeep(data).reverse()) max = Math.max(max, _.max(points, 'y').y) @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersRecentChartLines.push points: points description: event lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 showYScale: true else if event is 'MAU classroom paid' points = @createLineChartPoints(days, _.cloneDeep(data).reverse()) max = Math.max(max, _.max(points, 'y').y) @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersRecentChartLines.push points: points description: event lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 showYScale: false for line in @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersRecentChartLines line.max = max days = d3Utils.createContiguousDays(365) colorIndex = 0 max = 0 for event, data of eventDataMap if event is 'MAU campaign paid' points = @createLineChartPoints(days, _.cloneDeep(data).reverse()) max = Math.max(max, _.max(points, 'y').y) @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines.push points: points description: event lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 showYScale: true else if event is 'MAU classroom paid' points = @createLineChartPoints(days, _.cloneDeep(data).reverse()) max = Math.max(max, _.max(points, 'y').y) @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines.push points: points description: event lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 showYScale: false for line in @campaignVsClassroomMonthlyActiveUsersChartLines line.max = max updateEnrollmentsChartData: -> @enrollmentsChartLines = [] return unless @paidCourseTotalEnrollments?.length and @trialCourseTotalEnrollments?.length days = d3Utils.createContiguousDays(90, false) @enrollmentDays = _.cloneDeep(days) @enrollmentDays.reverse() colorIndex = 0 dailyMax = 0 data = [] total = 0 for entry in @paidCourseTotalEnrollments total += entry.count data.push day: value: total points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) @enrollmentsChartLines.push points: points description: 'Total paid enrollments issued' lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: true dailyMax = _.max([dailyMax, _.max(points, 'y').y]) data = [] total = 0 for entry in @paidCourseRedeemedEnrollments total += entry.count data.push day: value: total points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) @enrollmentsChartLines.push points: points description: 'Total paid enrollments redeemed' lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: false dailyMax = _.max([dailyMax, _.max(points, 'y').y]) data = [] total = 0 for entry in @trialCourseTotalEnrollments total += entry.count data.push day: value: total points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) @enrollmentsChartLines.push points: points description: 'Total trial enrollments issued' lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: false dailyMax = _.max([dailyMax, _.max(points, 'y').y]) data = [] total = 0 for entry in @trialCourseRedeemedEnrollments total += entry.count data.push day: value: total points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) @enrollmentsChartLines.push points: points description: 'Total trial enrollments redeemed' lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: false dailyMax = _.max([dailyMax, _.max(points, 'y').y]) line.max = dailyMax for line in @enrollmentsChartLines updateRevenueChartData: -> @revenueDailyChartLines90Days = [] @revenueMonthlyChartLines90Days = [] @revenueDailyChartLines365Days = [] @revenueMonthlyChartLines365Days = [] return unless @revenue?.length groupDayMap = {} for entry in @revenue for count, i in entry.groups groupDayMap[@revenueGroups[i]] ?= {} groupDayMap[@revenueGroups[i]][] ?= 0 groupDayMap[@revenueGroups[i]][] += count addRevenueChartLine = (days, eventPrefix, lines) => colorIndex = 0 dailyMax = 0 for group, entries of groupDayMap continue unless group.indexOf(eventPrefix) >= 0 data = [] for day, count of entries data.push day: day value: count / 100 data.reverse() points = @createLineChartPoints(days, data) lines.push points: points description: group.replace(eventPrefix + ' ', 'Daily ') lineColor: @lineColors[colorIndex++ % @lineColors.length] strokeWidth: 1 min: 0 max: _.max(points, 'y').y showYScale: group is eventPrefix + ' Total' dailyMax = _.max(points, 'y').y if group is eventPrefix + ' Total' for line in lines line.max = dailyMax addRevenueChartLine(d3Utils.createContiguousDays(90), 'DRR', @revenueDailyChartLines90Days) addRevenueChartLine(d3Utils.createContiguousDays(90), 'MRR', @revenueMonthlyChartLines90Days) addRevenueChartLine(d3Utils.createContiguousDays(365), 'DRR', @revenueDailyChartLines365Days) addRevenueChartLine(d3Utils.createContiguousDays(365), 'MRR', @revenueMonthlyChartLines365Days)