CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView' template = require 'templates/play/level/tome/spell_debug' Range = ace.require('ace/range').Range TokenIterator = ace.require('ace/token_iterator').TokenIterator serializedClasses = Thang: require 'lib/world/thang' Vector: require 'lib/world/vector' Rectangle: require 'lib/world/rectangle' Ellipse: require 'lib/world/ellipse' LineSegment: require 'lib/world/line_segment' module.exports = class SpellDebugView extends CocoView className: 'spell-debug-view' template: template subscriptions: 'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld' 'god:debug-value-return': 'handleDebugValue' 'god:debug-world-load-progress-changed': 'handleWorldLoadProgressChanged' 'tome:cast-spells': 'onTomeCast' 'surface:frame-changed': 'onFrameChanged' 'tome:spell-has-changed-significantly-calculation': 'onSpellChangedCalculation' events: {} constructor: (options) -> super options @ace = options.ace @thang = options.thang @spell = options.spell @progress = 0 @variableStates = {} @globals = {Math: Math, _: _, String: String, Number: Number, Array: Array, Object: Object} # ... add more as documented for className, serializedClass of serializedClasses @globals[className] = serializedClass @onMouseMove = _.throttle @onMouseMove, 25 @cache = {} @lastFrameRequested = -1 @workerIsSimulating = false @spellHasChanged = false @currentFrame = 0 @frameRate = 10 #only time it won't be set is at very beginning @debouncedTooltipUpdate = _.debounce @updateTooltipProgress, 100 pad2: (num) -> if not num? or num is 0 then '00' else ((if num < 10 then '0' else '') + num) calculateCurrentTimeString: => time = @currentFrame / @frameRate mins = Math.floor(time / 60) secs = (time - mins * 60).toFixed(1) "#{mins}:#{@pad2 secs}" setTooltipKeyAndValue: (key, value) => @hideProgressBarAndShowText() message = "Time: #{@calculateCurrentTimeString()}\n#{key}: #{value}" @$el.find('code').text message @$ setTooltipText: (text) => #perhaps changing styling here in the future @hideProgressBarAndShowText() @$el.find('code').text text @$ setTooltipProgress: (progress) => @showProgressBarAndHideText() @$el.find('.progress-bar').css('width', progress + '%').attr 'aria-valuenow', progress @$ showProgressBarAndHideText: -> @$el.find('pre').css('display', 'none') @$el.find('.progress').css('display', 'block') hideProgressBarAndShowText: -> @$el.find('pre').css('display', 'block') @$el.find('.progress').css('display', 'none') onTomeCast: -> @invalidateCache() invalidateCache: -> @cache = {} retrieveValueFromCache: (thangID, spellID, variableChain, frame) -> joinedVariableChain = variableChain.join() value = @cache[frame]?[thangID]?[spellID]?[joinedVariableChain] return value ? undefined updateCache: (thangID, spellID, variableChain, frame, value) -> currentObject = @cache keys = [frame, thangID, spellID, variableChain.join()] for keyIndex in [0...(keys.length - 1)] key = keys[keyIndex] unless key of currentObject currentObject[key] = {} currentObject = currentObject[key] currentObject[keys[keys.length - 1]] = value handleDebugValue: (e) -> {key, value} = e @workerIsSimulating = false @updateCache(,, key.split('.'), @lastFrameRequested, value) if @variableChain and not key is @variableChain.join('.') then return @setTooltipKeyAndValue(key, value) handleWorldLoadProgressChanged: (e) -> @progress = e.progress afterRender: -> super() @ace.on 'mousemove', @onMouseMove setVariableStates: (@variableStates) -> @update() isIdentifier: (t) -> t and (t.type is 'identifier' or t.value is 'this' or @globals[t.value]) onMouseMove: (e) => return if @destroyed pos = e.getDocumentPosition() it = new TokenIterator e.editor.session, pos.row, pos.column endOfLine = it.getCurrentToken()?.index is it.$rowTokens.length - 1 while it.getCurrentTokenRow() is pos.row and not @isIdentifier(token = it.getCurrentToken()) break if endOfLine or not token # Don't iterate beyond end or beginning of line it.stepBackward() if @isIdentifier token # This could be a property access, like '' or 'this.spawnedRectangles'. # We have to realize this and dig into the nesting of the objects. start = it.getCurrentTokenColumn() [chain, start, end] = [[token.value], start, start + token.value.length] while it.getCurrentTokenRow() is pos.row it.stepBackward() break unless it.getCurrentToken()?.value is '.' it.stepBackward() token = null # If we're doing a complex access like this.getEnemies().length, then length isn't a valid var. break unless @isIdentifier(prev = it.getCurrentToken()) token = prev start = it.getCurrentTokenColumn() chain.unshift token.value #Highlight all tokens, so true overrides all other conditions TODO: Refactor this later if token and (true or token.value of @variableStates or token.value is 'this' or @globals[token.value]) @variableChain = chain offsetX = e.domEvent.offsetX ? e.clientX - $( offsetY = e.domEvent.offsetY ? e.clientY - $( w = $(document).width() offsetX = w - $( - 300 if e.clientX + 300 > w @pos = {left: offsetX + 50, top: offsetY + 20} @markerRange = new Range pos.row, start, pos.row, end else @variableChain = @markerRange = null @update() onMouseOut: (e) -> @variableChain = @markerRange = null @update() updateTooltipProgress: => if @variableChain and @progress < 1 @setTooltipProgress(@progress * 100) _.delay @updateTooltipProgress, 100 onNewWorld: (e) -> @thang = @options.thang =[] if @thang @frameRate = onFrameChanged: (data) -> @currentFrame = Math.round(data.frame) @frameRate = onSpellChangedCalculation: (data) -> @spellHasChanged = data.hasChangedSignificantly update: -> if @variableChain if @spellHasChanged @setTooltipText('You\'ve changed this spell! \nPlease recast to use the hover debugger.') else if @variableChain.length is 2 and @variableChain[0] is 'this' @setTooltipKeyAndValue(@variableChain.join('.'), @stringifyValue(@thang[@variableChain[1]], 0)) else if @variableChain.length is 1 and Aether.globals[@variableChain[0]] @setTooltipKeyAndValue(@variableChain.join('.'), @stringifyValue(Aether.globals[@variableChain[0]], 0)) else if @workerIsSimulating and @progress < 1 @debouncedTooltipUpdate() else if @currentFrame is @lastFrameRequested and (cacheValue = @retrieveValueFromCache(,, @variableChain, @currentFrame)) @setTooltipKeyAndValue(@variableChain.join('.'), cacheValue) else Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:spell-debug-value-request', thangID: spellID: variableChain: @variableChain frame: @currentFrame if @currentFrame isnt @lastFrameRequested then @workerIsSimulating = true @lastFrameRequested = @currentFrame @progress = 0 @debouncedTooltipUpdate() else @$el.hide() if @variableChain?.length is 2 clearTimeout @hoveredPropertyTimeout if @hoveredPropertyTimeout @hoveredPropertyTimeout = _.delay @notifyPropertyHovered, 500 else @notifyPropertyHovered() @updateMarker() stringifyValue: (value, depth) -> return value if not value or _.isString value if _.isFunction value return if depth is 2 then undefined else '' return "" if value is @thang and depth if depth is 2 if value.constructor?.className is 'Thang' value = "<#{value.type or value.spriteName} - #{}, #{if value.pos then value.pos.toString() else 'non-physical'}>" else value = value.toString() return value isArray = _.isArray value isObject = _.isObject value return value.toString() unless isArray or isObject brackets = if isArray then ['[', ']'] else ['{', '}'] size = _.size value return brackets.join '' unless size values = [] if isArray for v in value s = @stringifyValue(v, depth + 1) values.push '' + s unless s is undefined else for key in value.apiProperties ? _.keys value s = @stringifyValue(value[key], depth + 1) values.push key + ': ' + s unless s is undefined sep = '\n' + (' ' for i in [0 ... depth]).join('') prefix = value.constructor?.className prefix ?= 'Array' if isArray prefix ?= 'Object' if isObject prefix = if prefix then prefix + ' ' else '' return "#{prefix}#{brackets[0]}#{sep} #{values.join(sep + ' ')}#{sep}#{brackets[1]}" notifyPropertyHovered: => clearTimeout @hoveredPropertyTimeout if @hoveredPropertyTimeout @hoveredPropertyTimeout = null oldHoveredProperty = @hoveredProperty @hoveredProperty = if @variableChain?.length is 2 then owner: @variableChain[0], property: @variableChain[1] else {} unless _.isEqual oldHoveredProperty, @hoveredProperty Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:spell-debug-property-hovered', @hoveredProperty updateMarker: -> if @marker @ace.getSession().removeMarker @marker @marker = null if @markerRange @marker = @ace.getSession().addMarker @markerRange, 'ace_bracket', 'text' destroy: -> @ace?.removeEventListener 'mousemove', @onMouseMove super()