/** * Based upon: * A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Name Matching * Top, P.; Dowla, F.; Gansemer, J.; * Sch. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN * * Variation in JavaScript * Copyright © 2011, Christopher Stoll * @author Christopher Stoll * * @constructor * @param {String} [pNameSource=''] The source name, the name of interest * @param {Boolean} [pDebug=false] The instance is in debugging mode * @param {String} [pDebugOutputArea=''] Where to put debuging output */ function fuzziac(pNameSource, pDebug, pDebugOutputArea){ var tNameSource = pNameSource || ''; if(tNameSource){ // convert "last, first" to "first last" if(tNameSource.indexOf(',') > 0){ var tIndex = tNameSource.indexOf(','), tFirst = tNameSource.slice(tIndex+1), tLast = tNameSource.slice(0, tIndex); tNameSource = tFirst + ' ' + tLast; } // all lowercase, no special characters, and no double sapces tNameSource = tNameSource.toLowerCase(); tNameSource = tNameSource.replace(/[.'"]/ig, ' '); tNameSource = tNameSource.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); } // TODO: remove when converted for string matching only // debug variables this.DEBUG = pDebug || false; this.DEBUG_AREA = pDebugOutputArea; // y axis in matrix, the name in question this.nameSource = tNameSource; this.nameSourceLength = this.nameSource.length + 1; this.nameSourceScore = 0; this._reset(); } fuzziac.prototype = { /** * Reset class variables * @private */ _reset: function(pNameTarget){ var tNameTarget = pNameTarget || ''; // TODO: remove when converted for string matching only if(tNameTarget){ tNameTarget = tNameTarget.toLowerCase(); tNameTarget = tNameTarget.replace(/[.,'"]/ig, ''); tNameTarget = tNameTarget.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); } // x axis in matrix, the name to check against this.nameTarget = tNameTarget; this.nameTargetLength = this.nameTarget.length + 1; this.nameTargetScore = 0; // DV, the dunamic programming matrix this.dynamicMatrix = []; // Max value in the matrix this.maxMatrixValue = 0; // the score for the string this.overallScore = 0; // weighted average of string and tokens this.finalScore = 0; }, /** * CM, character mismatch lookup, * Abreviated 2D array for hex values * * @static * @field */ characterMatrix: [ //bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 'a0004000000000400000000000', // a '0a000000000000000000000000', // b '00a00000004000002000000000', // c '000a0000000000000002000000', // d '4000a000000000000000000020', // e '00000a00000000020000020000', // f '000000a0000000000000000000', // g '0000000a040000000000000000', // h '00000000a20400000000000020', // i '000000042a0000000000000040', // j '0040000000a000002000000000', // k '00000000400a00000000000000', // l '000000000000a4000000000000', // m '0000000000004a000000000000', // n '40000000000000a00000000000', // o '000002000000000a0000000000', // p '0020000000200000a000000000', // q '00000000000000000a00000000', // r '000000000000000000a0000000', // s '0002000000000000000a000000', // t '00000000000000000000a00000', // u '000002000000000000000a4000', // v '0000000000000000000004a000', // w '00000000000000000000000a00', // x '000020002400000000000000a0', // y '0000000000000000002000000a', // z '00000000000000400000000000', // 0 '00000000400400000000000000', // 1 '00000000000000000100000002', // 2 '00002000000000000000000001', // 3 '20000002000000000000000000', // 4 '00000000000000000020000000', // 5 '01000010000000000000000000', // 6 '00000000100100000002000000', // 7 '01000000000000000000000000', // 8 '00000020000000000000000000' // 9 ], /** * Dictionary to speed lookups in the character matrix * * @static * @field */ charMatrixDictionary: { a: 0, b: 1, c: 2, d: 3, e: 4, f: 5, g: 6, h: 7, i: 8, j: 9, k: 10, l: 11, m: 12, n: 13, o: 14, p: 15, q: 16, r: 17, s: 18, t: 19, u: 20, v: 21, w: 22, x: 23, y: 24, z: 25, 0: 26, 1: 27, 2: 28, 3: 29, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 32, 7: 33, 8: 34, 9: 35 }, /** * Return a matching score for two characters * * @private * @param {String} pCharA The first character to test * @param {String} pCharB The second character to test * @returns {Number} Score for the current characters */ _characterScore: function(pCharA, pCharB){ var matchScore = 10, mismatchScore = 0, mismatchPenalty = -4, charIndexA = 0, charIndexB = 0, refValue = 0; if(pCharA && pCharB){ if(pCharA == pCharB){ return matchScore; }else{ charIndexA = this.charMatrixDictionary[pCharA]; charIndexB = this.charMatrixDictionary[pCharB]; if(charIndexA && charIndexB){ mismatchScore = this.characterMatrix[charIndexA][charIndexB] refValue = parseInt(mismatchScore, 16); if(refValue){ return refValue; }else{ return mismatchPenalty; } }else{ return mismatchPenalty; } } }else{ return mismatchPenalty; } }, /** * Return a score for string gaps * * @private * @param {String} pCharA The first character to test * @param {String} pCharB The second character to test * @returns {Number} Score for the current characters */ _gappedScore: function(pCharA, pCharB){ var gapPenalty = -3, mismatchPenalty = -4; if((pCharA == ' ') || (pCharB == ' ')){ return gapPenalty; }else{ return mismatchPenalty; } }, /** * Return a score for transposed strings * TODO: Either actuallly check for transposed characters or eliminate * * @private * @param {String} pCharA The first character to test * @param {String} pCharB The second character to test * @returns {Number} Score for the current characters */ _transposedScore: function(pCharA, pCharB){ var transposePenalty = -2; return transposePenalty; }, /** * Build the dynamic programming matrix for the two current strings * @private */ _buildMatrix: function(){ var tmpArray = [], tCharA = '', tCharB = '', gapScore = 0; // fill DV, the dynamic programming matrix, with zeros for(var ix=0; ix this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1]) && (this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix-1] > this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1])){ this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1] = Math.max( this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix], this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix-1] ); this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix] = Math.max( this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1] + this._transposedScore(tCharA, tCharB), this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix] ); } } } }, /** * Backtrack through the matrix to find the best path * @private */ _backtrack: function(){ var tmaxi = 0, maxix = 0; // find the intial local max for(var ix=this.nameTargetLength-1; ix>0; ix--){ if(this.dynamicMatrix[this.nameSourceLength-1][ix] > tmaxi){ tmaxi = this.dynamicMatrix[this.nameSourceLength-1][ix]; maxix = ix; } // break out of loop if we have reached zeros after non zeros if((tmaxi > 0) && (this.dynamicMatrix[this.nameSourceLength-1][ix+1] == 0)){ break; } } if(tmaxi <= 0){ return false; } var ix = maxix, iy = this.nameSourceLength-1, ixLast = 0, iyLast = 0, diagonal = 0, above = 0, left = 0; // TODO: replace with better algo or refactor while((iy>0) && (ix>0)){ // store max value if(this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix] > this.maxMatrixValue){ this.maxMatrixValue = this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix]; } // DEBUG if(this.DEBUG){ $('#'+this.DEBUG_AC+'-'+(iy+1)+'-'+(ix+1)).css('background-color','#ccc'); } // calculate values for possible paths diagonal = this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1]; above = this.dynamicMatrix[iy][ix-1]; left = this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix]; // choose next path if((diagonal>=above) && (diagonal>=left)){ iy--; ix--; }else if((above>=diagonal) && (above>=left)){ ix--; }else if((left>=diagonal) && (left>=above)){ iy--; } // end while if we have all zeros if((diagonal == 0) && (above == 0) && (left == 0)){ iy = 0; ix = 0; } } return true; }, /** * Calculate the final match score for this pair of names * @private */ _finalMatchScore: function(){ var averageNameLength = (this.nameSourceLength + this.nameTargetLength) / 2 this.overallScore = (2 * this.maxMatrixValue) / averageNameLength; this.finalScore = this.overallScore / 10; }, /** * Display debug information * TODO: remove when converted for string matching only * * @private */ _debug_ShowDVtable: function(){ var DEBUG_AA = 0, DEBUG_AB = ''; DEBUG_AC = Math.round(Math.random() * 9999); this.DEBUG_AC = DEBUG_AC; DEBUG_AB += ''; for(var iy=0; iy<=(this.nameSourceLength); iy++){ DEBUG_AB += ''; for(var ix=0; ix<=(this.nameTargetLength); ix++){ if(iy==0){ if(ix>1){ DEBUG_AB += ''; }else{ DEBUG_AB += ''; } }else{ if(ix>0){ DEBUG_AA = Math.round(this.dynamicMatrix[iy-1][ix-1] * 100) / 100; DEBUG_AB += ''; }else{ if(iy>1){ DEBUG_AB += ''; }else{ DEBUG_AB += ''; } } } } DEBUG_AB += ''; } DEBUG_AB += '
'; $(this.DEBUG_AREA).append(DEBUG_AB); }, /** * Public method to perform a search * * @param {String} pNameTarget The target to compare the source with * @returns The match score of the two strings */ score: function(pNameTarget){ this._reset(pNameTarget); this._buildMatrix(); if(this.DEBUG){ this._debug_ShowDVtable(); } this._backtrack(); this._finalMatchScore(); return this.finalScore; }, /** * Find matches from an array of choices * * @param {String[]} pArray The array of strings to check against * @param {Number} [10] pLimit The number of resutls to return * @returns {string[]} The top matching strings */ topMatchesFromArray: function(pArray, pLimit){ var tmpValue = 0, tmpValRound = 0, worstValue = 0, resultLimit = pLimit || 10, resultArray = []; for(var i=0; i resultArray[resultLimit-1].v){ newObj = {v:tmpValue,n:pArray[i]}; tmpObj = {v:0,n:''}; for(var j=0; j resultArray[j].v){ tmpObj.v = resultArray[j].v; tmpObj.n = resultArray[j].n; resultArray[j].v = newObj.v; resultArray[j].n = newObj.n; newObj.v = tmpObj.v; newObj.n = tmpObj.n; } } } } for(var i=0; i