extends /templates/base block content - var base = "/images/pages/play/ladder/prize_"; div#ladder-top div#level-column if levelDescription div!= levelDescription else h1= level.get('name') if league h1 #{league.get('name')} League if level.get('name') == 'Greed' .tournament-blurb h2 span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_ended") Tournament ended | #{tournamentTimeLeft} p span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb") Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career in our $40,000 Greed tournament! Check out the details | a(href="http://blog.codecombat.com/multiplayer-programming-tournament", data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_blog") on our blog | . p strong Tournament ended! a(href="#winners") Behold the winners | . Thanks for playing! You can strong still play | Greed and all of our other a(href="/play/ladder") multiplayer arenas | . p | Want to commiserate? Head over to a(href="http://discourse.codecombat.com/") the forum | and discuss your strategies, your triumphs, and your turmoils. .sponsor-logos a(href="https://heapanalytics.com/") img(src=base + "heap.png") a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") img(src=base + "firebase.png") a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") img(src=base + "one_month.png") a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") img(src=base + "webstorm.png") a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") img(src=base + "oreilly.png") a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") img(src=base + "aws.png") if level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' .tournament-blurb h2 span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_ended") Tournament ended | #{tournamentTimeLeft} p span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_criss_cross") Win bids, construct paths, outwit opponents, grab gems, and upgrade your career in our Criss-Cross tournament! Check out the details | a(href="http://blog.codecombat.com/6-programming-languages-one-victor-codecombats-newest-tournament", data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_blog") on our blog | . p strong Tournament ended! a(href="#winners") Behold the winners | . Thanks for playing! You can strong still play | Criss-Cross and all of our other a(href="/play/ladder") multiplayer arenas | . p | Want to commiserate? Head over to a(href="http://discourse.codecombat.com/") the forum | and discuss your strategies, your triumphs, and your turmoils. if level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' .tournament-blurb h2 span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_ended") Tournament ended | #{tournamentTimeLeft} //span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_started") , started //| #{tournamentTimeElapsed} p span(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_zero_sum") Unleash your coding creativity in both gold gathering and battle tactics in this alpine mirror match between red sorcerer and blue sorcerer. The tournament began on Friday, March 27 and will run until Monday, April 6 at 5PM PDT. Compete for fun and glory! Check out the details | a(href="http://blog.codecombat.com/zero-sum", data-i18n="ladder.tournament_blurb_blog") on our blog | . p strong Tournament ended! a(href="#winners") Behold the winners | . Thanks for playing! You can strong still play | Zero Sum as long as you like. p | Want to commiserate? Head over to a(href="http://discourse.codecombat.com/") the forum | and discuss your strategies, your triumphs, and your turmoils. div#columns.row div.column.col-md-2 for team in teams div.column.col-md-4 a(class="play-button btn btn-illustrated btn-block btn-lg " + (team.id == 'ogres' ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-danger'), data-team=team.id) span(data-i18n="play.play_as") Play As | span= team.name div.column.col-md-2 .spectate-button-container a(href="/play/spectate/#{level.get('slug')}").spectate-button.btn.btn-illustrated.btn-info.center span(data-i18n="play.spectate") Spectate ul.nav.nav-pills li.active a(href="#ladder", data-toggle="tab", data-i18n="general.ladder") Ladder if !me.get('anonymous') li a(href="#my-matches", data-toggle="tab", data-i18n="ladder.my_matches") My Matches li a(href="#simulate", data-toggle="tab", data-i18n="ladder.simulate") Simulate if level.get('name') == 'Greed' li a(href="#prizes", data-toggle="tab", data-i18n="ladder_prizes.prizes") Prizes if level.get('name') == 'Greed' li a(href="#rules", data-toggle="tab", data-i18n="ladder.rules") Rules if level.get('name') == 'Greed' || level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' li a(href="#winners", data-toggle="tab", data-i18n="ladder.winners") Winners div.tab-content .tab-pane.active.well#ladder #ladder-tab-view .tab-pane.well#my-matches #my-matches-tab-view .tab-pane.well#simulate #simulate-tab-view if level.get('name') == 'Greed' .tab-pane.well#prizes h1(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.title") Tournament Prizes p span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.blurb_1") These prizes will be awarded according to | a(href="#rules", data-i18n="ladder_prizes.blurb_2") the tournament rules | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.blurb_3") to the top human and ogre players. | strong(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.blurb_4") Two teams means double the prizes! | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.blurb_5") (There will be two first place winners, two second-place winners, etc.) table#prize_table.table thead tr td(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.rank") Rank td(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.prizes") Prizes td(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.total_value") Total Value tbody tr td 1st td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash1.png") span $512 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "custom_wizard.png") span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.custom_wizard") Custom CodeCombat Wizard li img(src=base + "custom_avatar.png") span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.custom_avatar") Custom CodeCombat avatar li img(src=base + "heap.png") span a(href="https://heapanalytics.com/") Heap Analytics | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.heap") for six months of "Startup" access | - $354 li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_coupon") coupon: choose either Rails or HTML | - $99 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $2054 tr td 2nd td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash2.png") span $256 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "custom_avatar.png") span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.custom_avatar") Custom CodeCombat avatar li img(src=base + "heap.png") span a(href="https://heapanalytics.com/") Heap Analytics | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.heap") for six months of "Startup" access | - $354 li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $1229 tr td 3rd td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash2.png") span $128 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "custom_avatar.png") span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.custom_avatar") Custom CodeCombat avatar li img(src=base + "heap.png") span a(href="https://heapanalytics.com/") Heap Analytics | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.heap") for six months of "Startup" access | - $354 li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $1101 tr td 4th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $64 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "heap.png") span a(href="https://heapanalytics.com/") Heap Analytics | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.heap") for six months of "Startup" access | - $354 li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $887 tr td 5th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $32 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "heap.png") span a(href="https://heapanalytics.com/") Heap Analytics | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.heap") for six months of "Startup" access | - $354 li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $855 tr td 6th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $16 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $485 tr td 7th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $8 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $477 tr td 8th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $4 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $473 tr td 9th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $2 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $471 tr td 10th td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "cash3.png") span $1 span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.in_cash") in cash li img(src=base + "firebase.png") span a(href="https://www.firebase.com/") Firebase | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $300 li img(src=base + "one_month.png") span a(href="https://onemonthrails.com/") One Month Rails | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.one_month_discount") discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML | - $30 li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $470 tr td 11 - 40 td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "webstorm.png") span a(href="http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/") Webstorm | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.license") license | - $49 li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $139 tr td 41 - 100 td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "oreilly.png") span a(href="http://shop.oreilly.com/category/ebooks.do") O'Reilly | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.oreilly") ebook of your choice | - $40 li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $90 tr td 101+ td ul.list-unstyled li img(src=base + "aws.png") span a(href="http://aws.amazon.com/") Amazon Web Services | span(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.credits") credits | - $50 td $50 if level.get('name') == 'Greed' .tab-pane.well#rules h1(data-i18n="ladder.tournament_rules") Tournament Rules h2 General p You don't have to buy anything to participate in the tournament, and trying to pay us won't increase your odds of winning. Although we don't anticipate the rules changing, they are subject to change. h2 Dates and Times p The tournament starts on Tuesday, May 20 at 8:30AM and ends on Tuesday, June 10 at 5:00PM PDT. After the tournament finishes, we will check the games manually to prevent duplicate entries and cheating. We will email all the winners within two weeks of the end date. h2 Eligilibity p The tournament is open to anyone over the age of 13. Players are allowed to form teams to compete, but we will only be rewarding submissions, so if a team of 10 wins, they will need to split the prize. p The tournament is NOT open to people who live in countries or states that prohibit participating or receiving a prize in a challenge (these include, but are not limited to Brazil, Quebec, Italy, Cuba, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, and Syria). To clarify, people from the aforementioned places are welcome to play the Greed level, but cannot receive prizes. Organizations involved in putting the tournament together (namely CodeCombat and all of our employees) are excluded from participating/winning prizes. h2 Submission Requirements p | To be eligible to win prizes, players must submit their code to the Greed ladder for ranking AND defeat our default AI. Every player that submits their code to the ladder and beats our default AI will receive $50 in AWS credits as described on the a(href="#prizes", data-i18n="ladder_prizes.tournament_prizes") Tournament Prizes | page. p | There are some restrictions regarding who can use the AWS credits. Please see the additional rules of use on a(href="https://aws.amazon.com/awscredits") Amazon's AWS credits page. h2 Submission Rights p We reserve the right to use your submission and site identity (including username, avatar, and any information you mark as public) to promote the tournament. This is in keeping with our overall site terms of service. h2 Judging Criteria p | We will calculate final rankings by running the top games from the public leaderboard from both teams against each other and sorting solutions by wins and losses. The number of games from each side to be used in the final ranking is yet to be determined, but is probably around 150. The final ranking will be performed with a snapshot of solutions taken the end of the contest. The final ranking methedology is subject to change. We will not be evaluating code in any manual way for common traits like adequate documentation, cleanliness, etc. We reserve the right to disqualify any player for any reason. The public leaderboards are a good proxy for your final rank, but are not guaranteed to be accurate. To repeat, strong the leaderboards are only a preliminary proxy for your final rank | . p | Your rank will change as players submit more solutions and more matches are played according to a(href="https://github.com/codecombat/bayesian-battle") our open-source ranking library, Bayesian Battle | , but our final ranking will use an exhaustive pairwise matching round amongst the top players as described above. h2 Prizes p | Prizes will be awarded to everyone that achieves a rank covered on the a(href="#prizes", data-i18n="ladder.prizes") Tournament Prizes | page. p Please remember that the player ranks listed on the prize page refer to ranks WITHIN a leaderboard. So if you are the #2 Ogre player, you will win the #2 prize. Similarly, if you are the #3 Human player, you will receive the #3 prize. If you have submissions on both leaderboards, we will only count your highest submission for the purposes of distributing prizes. As a result, your final ranking may be higher than your preliminary ranking due to removing duplicate submissions above you. h2 Verifying Potential Winners p We may ask players to identify themselves so that we can detect duplicate entries. This may be done in the form of a Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn profile, but we may need more information. All players eligible for prizes agree that refusing to provide us with identifying information may lead to ineligibility for prizes. p On a related note, if we have reason to believe that a player has intentionally submitted duplicate entries for the purpose of receiving more prizes or manipulating the leaderboards in any way, we will remove that player and all submissions we believe to be associated with them. We want this to be fair for everyone. h2 Prize Distribution p Different sponsors require different ways of claiming their prizes, and we will work with winners to ensure they are able to redeem their prizes in a timely fashion. For cash prizes, we will deliver the money via PayPal. We will not ship checks, money orders, or cash through the mail. We will assume reasonable international money transfer costs to deliver cash prizes through Paypal. p Winners are responsible for any taxes associated with claiming their prizes. CodeCombat is not responsible for filing paperwork on behalf of winners for tax claims. h2 Contact p | If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us for any other reason, we can be reached at team@codecombat.com. You can also post to our public a(href="http://discourse.codecombat.com/") Discourse forum | . if level.get('name') == 'Greed' || level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' .tab-pane.well#winners h1(data-i18n="ladder.winners") Winners table.table.table-hover.table-condensed thead tr th(data-i18n="ladder_prizes.rank") Rank if level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' th th Human if level.get('name') == 'Greed' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' th Human wins/losses/ties else th Human score if level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' th if level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' th th Ogre if level.get('name') == 'Greed' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' th Ogre wins/losses/ties else th Ogre score th Spectate tbody each human, index in winners.humans - var ogre = winners.ogres[index] tr td= human.rank if level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' td.code-language-cell(style="background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/" + human.codeLanguage + "_icon.png)" title=_.string.capitalize(human.codeLanguage)) td= human.name if level.get('name') == 'Greed' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' td span.win= human.wins | - span.loss= human.losses | - if level.get('name') == 'Greed' span.tie= 377 - human.wins - human.losses else if level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' span.tie= 108 - human.wins - human.losses else td span= Math.round(100 * human.score) if ogre if level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' td= ogre.rank if level.get('name') == 'Criss-Cross' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' td.code-language-cell(style="background-image: url(/images/common/code_languages/" + ogre.codeLanguage + "_icon.png)" title=_.string.capitalize(ogre.codeLanguage)) td= ogre.name if level.get('name') == 'Greed' || level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' td span.win= ogre.wins | - span.loss= ogre.losses | - if level.get('name') == 'Greed' span.tie= 407 - ogre.wins - ogre.losses else if level.get('name') == 'Zero Sum' span.tie= Math.max(0, 163 - ogre.wins - ogre.losses) else td span= Math.round(100 * ogre.score) td a(href="/play/spectate/" + level.get('slug') + "?session-one=" + human.sessionID + "&session-two=" + ogre.sessionID) Watch the battle else td td td