CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView' GameMenuModal = require 'views/play/menu/GameMenuModal' template = require 'templates/play/level/tome/problem_alert' {me} = require 'core/auth' module.exports = class ProblemAlertView extends CocoView id: 'problem-alert-view' className: 'problem-alert' template: template subscriptions: 'tome:show-problem-alert': 'onShowProblemAlert' 'tome:hide-problem-alert': 'onHideProblemAlert' 'level:restart': 'onHideProblemAlert' 'tome:jiggle-problem-alert': 'onJiggleProblemAlert' 'tome:manual-cast': 'onHideProblemAlert' 'real-time-multiplayer:manual-cast': 'onHideProblemAlert' events: 'click .close': 'onRemoveClicked' 'click #problem-alert-help-button': 'onClickProblemAlertHelp' constructor: (options) -> super options @level = options.level @session = options.session @supermodel = options.supermodel if options.problem? @problem = options.problem @onWindowResize() else @$el.hide() $(window).on 'resize', @onWindowResize destroy: -> $(window).off 'resize', @onWindowResize super() getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super context if @problem? format = (s) -> marked(s.replace(//g, '>')) if s? message = @problem.aetherProblem.message # Add time to problem message if hint is for a missing null check # NOTE: This may need to be updated with Aether error hint changes if @problem.aetherProblem.hint? and /(?:null|undefined)/.test @problem.aetherProblem.hint age = @problem.aetherProblem.userInfo?.age if age? if /^Line \d+:/.test message message = message.replace /^(Line \d+)/, "$1, time #{age.toFixed(1)}" else message = "Time #{age.toFixed(1)}: #{message}" context.message = format message context.hint = format @problem.aetherProblem.hint context afterRender: -> super() if @problem? @$el.addClass('alert').addClass("alert-#{@problem.aetherProblem.level}").hide().fadeIn('slow') @$el.addClass('no-hint') unless @problem.aetherProblem.hint @playSound 'error_appear' onShowProblemAlert: (data) -> return unless $('#code-area').is(":visible") if @problem? if @$el.hasClass "alert-#{@problem.aetherProblem.level}" @$el.removeClass "alert-#{@problem.aetherProblem.level}" if @$el.hasClass "no-hint" @$el.removeClass "no-hint" @problem = data.problem @lineOffsetPx = data.lineOffsetPx or 0 @$ @onWindowResize() @render() @onJiggleProblemAlert() application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Show problem alert', {levelID: @level.get('slug'), ls: @session?.get('_id')} onJiggleProblemAlert: -> return unless @problem? @$ unless @$":visible") @$el.addClass 'jiggling' @playSound 'error_appear' pauseJiggle = => @$el?.removeClass 'jiggling' _.delay pauseJiggle, 1000 onHideProblemAlert: -> return unless @$':visible') @onRemoveClicked() onClickProblemAlertHelp: -> application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Problem alert help clicked', {levelID: @level.get('slug'), ls: @session?.get('_id')} @openModalView new GameMenuModal showTab: 'guide', level: @level, session: @session, supermodel: @supermodel onRemoveClicked: -> @playSound 'menu-button-click' @$el.hide() onWindowResize: (e) => # TODO: This all seems a little hacky if @problem? levelContentWidth = $('.level-content').outerWidth(true) goalsViewWidth = $('#goals-view').outerWidth(true) codeAreaWidth = $('#code-area').outerWidth(true) # problem alert view has 20px padding @$el.css('max-width', levelContentWidth - codeAreaWidth - goalsViewWidth + 40 + 'px') @$el.css('right', codeAreaWidth + 'px') # 110px from top roughly aligns top of alert with top of first code line # TODO: calculate this in a more dynamic, less sketchy way @$el.css('top', (110 + @lineOffsetPx) + 'px')