RootView = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/play/ladder_home' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' class LevelSessionsCollection extends CocoCollection url: '' model: LevelSession constructor: (model) -> super() @url = "/db/user/#{}/level.sessions?project=state.complete,levelID" module.exports = class LadderHomeView extends RootView id: 'ladder-home-view' template: template constructor: (options) -> super options @levelStatusMap = {} @sessions = new LevelSessionsCollection() @sessions.fetch() @listenToOnce @sessions, 'sync', @onSessionsLoaded onSessionsLoaded: (e) -> for session in @sessions.models @levelStatusMap[session.get('levelID')] = if session.get('state')?.complete then 'complete' else 'started' @render() getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super(context) arenas = [ { name: 'Criss-Cross' difficulty: 5 id: 'criss-cross' image: '/file/db/level/5391f3d519dc22b8082159b2/banner2.png' description: 'Participate in a bidding war with opponents to reach the other side!' } { name: 'Greed' difficulty: 4 id: 'greed' image: '/file/db/level/53558b5a9914f5a90d7ccddb/greed_banner.jpg' description: 'Liked Dungeon Arena and Gold Rush? Put them together in this economic arena!' } { name: 'Sky Span (Testing)' difficulty: 3 id: 'sky-span' image: '/file/db/level/53c80fce0ddbef000084c667/sky-Span-banner.jpg' description: 'Preview version of an upgraded Dungeon Arena. Help us with hero balance before release!' } { name: 'Dungeon Arena' difficulty: 3 id: 'dungeon-arena' image: '/file/db/level/53173f76c269d400000543c2/Level%20Banner%20Dungeon%20Arena.jpg' description: 'Play head-to-head against fellow Wizards in a dungeon melee!' } { name: 'Gold Rush' difficulty: 3 id: 'gold-rush' image: '/file/db/level/533353722a61b7ca6832840c/Gold-Rush.png' description: 'Prove you are better at collecting gold than your opponent!' } { name: 'Brawlwood' difficulty: 4 id: 'brawlwood' image: '/file/db/level/52d97ecd32362bc86e004e87/Level%20Banner%20Brawlwood.jpg' description: 'Combat the armies of other Wizards in a strategic forest arena! (Fast computer required.)' } ] context.campaigns = [ {id: 'multiplayer', name: 'Multiplayer Arenas', description: '... in which you code head-to-head against other players.', levels: arenas} ] context.levelStatusMap = @levelStatusMap context afterRender: -> super() @$el.find('.modal').on '', -> $('input:visible:first', @).focus()