CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView' Level = require 'models/Level' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' LeaderboardCollection = require 'collections/LeaderboardCollection' {teamDataFromLevel} = require './utils' module.exports = class MyMatchesTabView extends CocoView id: 'my-matches-tab-view' template: require 'templates/play/ladder/my_matches_tab' startsLoading: true events: 'click .rank-button': 'rankSession' constructor: (options, @level, @sessions) -> super(options) @nameMap = {} @refreshMatches() refreshMatches: -> @teams = teamDataFromLevel @level @loadNames() loadNames: -> # Only fetch the names for the userIDs we don't already have in @nameMap ids = [] for session in @sessions.models for match in (session.get('matches') or []) id = match.opponents[0].userID ids.push id unless @nameMap[id] return @finishRendering() unless ids.length success = (nameMap) => for session in @sessions.models for match in session.get('matches') or [] opponent = match.opponents[0] @nameMap[opponent.userID] ?= nameMap[opponent.userID].name @finishRendering() $.ajax('/db/user/-/names', { data: {ids: ids} type: 'POST' success: success }) finishRendering: -> @startsLoading = false @render() getRenderData: -> ctx = super() ctx.level = @level ctx.levelID = @level.get('slug') or ctx.teams = @teams convertMatch = (match, submitDate) => opponent = match.opponents[0] state = 'win' state = 'loss' if match.metrics.rank > opponent.metrics.rank state = 'tie' if match.metrics.rank is opponent.metrics.rank { state: state opponentName: @nameMap[opponent.userID] opponentID: opponent.userID when: moment( sessionID: opponent.sessionID stale: < submitDate } for team in @teams team.session = (s for s in @sessions.models when s.get('team') is[0] team.readyToRank = team.session?.readyToRank() team.isRanking = team.session?.get('isRanking') team.matches = (convertMatch(match, team.session.get('submitDate')) for match in team.session?.get('matches') or []) team.matches.reverse() team.score = (team.session?.get('totalScore') or 10).toFixed(2) team.wins = _.filter(team.matches, {state: 'win'}).length team.ties = _.filter(team.matches, {state: 'tie'}).length team.losses = _.filter(team.matches, {state: 'loss'}).length scoreHistory = team.session?.get('scoreHistory') if scoreHistory?.length > 1 team.scoreHistory = scoreHistory scoreHistory = _.last scoreHistory, 100 # Chart URL needs to be under 2048 characters for GET team.currentScore = Math.round scoreHistory[scoreHistory.length - 1][1] * 100 team.chartColor = team.primaryColor.replace '#', '' #times = (s[0] for s in scoreHistory) #times = ((100 * (t - times[0]) / (times[times.length - 1] - times[0])).toFixed(1) for t in times) # Let's try being independent of time. times = (i for s, i in scoreHistory) scores = (s[1] for s in scoreHistory) lowest = _.min scores #.concat([0]) highest = _.max scores #.concat(50) scores = (Math.round(100 * (s - lowest) / (highest - lowest)) for s in scores) team.chartData = times.join(',') + '|' + scores.join(',') team.minScore = Math.round(100 * lowest) team.maxScore = Math.round(100 * highest) ctx afterRender: -> super() @$el.find('.rank-button').each (i, el) => button = $(el) sessionID ='session-id') session = _.find @sessions.models, {id: sessionID} rankingState = 'unavailable' if session.readyToRank() rankingState = 'rank' else if session.get 'isRanking' rankingState = 'ranking' @setRankingButtonText button, rankingState @$el.find('.score-chart-wrapper').each (i, el) => scoreWrapper = $(el) team = _.find @teams, name:'team-name') @generateScoreLineChart(scoreWrapper.attr('id'), team.scoreHistory, generateScoreLineChart: (wrapperID, scoreHistory,teamName) => margin = top: 20 right: 20 bottom: 30 left: 50 width = 450 - margin.left - margin.right height = 125 x = d3.time.scale().range([0,width]) y = d3.scale.linear().range([height,0]) xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom").ticks(4).outerTickSize(0) yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).orient("left").ticks(4).outerTickSize(0) line = d3.svg.line().x(((d) -> x( -> y(d.close)) selector = "#" + wrapperID svg ="svg") .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr("height", height + + margin.bottom) .append("g") .attr("transform","translate(#{margin.left},#{})") time = 0 data = (d) -> time +=1 return { date: time close: d[1] * 100 } x.domain(d3.extent(data, (d) -> y.domain(d3.extent(data, (d) -> d.close)) svg.append("g") .attr("class", "y axis") .call(yAxis) .append("text") .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)") .attr("y",4) .attr("dy", ".75em") .style("text-anchor","end") .text("Score") lineClass = "line" if teamName.toLowerCase() is "ogres" then lineClass = "ogres-line" if teamName.toLowerCase() is "humans" then lineClass = "humans-line" svg.append("path") .datum(data) .attr("class",lineClass) .attr("d",line) rankSession: (e) -> button = $('.rank-button') sessionID ='session-id') session = _.find @sessions.models, {id: sessionID} return unless session.readyToRank() @setRankingButtonText(button, 'submitting') success = => @setRankingButtonText(button, 'submitted') failure = (jqxhr, textStatus, errorThrown) => console.log jqxhr.responseText @setRankingButtonText(button, 'failed') ajaxData = {session: sessionID, levelID:, originalLevelID: @level.attributes.original, levelMajorVersion: @level.attributes.version.major} $.ajax '/queue/scoring', { type: 'POST' data: ajaxData success: success error: failure } setRankingButtonText: (rankButton, spanClass) -> rankButton.find('span').addClass('hidden') rankButton.find(".#{spanClass}").removeClass('hidden') rankButton.toggleClass 'disabled', spanClass isnt 'rank'