require '../common' describe '/db/patch', -> request = require 'request' it 'clears the db first', (done) -> clearModels [User, Article, Patch], (err) -> throw err if err done() article = {name: 'Yo', body: 'yo ma'} articleURL = getURL('/db/article') articles = {} patchURL = getURL('/db/patch') patches = {} patch = commitMessage: 'Accept this patch!' delta: {name: ['test']} editPath: '/who/knows/yes' target: id: null collection: 'article' it 'creates an Article to patch', (done) -> loginAdmin -> {uri: articleURL, json: article}, (err, res, body) -> articles[0] = body = articles[0]._id done() it 'allows someone to submit a patch to something they don\'t control', (done) -> loginJoe (joe) -> {uri: patchURL, json: patch}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect( expect( expect( expect(body.status).toBe('pending') expect(body.created).toBeDefined() expect(body.creator).toBe( patches[0] = body done() it 'adds a patch to the target document', (done) -> Article.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.toObject().patches[0]).toBeDefined() done() it 'shows up in patch requests', (done) -> patchesURL = getURL("/db/article/#{articles[0]._id}/patches") request.get {uri: patchesURL}, (err, res, body) -> body = JSON.parse(body) expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) expect(body.length).toBe(1) done() it 'allows you to set yourself as watching', (done) -> watchingURL = getURL("/db/article/#{articles[0]._id}/watch") request.put {uri: watchingURL, json: {on: true}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(body.watchers[1]).toBeDefined() done() it 'added the watcher to the target document', (done) -> Article.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.toObject().watchers[1]).toBeDefined() done() it 'does not add duplicate watchers', (done) -> watchingURL = getURL("/db/article/#{articles[0]._id}/watch") request.put {uri: watchingURL, json: {on: true}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(body.watchers.length).toBe(2) done() it 'allows removing yourself', (done) -> watchingURL = getURL("/db/article/#{articles[0]._id}/watch") request.put {uri: watchingURL, json: {on: false}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(body.watchers.length).toBe(1) done() it 'allows the submitter to withdraw the pull request', (done) -> statusURL = getURL("/db/patch/#{patches[0]._id}/status") request.put {uri: statusURL, json: {status: 'withdrawn'}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) Patch.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.get('status')).toBe 'withdrawn' Article.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.toObject().patches.length).toBe(0) done() it 'does not allow the submitter to reject or accept the pull request', (done) -> statusURL = getURL("/db/patch/#{patches[0]._id}/status") request.put {uri: statusURL, json: {status: 'rejected'}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) request.put {uri: statusURL, json: {status: 'accepted'}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) Patch.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.get('status')).toBe 'withdrawn' done() it 'allows the recipient to accept or reject the pull request', (done) -> statusURL = getURL("/db/patch/#{patches[0]._id}/status") loginAdmin -> request.put {uri: statusURL, json: {status: 'rejected'}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) Patch.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.get('status')).toBe 'rejected' request.put {uri: statusURL, json: {status: 'accepted'}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200) Patch.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.get('status')).toBe 'accepted' done() it 'keeps track of amount of submitted and accepted patches', (done) -> loginJoe (joe) -> User.findById joe.get('id'), (err, guy) -> expect(err).toBeNull() expect(guy.get 'stats.patchesSubmitted').toBe 1 expect(guy.get 'stats.patchesContributed').toBe 1 expect(guy.get 'stats.totalMiscPatches').toBe 1 expect(guy.get 'stats.articleMiscPatches').toBe 1 expect(guy.get 'stats.totalTranslationPatches').toBeUndefined() done() it 'does not allow the recipient to withdraw the pull request', (done) -> loginAdmin -> statusURL = getURL("/db/patch/#{patches[0]._id}/status") request.put {uri: statusURL, json: {status:'withdrawn'}}, (err, res, body) -> expect(res.statusCode).toBe(403) Patch.findOne({}).exec (err, article) -> expect(article.get('status')).toBe 'accepted' done()