extends /templates/base block content div.contribute_class include /templates/contribute/contribute_nav div.class-main#diplomat-main .class_image img(src="/images/pages/contribute/diplomat.png", alt="") h2 Diplomat (Translator) p So, if there's one thing we learned from the a(href="blog.codecombat.com/post/64658141307/codecombat-in-y-combinator") launch in October | , it's that there | is sizeable interest in CodeCombat in other countries, particularly Brazil! | We're building a corps of translators eager to turn one set of words into | another set of words to get CodeCombat as accessible across the world as possible. | If you like getting sneak peeks at upcoming content and getting these levels to | your fellow nationals ASAP, then this class might be for you. h4 Class Attributes ul li Fluency in English and the language you would like to translate to. | When conveying complicated ideas, it's important to have a strong grasp in both! h4 How to Join p We've started a lot of initial translations at a(href="https://docs.google.com/a/codecombat.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjsR1nOoMQ4MdFBqS1NqUmRTVG1hbEMxWTZEd1JrNXc&usp=drive_web#gid=0") this Google Doc | , so check it out and add things for your language. Also, check this box below to | keep up-to-date on new internationalization developments! if me.attributes.anonymous div#sign-up.alert.alert-info strong Hey there! | To subscribe for class emails, you'll need to a(data-toggle="coco-modal", data-target="modal/signup") create an account | first . label.checkbox(for="translator").well input(type='checkbox', name="translator", id="translator") | Get emails about i18n developments and levels to translate. .saved-notification ✓ Saved h4 Changes are saved automatically when you toggle checkboxes. #Contributors h3 Our Translating Diplomats: ul.diplomats li Turkish - Nazım Gediz Aydındoğmuş li Brazilian Portuguese - Gutenberg Barros, Kieizroe, Matthew Burt li Portugal Portuguese - Matthew Burt li German - Dirk, Anon li Thai - Kamolchanok Jittrepit li Greek - Stergios li Latin American Spanish - Jesús Ruppel, Matthew Burt, Mariano Luzza li Spain Spanish - Matthew Burt, Anon li French - Xeonarno, Anon li Hungarian - Anon li Japanese - g1itch li Chinese - spacepope li Polish - Anon li Danish - Anon li Slovak - Anon div.clearfix